Now showing items 1-20 of 224

    • A city of cities: Measuring how 15-minutes urban accessibility shapes human mobility in Barcelona 

      Graells Garrido, Eduardo; Serra Burriel, Feliu; Rowe, Francisco; Cucchietti, Fernando; Reyes Valenzuela, Patricio Alejandro (Public Library of Science (PLOS), 2021-05-05)
      Open Access
      As cities expand, human mobility has become a central focus of urban planning and policy making to make cities more inclusive and sustainable. Initiatives such as the “15-minutes city” have been put in place to shift the ...
    • A comparative study of traditional and data-driven approaches in the project management performance 

      Hannemann, Ian-Hendrik Steffen (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2024-02-09)
      Master thesis
      Open Access
      This thesis undertook a comprehensive exploration, weaving together theoretical foundations, practical applications, and real-world implications at the intersection of project management and advanced technologies. The ...
    • A compromise archive platform for monitoring infrastructures 

      García Calatrava, Carlos; Cucchietti, Fernando; Becerra Fontal, Yolanda (Barcelona Supercomputing Center, 2020-05)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      The great advancement in the technological field has led to an explosion in the amount of generated data. Many different sectors have understood the opportunity that acquiring, storing, and analyzing further information ...
    • A data quality framework for graph-based virtual data integration systems 

      Li, Yalei; Nadal Francesch, Sergi; Romero Moral, Óscar (Springer, 2022)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      Data Quality (DQ) plays a critical role in data integration. Up to now, DQ has mostly been addressed from a single database perspective. Popular DQ frameworks rely on Integrity Constraints (IC) to enforce valid application ...
    • A fast supervised density-based discretization algorithm for classification tasks in the medical domain 

      Aristodimou, Aristos; Diavastos, Andreas; Pattichis, Constantinos (2022-02-01)
      Open Access
      Discretization is a preprocessing technique used for converting continuous features into categorical. This step is essential for processing algorithms that cannot handle continuous data as input. In addition, in the big ...
    • A Graph Convolutional Network-based Framework for Federated Data Product Discovery 

      Bisquert Parés, Aniol (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2024-10-23)
      Master thesis
      Open Access
      Big data presents a novel opportunity for data-driven decision-making, and modern organizations acknowledge its potential. Being able to use these data collaboratively through advanced data-driven applications that use ...
    • A resilient and distributed near real-time traffic forecasting application for Fog computing environments 

      Pérez, Juan L.; Gutierrez-Torre, Alberto; Berral García, Josep Lluís; Carrera, David (Elsevier, 2018-10)
      Open Access
      In this paper we propose an architecture for a city-wide traffic modeling and prediction service based on the Fog Computing paradigm. The work assumes an scenario in which a number of distributed antennas receive data ...
    • A study of data-driven decision making in the insurance industry 

      Vilà Calopa, Josep Maria (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2023-02-06)
      Master thesis
      Restricted access - author's decision
      Covenantee:   Politecnico di Torino
      En aquest estudi es tractarà de explicar el potencial que el big data té en el món de les asseguradores. S’iniciarà amb una mica d’història per entendre la progressió que ha tingut la indústria. Això ajudarà a projectar ...
    • A survey of the European Open Science Cloud services for expanding the capacity and capabilities of multidisciplinary scientific applications 

      Calatrava, Amanda; Asorey, Hernán; Astalos, Jan; Azevedo, Alberto; Benincasa, Francesco; Codó, Laia; Ferret, Meritxell (Elsevier, 2023)
      Open Access
      Open Science is a paradigm in which scientific data, procedures, tools and results are shared transparently and reused by society. The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) initiative is an effort in Europe to provide an open, ...
    • A systematic approach to assess the suitability of data for process mining 

      Salvan, Emma (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2023-06-30)
      Master thesis
      Restricted access - confidentiality agreement
      In today's data-driven business landscape, the volume of information available and generated is unprecedented. The growing availability of data has sparked increased interest in process mining - a powerful approach for ...
    • About offline evaluation of ML/DL models in Amazon search engine 

      De La Hoz González, Iván (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2022-06-28)
      Bachelor thesis
      Restricted access - confidentiality agreement
    • Acceleració d'algoritmes de clustering mitjançant targetes gràfiques 

      Orrit Palau, Joan (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2017-06-29)
      Bachelor thesis
      Open Access
      En aquest projecte s'ha estudiat com es comporten diferents algoritmes de clustering amb diferents opotimitzacions de CUDA. Concretament s'han estudiat com funcionen l'algoritme k-means i k-centers amb les optimitzacions ...
    • Advanced processing of remotely sensed big data for cultural heritage conservation 

      Shimoni, Michal; Croonenborghs, Thibauld; Declercq, Pierre-Yves; Drougkas, Anastasios; Verstrynge, Els; Hocquet, François-Philippe; Hayen, Roald; Van Balen, Koen (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2019)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      Damage assessment, protection and preservation of built patrimony are a priority at national and local levels due to their importance to many cultural and economic aspects. This paper presents a methodology to estimate the ...
    • Aligning textual and model-based process descriptions 

      Sànchez-Ferreres, Josep; van der Aa, Han; Carmona Vargas, Josep; Padró, Lluís (Elsevier, 2018-01-01)
      Open Access
      Process model descriptions are an ubiquitous source of information that exists in any organization. To reach different types of stakeholders, distinct descriptions are often kept, so that process understandability is boosted ...
    • An auction framework for DaaS in cloud computing 

      Bandyopadhyay, Anjan; Xhafa Xhafa, Fatos; Mukhopadhyay, Sajal (Springer, 2018)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      Data as a Service (DaaS) is the next emerging technology in cloud computing research. Small clouds operating as a group may exploit the DaaS efficiently to perform substantial amount of work. In this paper an auction ...
    • An auction framework for DaaS in cloud computing and its evaluation 

      Bandyopadhyay, Anjan; Xhafa Xhafa, Fatos; Mukhopadhyay, Sajal; Kumar Singh, Vikash; Sharma, Aniruddh (2019-05-06)
      Open Access
      Data-as-a-service (DaaS) is the next emerging technology in cloud computing research. Small clouds operating as a group may exploit the DaaS efficiently to perform the substantial amount of work. In this paper, an auction ...
    • An edge-stream computing infrastructure for real-time analysis of wearable sensors data 

      Greco, Luca; Ritrovato, Pierluigi; Xhafa Xhafa, Fatos (Elsevier, 2019-04)
      Open Access
      The fast development of IoT in general and wearable smart sensors in particular in the context of wellness and healthcare are demanding for definition of specific infrastructure supporting real time data analysis for anomaly ...
    • An elastic software architecture for extreme-scale big data analytics 

      Serrano Garcia, Maria Aston; Marín, César A.; Queralt Calafat, Anna; Cordeiro, Cristovao; González Hierro, Marco; Pinho, Luis Miguel; Quiñones Moreno, Eduardo (Springer, 2022)
      Part of book or chapter of book
      Open Access
      This chapter describes a software architecture for processing big-data analytics considering the complete compute continuum, from the edge to the cloud. The new generation of smart systems requires processing a vast amount ...
    • An integration data tool for joinable tables based on apache spark 

      Flores Herrera, Javier de Jesús (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2020-06-29)
      Master thesis
      Open Access
      Data analysts perform exploratory programming for several analytical tasks on notebooks. One is Data Discovery which consists in finding attributes that might join. This is timeconsuming and new techniques are needed to ...
    • Analysing and predicting user demand in bike-sharing system 

      Xiang, Qiaorui (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2020-01-29)
      Master thesis
      Open Access
      Shared transport is an economical and sustainable mode of urban mobility. It occupies very important position in the mobility market nowadays. Given the growing market size and importance of Bike-Sharing System, we analysed ...