Browsing by Subject "Desenvolupament sostenible"
Now showing items 1-20 of 922
01 La Tecnologia alternativa
Open Access -
10 anys de la Revista Sostenible?
Open Access -
19. Biodiversidad indicadora de sostenibilidad en el sistema urbano
Open Access -
1er taller "Eficiencia Energética para la Seguridad y Sostenibilidad de Iberoamérica (EFESOS)"
Open AccessLos estudios de las emisiones de los gases de efecto invernadero causados por la producción de la energía eléctrica con fuentes no renovables incrementan el interés por la Eficiencia Energética. Ésta busca establecer ... -
21 dies per a la sostenibilitat. Cas d'estudi: Olesa de Montserrat
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2018-10-25)
Bachelor thesis
Open AccessAquest treball es basarà en fer l'Agenda 21 del poble d'Olesa deMontserrat. Serà un estudi global del poble amb tot lo que comporta i enfocat sempre cap a un camí cap a la sostenibilitat. A part del que comporta aquesta ... -
A city of cities: Measuring how 15-minutes urban accessibility shapes human mobility in Barcelona
(Public Library of Science (PLOS), 2021-05-05)
Open AccessAs cities expand, human mobility has become a central focus of urban planning and policy making to make cities more inclusive and sustainable. Initiatives such as the “15-minutes city” have been put in place to shift the ... -
A Data LifeCycle model for smart cities
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2016)
Conference report
Open AccessSmart Cities are the most challenging and promising technological solutions for absorbing the increasing pressure of population growth, while simultaneously enforcing a sustainable economic progress as well as a higher ... -
A focus on teaching and learning sustainability and social commitment skills
(OmniaScience, 2015-12)
Open AccessThis JOTSE Special Issue is dedicated to the topic of teaching and learning the Sustainability and Social Compromise Skills, with a special focus in the context of engineering education. This topic was discussed in the ... -
A framework for understanding winter cycling culture: case study from Finland
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2024-03-11)
Master thesis
Open AccessCycling in winter is often considered to be a sports activity, only for the ‘tough’ ones. Despite these preconceptions, cycling year-round brings benefits for the individual and society and could therefore be promoted as ... -
A full year evaluation of the CALIOPE-EU air quality modeling system over Europe for 2004
Restricted access - publisher's policyThe CALIOPE-EU high-resolution air quality modeling system, namely WRF-ARW/HERMES-EMEP/CMAQ/ BSC-DREAM8b, is developed and applied to Europe (12 km 12 km, 1 h). The model performances are tested in terms of air quality ... -
A global perspective on cadastres and Geo-ICT for sustainable urban governance in view of climate change
(Centre de Política del Sòl i Valoracions - Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2014-02-04)
Open AccessEn el futuro cercano, los problemas ambientales a nivel mundial, como asegurar un aire limpio, el agua y la no contaminación, así como asegurar la sostenibilidad futura de nuestro planeta y sus recursos impulsará avances ... -
A Landscape Architectural Guide to the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals
(Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC), 2022-01-07)
Open AccessConsequently, the International Federation of Landscape Architects, through its Executive Committee, embraced a shift within its governance, including organisational structure and business plan, to reflect on and support ... -
A manera d'editorial
(Càtedra UNESCO de Sostenibilitat de la UPC, 2007-05)
Open Access -
A novel home energy management system environmental-based with LCA minimization
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyThis paper presents a novel environmental-based home energy management system that focuses on the environmental impact caused by residential electricity consumption. It is aimed to reduce the carbon footprint by minimizing ... -
A proposal for a workable analysis of Energy Return on Investment (EROI) in agroecosystems. Part I: Analytical approach
Open AccessThis paper presents a workable approach to the energy analysis of past and present agroecosystems aimed to contribute to their sustainability assessment. This analysis sees the agroecosystem as a set of energy loops between ... -
A service-learning program assessment: Strengths, weaknesses and impacts on students
(OmniaScience, 2023-01)
Open AccessPurpose: This paper aims to research the strengths and weaknesses of service-learning programs in order to identify the challenges of their application, the educational possibilities of service-learning and the impact on ... -
A systematic literature review of current understanding and future scope on green intellectual capital
(OmniaScience, 2023-04)
Open AccessPurpose: This paper intends to scrutinize evolution and the growth of literature on green intellectualcapital(GIC)over the period 2008 to 2022, consequences of green intellectual capital, its sectoralclassification, current ... -
Achieving sustainable goals using an effective budget-allocation multicriteria mives model: case study of a Spanish water utility company
(Springer, 2024-06-11)
Open AccessWithin the global sustainability agenda, companies must align their operations with specific Sustainable Goals (SGs) and develop corresponding budgeting strategies. This paper presents a robust multicriteria decision-making ... -
Acondicionamiento higrotérmico en un módulo urbano mediante cicloenergía eléctrica de propulsión humana para climas cálidos
(Centre de Politica de Sol i Valoracions, CPSV / Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, UPC, 2019-10)
Open AccessObjetivo: Utilizar la energía obtenida mediante el uso lúdico del módulo por medio de propulsión humana en pedaleadores mini bike, como fuente renovable aplicada para producir energía acumulable. A través de la actividad ... -
Acte inaugural de l'acció europea COST IC1004: Cooperative Radio Communications for Green Smart Environments
Open Access