Now showing items 1-20 of 42

    • A federated learning method for real-time emotion state classification from multi-modal streaming 

      Arijit, Nandi; Xhafa Xhafa, Fatos (Elsevier, 2022-08)
      Open Access
      Emotional and physical health are strongly connected and should be taken care of simultaneously to ensure completely healthy persons. A person’s emotional health can be determined by detecting emotional states from various ...
    • A scenario centred approach to emotion profiling based on EEG signal processing 

      Reyes Muñoz, María Angélica; Rebolledo Mendez, Genaro; Callaghan, Victor (Springer, 2017)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      This paper considers how the use of physiological sensing to measure human emotions will change the world in areas such as education, human-robot interfaces, job applications, interaction with friends, finding love and ...
    • A study of using SmartBox to embed emotion awareness through stimulation into e-learning environments 

      Caballé Llobet, Santiago; Barolli, Leonard; Feidakis, Michalis; Matsuo, Keita; Xhafa Xhafa, Fatos; Daradoumis, Thanasis; Oda, Tetsuya (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2014)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      Emotions strongly influence human's behavior in individual and social situations and must be seriously considered in any human activity, such as e-Learning. Indeed, the embedding of emotional awareness features into virtual ...
    • Apple Vision Pro: a new horizon in psychological research and therapy 

      Zhang, Zhihui; Giménez Mateu, Lluís; Fort Mir, Josep Maria (Frontiers Media SA, 2023-11-02)
      Open Access
      Virtual Reality (VR) harbors immense potential for advancing psychological therapy and emotional research, despite presenting several challenges (Riva, 2022). The release of Apple Vision Pro has unveiled new opportunities ...
    • Decoding emotional responses to AI-generated architectural imagery 

      Zhang, Zhihui; Fort Mir, Josep Maria; Giménez Mateu, Lluís (Frontiers Media SA, 2024-03-12)
      Open Access
      Introduction: The integration of AI in architectural design represents a significant shift toward creating emotionally resonant spaces. This research investigates AI's ability to evoke specific emotional responses through ...
    • Designing architectural images for small screen devices in function of user experience 

      Fonseca, David; Navarro Delgado, Isidro; Redondo Domínguez, Ernesto (2011)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      The development of technology has always influenced the visualization experience. Both static and mobile devices are a general tendency to maximize the size and screen resolution in line with the intrinsic ability of ...
    • Dinàmiques de gestió emocional per a la millora de l'aprenentatge a alumnes de 1r de l' ESO 

      Medialdea Trujillo, Alberto (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2024-06-12)
      Master thesis
      Open Access
      L'educació emocional està cobrant gran importància amb el pas dels anys, fins al punt de convertir-se en una part essencial per al desenvolupament integral dels i les estudiants. Les emocions depenen de cada persona i les ...
    • Edge AI on a Deep-Learning based Real-Time Face Identification and Attributes Recognition System 

      Fabré Solà, Roger (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2022-01-27)
      Master thesis
      Open Access
      Face recognition systems are nowadays being used in a variety of settings, including surveillance systems and human-computer interactions. Different approaches have been used for face recognition throughout the years, but ...
    • Effects of active learning methodologies on the students’ emotions, self-efficacy beliefs and learning outcomes in a science distance learning course 

      Jeong, Jin Su; González-Gómez, David; Cañada-Cañada, Florentina; Gallego-Picó, Alejandrina; Bravo, Juan Carlos (OmniaScience, 2019-03)
      Open Access
      Distance education programs in higher education are gaining popularity mostly due to the flexibility of the formative programs to fit all the requirements that brick-and-mortar educational institutions are not able to ...
    • El consumo de contenidos digitales y su influencia en la gestión emocional de los alumnos 

      Ballester Roman, Mireia (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2022-06-14)
      Master thesis
      Open Access
      Este trabajo aborda el tema de la gestión emocional de los alumnos desde la influencia de los contenidos digitales. Cada vez es mayor el consumo de contenidos y el tiempo de exposición a pantallas. A partir de una encuesta ...
    • Emotional responses to innovative science teaching methods: acquiring emotional data in a general science teacher education class 

      Sánchez-Martín, Jesús; Cañada-Cañada, Florentina; Dávila-Acedo, María Antonia (OmniaScience, 2018-09)
      Open Access
      The current work tries to inquiry how different teaching methods affect on the student’s emotional performance. The traditional questionnaire for data collection has been replaced by in-situ, on-lineassisted, survey. This ...
    • Enacting archetypes in movies: grounding the unconscious mind in emotion-driven media 

      Huang-Ming, Chang; Ivonin, Leonid; Díaz Boladeras, Marta; Català Mallofré, Andreu; Chen, Wei; Rauterberg, Mattias (2014-08-13)
      Open Access
      The concept of emotion-driven media integrates affective computing into developing new types of digital media by including the human spectator as an essential part of the whole system. Enactive media, as a landmark in this ...
    • Experiencing the world with archetypal symbols: A new form of aesthetics. 

      Huang-Ming, Chang; Ivonin, Leonid; Díaz Boladeras, Marta; Català Mallofré, Andreu; Chen, Wei; Rauterberg, Mattias (2013-09-04)
      Open Access
      According to the theories of symbolic interactionism, phenomenology of perception and archetypes, we argue that symbols play the key role in translating the information from the physical world to the human experience, and ...
    • Experimental study of the emotional response in the explorative innovation process 

      Garofalo, Marco (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2020-09)
      Master thesis
      Restricted access - author's decision
    • Facial expression recognition in virtual reality environments: challenges and opportunities 

      Zhang, Zhihui; Fort Mir, Josep Maria; Giménez Mateu, Lluís (Frontiers Media SA, 2023-10-11)
      Open Access
      This study delved into the realm of facial emotion recognition within virtual reality (VR) environments. Using a novel system with MobileNet V2, a lightweight convolutional neural network, we tested emotion detection on ...
    • Federated learning with exponentially weighted moving average for real-time emotion classification 

      Arijit, Nandi; Xhafa Xhafa, Fatos; Subirats Maté, Laia; Fort, Santiago (Springer, 2022)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      Federated learning (FL) allows to develop a powerful shared prediction model while preserving the users' privacy by keeping the data local. In particular it is a useful framework to use resource-constrained edge computing ...
    • From mythology to psychology: Identifying archetypal symbols in movies 

      Díaz Boladeras, Marta; Català Mallofré, Andreu; Chen, Wei; Rauterberg, Mattias; Ivonin, Leonid; Huang-Ming, Chang (2013-09-06)
      Open Access
      In this article, we introduce the theory of archetype, which explains the connection between ancient myths and the human mind. Based on the assumption that archetypes are in the deepest level of human mind, we propose that ...
    • La iluminación artificial del espacio interior: parámetros para un diseño emocional 

      Ramon Pujols, Carlos Jael (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2016-10)
      Master thesis
      Open Access
      Esta investigación estudia la relación existente entre los sistemas de iluminación y la percepción emocional del usuario en el espacio interior. Mediante la recopilación de 29 estudios en condiciones reales se generó un ...
    • Jocs de rol d'ambientació tecnològica per a l'aprenentatge emocional 

      Abad Ayats, Eric (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2022-06-15)
      Master thesis
      Open Access
      Durant l'assignatura de Aprenentatge, societat i família ens van ensenyar la importància de la gamificació com a recurs educatiu. Seguint aquesta línia, i aprofitant recursos extrets d'altres assignatures com Innovació, ...
    • Kansei for the digital era 

      Schütte, Simon; Lokman, Anitawati Mohd; Marco Almagro, Lluís; Ishihara, Shigekazu; Yanagisawa, Hideyoshi; Yamanaka, Toshimasa; Valverde, Nuno; Coleman, Shirley (2023-11-28)
      Open Access
      For over 40 years, Kansei-based research and development have been conducted in Japan and other East Asian countries and these decades of research have influenced Kansei interpretation. New methods and applications, including ...