Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Benefits of battery hybridization in hydraulic turbines. Wear and tear evaluation in a Kaplan prototype 

      Valentín Ruiz, David; Presas Batlló, Alexandre; Egusquiza Montagut, Mònica; Valero Ferrando, Ma. del Carmen; Drommi, Jean-Louis (2022-11)
      Open Access
      Kaplan turbines are nowadays used to provide Frequency Containment Reserve (FCR) to the grid due to their fast capacity to regulate their power maintaining high efficiency. However, this continuous power regulation increases ...
    • Hybridization of a RoR HPP with a BESS—The XFLEX HYDRO Vogelgrun Demonstrator 

      Kadam, Serdar; Hofbauer, Wolfgang; Lais, Stefan; Neuhauser, Magdalena; Wurm, Erich; Fernandes Lameiro, Luisa; Bourien, Yves Marie; Païs, Grégory; Drommi, Jean-Louis; Nicolet, Christophe; Landry, Christian; Dreyer, Matthieu; Valero Ferrando, Ma. del Carmen; Presas Batlló, Alexandre; Valentín Ruiz, David (2023-07-01)
      Open Access
      In the XFLEX HYDRO Vogelgrun demonstrator, a run-of-river hydropower plant, the hybridization of one turbine-generator unit with a battery energy storage system is being investigated. This paper describes the integration ...