Browsing by Subject "Electric machinery"
Now showing items 1-20 of 36
A novel condition monitoring scheme for bearing faults based on Curvilinear Component Analysis and hierarchical neural networks
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyMostly the faults in electrical machines are related with the bearings. Thus, a reliable bearing condition monitoring scheme able to detect either local or distributed defects are mandatory to avoid a breakdown in the ... -
A parallel analytical computation of synchronous reluctance machine
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyThis paper presents a parallel analytical computation of synchronous reluctance machines. It is based on two different analytical models, which take into account the geometry, the winding configuration and the material ... -
Accurate Bearing Faults Classification based on Statistical-Time Features, Curvilinear Component Analysis and Neural Networks
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyBearing faults are the commonest form of malfunction associated with electrical machines. So far, the research has been carried out mainly in the detection of localized faults, but the diagnosis of distributed faults ... -
An educational tool to assist the design process of switched reluctance machines
Open AccessThe design of electric machines is a hot topic in the syllabuses of several undergraduate and graduate courses. With the development of hybrid and electrical vehicles, this subject is gaining more popularity, especially ... -
Análisis de los diferentes tipos de pérdidas en convertidores electromecánicos de energía
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2005-11)
Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
Restricted access - author's decisionEste proyecto consta de tres partes bien diferenciadas. En la primera parte se cuantifica los diferentes tipos de pérdidas que afectan a los convertidores electromecánicos de energía. Se determinan las expresiones ... -
Caracterització de màquines síncrones i transformadors del laboratori de màquines elèctriques de l’ESEIAAT
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2018-07-03)
Bachelor thesis
Restricted access - author's decisionL’objectiu principal és conèixer les característiques i deduir-ne el circuit equivalent d’una sèrie de màquines que podem trobar al laboratori de màquines elèctriques situat en TR1 de l’Escola Superior d’Enginyeries ... -
Condition monitoring strategy based on spectral energy estimation and linear discriminant analysis applied to electric machines
Conference report
Open AccessCondition-based maintenance plays an important role to ensure the working condition and to increase the availability of the machinery. The feature calculation and feature extraction are critical signal processing that allow ... -
Diseño de una máquina eléctrica de afeitado
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2015-05-05)
Bachelor thesis
Open AccessEn aquest projecte s’ha realitzat el disseny d’una màquina elèctrica d’afaitar aportant una solució innovadora respecte les màquines similars existents al mercat. Per fer-ho, primer s’ha fet una investigació dels models ... -
Disseny d'un convertidor estàtic d'energia elèctrica, per al processament energètic en una microxarxa, emprant IPM (intelligent power module)
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2017-06)
Bachelor thesis
Open AccessEn aquest treball de fi de grau es realitza l’estudi de les necessitats d’una microxarxa a nivell de convertidors i com satisfer-les. L’estructura considerada presenta un bloc de generació d’energia elèctrica, un conjunt ... -
Estudi de la implementació del control vectorial d’un motor PMSM mitjançant dSPACE
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2019-07-16)
Master thesis
Open AccessEns ha tocat viure el final de la època dels combustibles fòssils i el començament de la era de les energies alternatives i els mètodes de propulsió alternatius. Per tot això resulta interessant l’estudi d’aquests mètodes ... -
Estudi teòric i pràctic de la bobina de Tesla
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2016-06-28)
Bachelor thesis
Restricted access - author's decision -
Estudio de una máquina inspeccionadora de inyectables
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2014-02)
Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
Open AccessEl objeto del presente proyecto es realizar el estudio de una máquina inspeccionadora de inyectables para mejorar el falso rechazo (rendimiento del sistema) en función del sistema óptico, influenciado por el índice de ... -
High-speed synchronous generators. A critical assessment
Open AccessConsidering that there are electromagnetic, mechanical and thermal constraints that determine the design of high-speed electrical machines, the criteria that lead to adequate selection of the machine are established in ... -
Hybrid reluctance machines with U-shaped electromagnets and permanent magnets
Open AccessThis paper is about hybrid reluctance machines, in which the stator or fixed part has a combination of U-shaped electromagnets with permanents magnets placedbetween their arms while the moving part is simply a structure ... -
Ibilgailu elektrikoen propultsio-sistemak: motor elektrikoak eta horien kontrola
Open AccessThis article provides a state of the art of the electric machine technology used in Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicle applications. Most common FOC (Field Oriented Control) and the DTC (Direct Torque Control) ... -
Influence of design parameters in the optimization of linear switched reluctance motor under thermal constraints
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2017-03-22)
Open AccessThe objective of this paper is to present an original study for optimizing the size of the LongitudinalFlux Double-Sided Linear Switched Reluctance Motor (LSRM) under thermal and weight constraints. The performance is ... -
Manual d'assaig de màquines eléctriques
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2013-06-10)
Bachelor thesis
Open AccessEn el present projecte es presenta un manual d’assaig de les màquines elèctriques més usades en el laboratori de màquines elèctriques de l’Escola d’Enginyeria de Terrassa. L’objectiu del mateix és dur a terme la realització ... -
Mechanical Design of an Electric Diwheel with active rotation
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2018-10-04)
Bachelor thesis
Restricted access - author's decisionThe main objective of this project consist in the mechanical design of an electric diwheel with active rotation. By a picture we take from internet we are going to design and do the drawings with the software SOLIDWORKS. ... -
Multiobjective optimization of IPM synchronous motor using response surface methodology and filtered Monte Carlo approach
Conference lecture
Open AccessPermanent Magnet Synchronous Motors offer high efficiency and power density besides low assembly effort and hence have been established in a wide market over the past years. Especially buried magnets enable a superior field ...