Browsing by Subject "Denitrification"
Now showing items 1-20 of 30
An individual-based model for the study of Paracoccus denitrificans, a denitrifying bacterium
Conference lecture
Open AccessIn order to understand some environmental factors that control N2O production by microbes in agricultural soils, a virtual bioreactor for Paracoccus denitrificans was designed using a culture medium containing succinate ... -
Avaluació de nanopartícules (nZVI) de Fe en experiments en batch per a l’eliminació de nitrats d’aigües contaminades
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2020-09-28)
Bachelor thesis
Open AccessLes aigües subterrànies poden contenir grans nivells de nitrats dissolts. Aquests nivells, poden ser més preocupants quan són provinents de l’agricultura i ramaderia intensiva ja que els nitrats poden ser absorbits per ... -
Batch treatment of liquid fraction of pig slurry by intermittent aeration - process simulation and microbial community analysis
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Calibrating and validating a coupled physical and biokinetic model of denitrification in the hyporheic zone of streams
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2017-06-13)
Bachelor thesis
Open AccessHuman activities have increased the input of bioavailable nitrogen into the rivers and streams across the world. This has caused harmful effects on ecosystem and human health, so that U.S. National Academy of Engineering ... -
Characterization of the reactivity of zerovalent iron particles for nitrate reduction
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2012)
Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
Restricted access - author's decisionA successful removal of pollutants like chromate, nitrate or chlorinated compounds has been proved by using zerovalent iron particles. The production of this kind of particles has increased recently and their properties ... -
Cork as a sustainable carbon source for nature-based solutions treating hydroponic wastewaters – Preliminary batch studies
(Elsevier, 2019)
Open AccessReusing by-products is an important strategy to ensure the preservation of natural capital and climate change mitigation. This study aimed at evaluating the potential of cork granulates, a by-product of winery industry, ... -
Coupling respirometry and titrimetry for the characterization of the biological activity of a SO-NR consortium
Restricted access - publisher's policyDetermining growth rates and kinetic mechanisms of microbial consortia often needs of combining several tests and techniques. The present work demonstrates that combining titrimetric and respirometric data obtained in a ... -
Disseny d'una planta de tractament de dejeccions ramaderes
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2018-09-20)
Master thesis
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Effect of aeration on nitrogen removal-associated microbial community in an innovative vertical cork-based constructed wetland for winery wastewater treatment
Open AccessThe wine industry produces large quantities of wastewater that often contains high levels of organic matter and nutrients, like nitrogen and phosphorous. In particular, nitrogen pollution can be harmful, even at low levels, ... -
Estudi de la eliminació de nitrats en aigües subterrànies mitjançant lixiviats de biomassa vegetal en un sistema en continu
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2015-06)
Bachelor thesis
Open AccessAls aiguamolls es du a terme un procés natural capaç de reduir la quantitat de nitrat present en les aigües subterrànies abans que descarreguin als rius o llacs. Això succeeix gracies a un mecanisme anomenat desnitrificació ... -
Estudi de la eliminació de nitrats en aigües subterrànies mitjançant lixiviats de biomassa vegetal i sòls d’aiguamoll
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2015-04)
Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
Open AccessLa biomassa provinent dels aiguamolls és un material natural capaç reduir la quantitat de nitrat present en les aigües subterrànies abans que descarregui als rius o llacs. El mecanisme desitjat predominant per eliminar el ... -
Estudi i simulació de la millora del procés de nitrificació en la planta de tractament d'aigua residual EDAR Riu Sec Sabadell
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2017-10)
Bachelor thesis
Restricted access - author's decisionLa gestió correcta del tractament d’aigües residuals és una qüestió prioritària en la societat d’avui dia, i el tema principal del present estudi. Es presenta l’EDAR Riu Sec Sabadell com objecte d’estudi, donat que presenta ... -
Etude des réactions de nitrification et dénitrification par un capteur électrochimique en ligne
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya / Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Toulouse, 2008)
Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
Restricted access - confidentiality agreement -
Evaluation of iron nanoparticles for the chemical and biological nitrate removal from contaminated groundwater
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2022-07-07)
Master thesis
Open AccessLa contaminació de les aigües subterrànies per nitrats és actualment un dels principals problemes ambientals a nivell mundial. Com que l'extracció d'aigües subterrànies de l'aqüífer per al seu tractament ex situ a la ... -
Fate of sulfamethoxazole in groundwater: Conceptualizing and modeling metabolite formation under different redox conditions
Open AccessDegradation of emerging organic compounds in saturated porous media is usually postulated as following simple low-order models. This is a strongly oversimplified, and in some cases plainly incorrect model, that does not ... -
Feasibility of two low-cost organic substrates for inducing denitrification in artificial recharge ponds: batch and flow-through experiments
Open AccessAnaerobic batch and flow-through experiments were performed to assess the capacity of two organic substrates to promote denitrification of nitrate-contaminated groundwater within managed artificial recharge systems (MAR) ... -
Mass degradation to reduce cytotoxic products as an individual behavior-rule embedded in a microbial model for the study of the denitrification process
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyDenitrification has a wide range of factors that control its complex regulatory network, one of which is the low concentration of electron donors. In this case the absence of available electrons causes high concentrations ... -
Mass degradation to reduce cytotoxic products as an individual behavior-rule embedded in a microbial model for the study of the denitrification process
Part of book or chapter of book
Restricted access - publisher's policyDenitrification has a wide range of factors that control its complex regulatory network, one of which is the low concentration of electron donors. In this case the absence of available electrons causes high concentrations ... -
Model-based evaluation of a trickling filter facility upgrade to biological nutrient removal
(Elsevier, 2019-04)
Open AccessThis article presents the feasibility evaluation and preliminary design of a wastewater treatment plant upgrade supported by simulation. The existing facility was based on trickling filters, and the objective of the upgrade ... -
Modeling biogeochemical processes and isotope fractionation of enhanced in situ biodenitrification in a fractured aquifer
Open AccessEnhanced in situ biodenitrification (EIB) is a feasible technology to clean nitrate-polluted groundwater and reach drinking water standards. Aimed at enabling a better monitoring and management of the technology at the ...