Browsing by Subject "Differentiable dynamical systems"
Now showing items 1-20 of 179
A Central Limit Theorem for inner functions
Open AccessA Central Limit Theorem for linear combinations of iterates of an inner function is proved. The main technical tool is Aleksandrov Disintegration Theorem for Aleksandrov-Clark measures. -
A computational and geometric approach to phase resetting curves and surfaces
Open Access -
A dynamic Parrondo's paradox for continuous seasonal systems
Open AccessWe show that planar continuous alternating systems, which can be used to model systems with seasonality, can exhibit a type of Parrondo’s dynamic paradox, in which the stability of an equilibrium, common to all seasons is ... -
A dynamic Parrondo's paradox for continuous seasonal systems
Research report
Open AccessWe show that planar continuous alternating systems, which can be used to model systems with seasonality, can exhibit a type of Parrondo's dynamic paradox, in which the stability of an equilibrium, common to all seasons is ... -
A route to chaos in the Boros-Moll map
Research report
Open AccessThe Boros-Moll map appears as a subsystem of a Landen transformation associated to certain rational integrals and its dynamics is related to the convergence of them. In the paper, we study the dynamics of a one-parameter ... -
A Route to chaos in the Boros–Moll map
Open AccessThe Boros–Moll map appears as a subsystem of a Landen transformation associated to certain rational integrals and its dynamics is related to their convergence. In the paper, we study the dynamics of a one-parameter family ... -
A Second Order Expansion of the Separatrix Map for Trigonometric Perturbations of a Priori Unstable Systems
Open AccessIn this paper we study a so-called separatrix map introduced by Zaslavskii–Filonenko (Sov Phys JETP 27:851–857, 1968) and studied by Treschev (Physica D 116(1–2):21–43, 1998; J Nonlinear Sci 12(1):27–58, 2002), Piftankin ... -
A study on the generation of chaos due to the presence of smale horseshoes in dynamical systems with a homoclinic orbit
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2020-07)
Master thesis
Open AccessOne of the fundamental problems in dynamical systems is the detection and characterisation of chaotic behaviours. In this work we will focus on chaos induced by what is called the Smale horseshoe. Smale horseshoes frequently ... -
An example on Lyapunov stability and linearization
Open AccessThe purpose of this paper is to present an example of a (in the Fréchet sense) discrete dynamical system in a infinite-dimensional separable Hilbert space for which the origin is an exponentially asymptotically stable ... -
Analysis of periodic solutions of the system Janus - Epimetheus
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2016-07)
Bachelor thesis
Open AccessDesenvolupament d'un model 2-dimensional per el sistema coorbital de Janus i Epimetheus al voltant de Saturn, afegint l'aplanament del planeta. Demostracio d'un teorema de simetries sobre les equacions de moviment i analisi ... -
Analysis of the equations governing the motion of a degrading elastic solid due to diffusion of a fluid
Open AccessDegradation of solids bearing load due to the infusion of moisture when exposed to the environment can leads to a decrease in their load carrying capacity and can also lead to the failure of the body from performing its ... -
Analysis of the relative dynamics of a charged spacecraft moving under the influence of a magnetic field
Open AccessWe analyse a dynamical scenario where a constantly charged spacecraft (follower) moves in the vicinity of another one (leader) that follows a circular Keplerian orbit around the Earth and generates a rotating magnetic ... -
Analytical and computational tools for the study of phase and synchrony in neural oscillators
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2010-10)
Master thesis
Open AccessEn aquest treball es pretén donar una visió de les aplicacions dels sistemes dinàmics en el camp de la neurociència, així com ampliar les eines que s'utilitzen fins ara. En el primer capítol es descriu el marc teòric on ... -
Análisis estadístico de los gustos musicales europeos (Eurovisión)
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya / Universitat de Barcelona, 2023-06)
Bachelor thesis
Open AccessCuando se acerca el mes de mayo de cada año, siempre nos preguntamos quién va a ser el ganador de la nueva edición del festival de Eurovisión. Este evento no solo atrae la mirada de los países europeos, sino que pone el ... -
Aplicación de redes neuronales artificiales a la previsión de series temporales no estacionarias o no invertibles
(Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya, 2002)
Open AccessEn los últimos tiempos se ha comprobado un aumento del interés en la aplicación de las Redes Neuronales Artificiales a la previsión de series temporales, intentando explotar las indudables ventajas de estas herramientas. ... -
Application of System Dynamics to model rework in construction projects
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2014-02-25)
Master thesis
Open Access -
Applications to celestial mechanics
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2018-07)
Bachelor thesis
Open AccessEl Problema Restringit de Tres Cossos (Restricted Three Body Problem en anglés) ha sigut àmpliament estudiat i té múltiples aplicacions en astrodinàmica i mecànica celest. En aquest projecte s'estudien les òrbites periòdiques ... -
Applications to celestial mechanics
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2022-07)
Master thesis
Open AccessRecently an asymptotic formula for the distance of the invariant manifolds of L3 in the RCP3BP when the mass parameter tends to zero was proven. In this study we numerically check the formula using high precision routines ... -
Arnold diffusion for a complete family of perturbations
(Springer, 2017-01-01)
Open AccessIn this work we illustrate the Arnold diffusion in a concrete example — the a priori unstable Hamiltonian system of 2 + 1/2 degrees of freedom H(p, q, I, f, s) = p2/2+ cos q - 1 + I2/2 + h(q, f, s; e) — proving that for ... -
Asymptotic size of Herman rings of the complex standard family by quantitative quasiconformal surgery
Open AccessIn this paper we consider the complexification of the Arnold standard family of circle maps given by $\widetilde F_{\alpha,\ep}(u)=u{\rm e}^{{\rm i}\alpha} {\rm e}^{\frac{\ep}{2}(u-\frac{1}{u})}$, with $\alpha=\alpha( ...