Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Numerical investigation of the structural behaviour of a deployable tensairity beam 

      De Laet, Lars; Mollaert, Marijke; Roekens, Jan; Luchsinger, Rolf H. (CIMNE, 2011)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      This paper investigates numerically the load bearing behaviour of a deployable Tensairity beam. More precise, it studies the influence of the cables that connect the upper and lower strut of the deployable Tensairity beam ...
    • (Un)folding the membrane in the deployable demonstrator of contex-t 

      Mollaert, Marijke; De Laet, Lars; Roekens, Jan; De Temmerman, Niels (CIMNE, 2011)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      The paper presents a system, made out of foldable ‘kinked’ beams and a membrane skin, based on a concept referring to origami. The anticlastic curvature of the membrane is obtained by transforming flat triangular parts ...