Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Advances in the application and utility of subseasonal-to-seasonal predictions 

      White, Christopher J.; Domeisen, Daniela I. V.; Acharya, Nachiketa; Adefisan, Elijah A.; Anderson, Michael L.; Christel, Isadora; Manrique Suñén, Andrea; Palma, LLuís; Soret, Albert; Vigo, Ilaria (American Meteorological Society (AMS), 2022)
      Open Access
      The subseasonal-to-seasonal (S2S) predictive time scale, encompassing lead times ranging from 2 weeks to a season, is at the frontier of forecasting science. Forecasts on this time scale provide opportunities for enhanced ...
    • Advances in the subseasonal prediction of extreme events: relevant case studies across the globe 

      Domeisen, Daniela I. V.; White, Christopher J.; Afargan Gerstman, Hilla; Muñoz, Ángel G.; Janiga, Matthew A.; Lledó, Llorenç; Manrique Suñén, Andrea; Palma, Lluis; Soret, Albert (American Meteorological Society, 2022-06)
      Open Access
      Extreme weather events have devastating impacts on human health, economic activities, ecosystems, and infrastructure. It is therefore crucial to anticipate extremes and their impacts to allow for preparedness and emergency ...