Browsing by Subject "Electric motors"
Now showing items 1-20 of 170
A parallel analytical computation of synchronous reluctance machine
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyThis paper presents a parallel analytical computation of synchronous reluctance machines. It is based on two different analytical models, which take into account the geometry, the winding configuration and the material ... -
A simple nonlinear observer for state and unknown input estimation: DC motor applications
Open AccessThe contribution of this brief is to propose a method based on a simple nonlinear observer with an easy-to-compute observer gain, in order to achieve both state and unknown input (UI) estimation. Since the structure of the ... -
Accurate angle representation from misplaced hall-effect switch sensors for low-cost electric vehicle applications
Open AccessThis article presents an accurate method to determine the mandatory rotor position to control a permanent magnet synchronous machine from misplaced Hall-effect switch sensors. The main feature of this technique is the ... -
Acondicionamiento de un motor AFPM para el uso en moto eléctrica de competición
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2016-10)
Bachelor thesis
Restricted access - author's decision
Covenantee: Gesnogas / CodmarEl acondicionamiento de un motor AFPM para el uso en moto eléctrica de competición, consiste en adoptar todas las acciones necesarias para adaptar un motor eléctrico con todas las partes implicadas, tales como baterías, ... -
Actividades en control y supervisión inteligente del Grupo de Sistemas Avanzados de Control (SAC) de la Universidad Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)
Conference report
Open AccessEn esta ponencia se presenta un resumen de las actividades de investigación que se están desarrollando en el grupo de “Sistemas Avanzados de Control” (SAC) de la Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya UPC en el Campus de ... -
Adaptació a motor elèctric a una Derbi Variant amb motor tèrmic
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2022-10-19)
Bachelor thesis
Open AccessEn aquest projecte s’ha adaptat un kit de conversió elèctric a un ciclomotor Derbi Variant S del 1987. El kit consta d’un motor brushless, una bateria d’Io-liti i un controlador com a parts principals, aquests components ... -
An analytical approach to the thermal design of a doubled sided linear switched reluctance motor
Conference lecture
Open AccessThe purpose of this paper is to provide an analytical approach to the thermal behavior of a longitudinal flux flat linear switched reluctance motor (LSRM) suitable for the early stages of motor design. The approach uses a ... -
An educational example to the maximum power transfer objective in electric circuits using a PD-controlled DC- driver
Conference report
Open AccessThe main objective of this paper is to present an academic example of a PD controller applied to teach position control design of a DC-motor to automatically adjust a potentiometer. This adjustment is focused on to solve ... -
An Electric taxi fleet charged by second use batteries: not just economic profit
(Emerald Group Publishing, 2013-07-15)
Restricted access - publisher's policyThe road transport sector is the second biggest CO2 emissions contributor after energy generation. In urban environments, its impact is increased due to the worse combustion engine driving efficiency. It is thought that ... -
An introduction to fault diagnosis of permanent magnet synchronous machines in master's degree courses
(John Wiley & Sons, 2010-08-16)
Restricted access - publisher's policyEarly fault detection and diagnosis of high-performance electric motors has been an active area of research for the past two decades. This work presents a practical session that facilitates instructing students in this ... -
Analysis of PMSM using FE analysis: a didactical approach for EMF determination and cogging torque reduction.
Conference lecture
Open AccessFE analysis is a useful technique, but the interpretation of the results are sometimes confuse and dark. In this paper we shown some methods to determine the back emf in PMSM and how determine and reduce the cogging torque. ... -
Analysis of the three-phase induction motor with spiral sheet rotor
Restricted access - publisher's policyThe improvements obtained on the torque with low currents using rotor with spiral sheets are analyzed in this paper. To have a complete study, several rotors and stators have been built to verify the electromagnetic variations ... -
Anàlisi, viabilitat i futur de les alternatives als motors de combustió interna
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2022-06-29)
Bachelor thesis
Open AccessAquest treball es fonamenta en l’estudi de les alternatives actuals que existeixen als motors de combustió interna, en concret dels motors elèctrics. Està enfocat en l’anàlisi de la sostenibilitat de les alternatives ... -
Are SRM drives a real alternative for EV powertrain? : Conclusions of the Workshop
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. GAECE - Grup d'Accionaments Elèctrics amb Commutació Electrònica, 2018-02)
Conference report
Open AccessThis paper is a summary of the debate that took place in the round tables: - What is slowing down the application of SRM drivesfor road vehicle electrification? - Where should research and development focus toboost application ... -
Asymptotic time domain evaluation of a multilevel multiphase PWM converter voltage quality
(IEEE Press. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2012-10-24)
Restricted access - publisher's policyVoltage total harmonic distortion and quadratic voltage ripple criteria are accepted figures of merit of a multilevel pulse width modulation (PWM) converter voltage quality. The dominating frequency domain approach does ... -
Automatización de un banco de ensayo para motores eléctricos de media potencia
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2020-07-06)
Master thesis
Open AccessEn este trabajo de final de máster de realiza una aportación sobre la automatización de un banco de ensayos para motores eléctricos de media potencia. En primer lugar se presentan los antecedentes de la línea de trabajo, ... -
Balanç energètic d'equips consumidors. Mesura i càlcul. 3: Motor elèctric
(Institut Català d'Energia, 2016-07)
Open AccessTercer mòdul de la col·lecció "Balanç energètic d'equips consumidors. Mesura i càlcul" que pretén oferir material de formació per a realitzar mesures de camp amb instruments portàtils i conèixer el balanç energètic dels ... -
Banc de proves per a motors/generadors elèctrics de potència fraccionària
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2011-05-27)
Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
Open AccessEl següent projecte consisteix en el disseny d’un banc de proves per a motor i generadors elèctrics de potència fraccionària, amb potències compreses d’entre 100 i 1000 W. En aquest projecte, s’ha seguit una metodologia ... -
Banco de pruebas para la caracterización de motores DC de pequeño par de bloqueo
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2006-07)
Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
Restricted access - author's decisionEl presente proyecto está basado en la realización de un banco de pruebas para la caracterización de motores DC de pequeño par de bloqueo. Estos motores son los que se utilizan en la empresa Robert Bosch de Castellet ... -
Cadena propulsora de una embarcación gasolina-eléctrica de 8.5 kVA
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2016-10)
Master thesis
Open AccessThe current energy model makes us dependent on fossil fuels, and marine transport is an important part of this consumption. In this project, two well developed technologies in the industries but no so well used in the ...