Browsing by Subject "Computer science"
Now showing items 1-20 of 116
3D reconstruction of deformable objects with volume
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2016-10)
Master thesis
Restricted access - confidentiality agreement
Covenantee: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas -
A semantics of business configurations using symbolic graphs
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2015)
Conference report
Open AccessIn this paper we give graph-semantics to a fundamental part of the semantics of the service modeling language SRML: business configurations. To achieve this goal we use symbolic graph transformation systems. We formalize ... -
Advantages of combining AI and statistic for knowledge discovery on functional disability: multivariate analysis of assessment scales using clustering based on rules
Open AccessIn Europe, and other developed areas, senior citizens are a fast growing part of population. This increases proportion of disabled persons and proportion of persons with reduced quality of life. The concept of disability ... -
Algunes consideracions teòriques al problema de la construcció d’horaris (comunicació breu)
(Universitat Politècnica de Barcelona. Centre de Càlcul, 1980-03)
Open AccessCorominas i Roselló varen presentar una visió general dels algorismes per a resoldre el problema de la construcció d'horaris en centres escolars. En aquesta comunicació es pretén completar aquest treball amb una revisió ... -
An Optimized System to Store Data on a Public Blockchain
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2021-01)
Bachelor thesis
Open AccessBlockchain is probably one of the most disruptive technologies that has appeared over the last years. In this work we will first try to break down its fundamentals, placing particular emphasis on one of its most popular ... -
Aplicación de redes neuronales para la resolución de sistemas de colas basados en ecuaciones diferenciales
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2021-09)
Bachelor thesis
Open AccessUso de redes neuronales de diferentes tipologías para emular y resolver modelos de colas basados en ecuaciones diferenciales para compararlo con los métodos actuales de resolución, basados en iteración e integración, con ... -
aTLP: a color-based model of uncertainty to evaluate the risk of decisions based on prototypes
(IOS Press, 2015-01-01)
Open AccessClustering techniques find homogeneous and distinguishable prototypes. Careful interpretation of these prototypes is crucial to assist the experts to better organize this know-how and to really improve their decision-making ... -
Autonomic urban traffic optimization using data analytics
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2017-05)
Bachelor thesis
Open AccessThis work focuses on a smart mobility use case where real-time data analytics on traffic measures is used to improve mobility in the event of a perturbation causing congestion in a local urban area. The data monitored is ... -
Avaluació del framework React
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2020-10-21)
Bachelor thesis
Restricted access - author's decisionAquest treball consisteix a explorar i analitzar el framework web React i avaluar el seu funcionament. D’altra banda, aquest estudi previ propicia la creació i el disseny de la posterior implementació pràctica. Aquesta, ... -
Back-to-front ordering of triangles in digital terrain models over regular grids
Open AccessVisiting triangles that conform a digital terrain model is a core operation in a number of fields like animation and video games or generating profiles, cross-sections, and contours in civil engineering. Performing the ... -
Barcelona Virtual Mobility Lab: the multimodal transport simulation testbed for emerging mobility concepts evaluation
(International Academy, Research, and Industry Association (IARIA), 2018)
Conference report
Open AccessNew sustainable mobility concepts and smart resilient ideas are arising every day. However, there is not an easy way to bring these ideas into reality, or to test how good they are as mobility solutions. Virtual Mobility ... -
Bounded expansion in models of webgraphs
Open AccessWe study the bounded expansion of several models of web graphs. We show that various deterministic graph models for large complex networks have constant bounded expansion.We study two random models of webgraphs, showing ... -
Cambios en las componentes de alta frecuencia del QRS durante isquemia de miocardio inducida
Conference lecture
Open Access -
Cardinality networks and their applications
(Springer, 2009)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyWe introduce Cardinality Networks, a new CNF encoding of cardinality constraints. It improves upon the previously existing encodings such as the sorting networks of [ES06] in that it requires much less clauses and auxiliary ... -
characterization of order-like dependencies with formal concept analysis
Conference report
Open AccessFunctional Dependencies (FDs) play a key role in many fields of the relational database model, one of the most widely used database systems. FDs have also been applied in data analysis, data quality, knowledge discovery ... -
Characterizing approximate-matching dependencies in formal concept analysis with pattern structures
Open AccessFunctional dependencies (FDs) provide valuable knowledge on the relations between attributes of a data table. A functional dependency holds when the values of an attribute can be determined by another. It has been shown ... -
Cirurgia assistida mitjançant visió per computador
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2017-06-27)
Bachelor thesis
Open AccessEn aquest projecte s'ha desenvolupat una solució informàtica que, a partir de l'enregistrament en vídeo d'una cirurgia mínimament invasiva, és capaç de detectar i marcar sobre aquest vídeo les eines utilitzades per el cirurgià. -
Classification de séries temporelles par modèles markoviens cachés, application à l'ischémie myocardique
Conference lecture
Open AccessA new method for myocardial ischemia detection is proposed in this communication. The originality of this method relies on the consideration of the dynamics of times series extracted from the ECG whereas traditionnal ... -
Classification of gym exercises using tiny machine learning
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2024-06-20)
Bachelor thesis
Open AccessAquesta tesi explora l'aplicació de Tiny Machine Learning (TinyML) per a la classificació d'exercicis del gimnàs utilitzant dispositius de baixa potència a la vora de la xarxa (dispositius Edge). Amb la creixent demanda ... -
Computing optimal shortcuts for networks
Conference report
Open AccessWe augment a plane Euclidean network with a segment or shortcut to minimize the largest distance between any two points along the edges of the resulting network. In this continuous setting, the problem of computing distances ...