Now showing items 1-20 of 81

    • Align Server-Side Rendering engine with state of the art technologies 

      Tedesko Millán, Pol (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2022-10-25)
      Bachelor thesis
      Restricted access - confidentiality agreement
      A company’s websites product, which allows rental owners to create their websites to get direct bookings, although functioning well, has a more complicated implementation than needed. The reason behind it is straightforward: ...
    • Ampliació d'un sistema amb una arquitectura basada en microserveis per a la integració d'un sistema de venda online 

      Dubé Fernández, Victor (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2018-04)
      Bachelor thesis
      Restricted access - confidentiality agreement
      Covenantee:   Agilogy S.L.
    • An open-source algorithmic power management and trading solution for energy communities 

      Font Monteys, Meritxell (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2023-10-23)
      Bachelor thesis
      Open Access
      This project, conducted during an Erasmus stay at University College Cork and supervised by Barry Hayes (UCC) and Esteve Pallares (UPC), aims to develop an open-source community energy manager. The project's core objective ...
    • Análisis y mejora del sistema de autenticación y autorización en un entorno corporativo 

      Gràcia Solá, Manel (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2021-07-06)
      Bachelor thesis
      Restricted access - confidentiality agreement
    • Aplicació d'accés web per a serveis IMS 

      Subirós Pérez, David (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2010-01)
      Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
      Open Access
      Els objectius més importants d’aquest projecte de final de carrera són els següents: Analitzar i entendre l’arquitectura IMS. Entendre la relació, implicacions i contradiccions dels models de desplegament de serveis ...
    • Aplicació d'una arquitectura de procés distribuït a una eina d'agregació de components software 

      Aguilera Cazorla, Sergio (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2013-01-08)
      Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
      Open Access
      [ANGLÈS] In the present days, software tools that execute a distributed and decentralized process and data handling represent key figures for the good performance of a high number of industrial processes and business models. ...
    • Aplicación móvil para identificación de productos según intolerancias alimentarias 

      Rojas Macias, Carlos (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2016-07-22)
      Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
      Open Access
      The progress in the mobile technology during the last years, has led the increase in the usage of devices like smartphones and tablets. The improvement in the technical characteristics and the growth of the wireless ...
    • Arquitectura de microserveis 

      Mascarell Ruiz, Pau (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2017)
      Bachelor thesis
      Restricted access - confidentiality agreement
    • Arquitectura para la gestión de una red distribuida de radios programables 

      Español Guionnet, Josep Maria (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2015-10-08)
      Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
      Restricted access - confidentiality agreement
      Covenantee:   Northeastern University
    • Autoescalat de servidors amb nivell igual a HIPAA 

      García Monterde, Martin (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2015-04-16)
      Bachelor thesis
      Restricted access - confidentiality agreement
    • Automatized Measurement Setup for Performance Evaluation of Wi-Fi Mesh Networks (A.M.S.P.E.W.M.N.) 

      Torres Alcantud, David (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2017-10-20)
      Bachelor thesis
      Open Access
      Covenantee:   Technische Universität Wien
      Telecommunications is an everchanging world. Everyday we are faced with improvements in the way we communicate and so in the tools that we use, especially in the field of Wi-Fi connection. The 5G connection will soon start ...
    • Bandwidth reduction techniques for remote navigation systems 

      Vázquez Alcocer, Pere Pau; Sbert Cassasayas, Mateu (2002)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      In this paper we explore a set of techniques to reduce the bandwidth in remote navigation systems. These systems, such as exploration of virtual 3D worlds or remote surgery, usually require higher bandwidth than the common ...
    • Cognitive network scenario through a SIP proxy server 

      Somoza de la Osa, Jordi (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2012-04)
      Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
      Open Access
      Covenantee:   Università di Bologna
      [ANGLÈS] Implementation of two different session establishment scenarios to the solution of adding a new Cognitive Transport Service layer, implemented with SIP and NRDL, to solve the problem of the lack of communication ...
    • ComanderoTPV 

      García Fernández, Javier (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2017-10)
      Bachelor thesis
      Restricted access - author's decision
      L’objectiu d’aquest treball és el desenvolupament d’una aplicació que permeti la gestió de múltiples restaurants d’una manera ubiqua, amb qualsevol dispositiu, amb unes funcionalitats mínimes i sense afegir complexitat als ...
    • Communication prototype for energy consumption control based on Raspberry Pi with central service orchestration node 

      Freixes I Serrano, David (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2022-10-25)
      Bachelor thesis
      Open Access
      If we want to contribute to the care of the planet, we must not only reduce energy consumption, but also make this consumption in an intelligent way. This is the principle of this project, to provide intelligence to the ...
    • Configuración del entorno de red 

      Vázquez de Castro Azcona, Fernando (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2016-10)
      Bachelor thesis
      Restricted access - confidentiality agreement
    • Datacenter computers: modern challenges in CPU design 

      Sites, Richard L. (Barcelona Supercomputing Center, 2016-09-10)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      Computers used as datacenter servers have usage patterns that differ substantially from those of desktop or laptop computers. We discuss four key differences in usage and their first-order implications for designing computers ...
    • Desarrollo de una herramienta para monitorizar servidores Linux Ubuntu 

      Sodano Ballestero, Marco (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2024-07-09)
      Bachelor thesis
      Open Access
      En este proyecto se ha intentado abordar la problemática que puede presentar un equipo de IT para monitorizar y gestionar servidores Linux Ubuntu, tanto físicos como virtuales, en un entorno de área local. La solución ...
    • Desarrollo de una red social como aplicación para trasvase de información interna 

      Valera Pitarch, Blas Gabriel (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2016-10)
      Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
      Restricted access - author's decision
      This project tackles the creation of an application, both client and server, which functions as a simple social network that allows users to create messages that are visible to all other users, and forward messages created ...
    • Desenvolupament d'una aplicació d'agricultura per a dispositius mòbils 

      Coll Leal, Daniel (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2016-07-01)
      Bachelor thesis
      Restricted access - confidentiality agreement