Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • A review on the drawbacks and enhancement opportunities of the feature selective validation 

      Azpúrua Auyanet, Marco Aurelio; Paez, Eduardo Javier; Rojas Mora, Julio; Ventosa Llopart, Josep Oriol; Silva Martínez, Fernando; Zhang, Gang; Duffy, Alistair P.; Jauregui Telleria, Ricardo Ignacio (2014-08-01)
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      The growing application of simulation tools to increasingly complex problems makes the use of validation techniques essential to improve confidence in the veracity of those simulation results. The feature selective validation ...
    • Analyzing transient phenomena in the time domain using the Feature Selective Validation (FSV) method 

      Jauregui Telleria, Ricardo Ignacio; Zhang, Gang; Rojas Mora, Julio; Ventosa Llopart, Josep Oriol; Silva Martínez, Fernando; Duffy, Alistair P.; Sasse, Hugh (2014-08-01)
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      The increasing application of simulation tools to increasingly complex problems makes the use of validation tools essential to improve confidence in the veracity of those simulation results. IEEE Standard 1597.1 is the ...
    • Improvement in the definition of ODM for FSV 

      Zhang, Gang; Duffy, Alistair P.; Saxe, Hugh; Wang, Lixin; Jauregui Tellería, Ricardo (2012-12-25)
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      It has been found that the feature-selective validation (FSV) method may demonstrate inconsistencies in the results when applied to the comparison of zero-crossing datasets. This type of data is typical of time-domain-based ...