Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Development of a Large-Eddy simulation framework for engineering applications using the finite element method 

      Chrysokentis, Georgios (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2019-04-03)
      Doctoral thesis
      Open Access
      This thesis develops a large eddy simulation framework for engineering applications using the finite element method. It focuses on the numerical formulation, the wall modelling approach as well as the generation of turbulent ...
    • Large eddy simulation for automotive aerodynamics with Alya 

      Lehmkuhl Barba, Oriol; Chrysokentis, Georgios; Gomez, Samuel; Owen, Herbert (2018-07-09)
      Conference lecture
      Open Access
      The prodigious potential offered by the ever-growing computing infrastructure is fostering the use of large eddy simulation for automotive aerodynamics. This approach, which resolves the larger dynamically important eddies ...
    • Wall‐modeled large‐eddy simulation in a finite element framework 

      Owen, Herbert; Chrysokentis, Georgios; Avila, Matias; Mira Martínez, Daniel; Houzeaux, Guillaume; Cajas, Juan Carlos; Lehmkuhl Barba, Oriol (Wiley, 2020-01)
      Open Access
      This work studies the implementation of wall modeling for large‐eddy simulation in a finite element context. It provides a detailed description of how the approach used by the finite volume and finite differences communities ...