Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Geometric Hamilton-Jacobi theory for nonholonomic dynamical systems 

      Cariñena, José F.; Gràcia Sabaté, Francesc Xavier; Marmo, Giuseppe; Martínez, Eduardo; Muñoz Lecanda, Miguel Carlos; Román Roy, Narciso (2009-08-14)
      Research report
      Open Access
      The geometric formulation of Hamilton--Jacobi theory for systems with nonholonomic constraints is developed, following the ideas of the authors in previous papers. The relation between the solutions of the Hamilton--Jacobi ...
    • Geometric Hamilton–Jacobi Theory 

      Cariñena, José F.; Gràcia Sabaté, Francesc Xavier; Marmo, Giuseppe; Martínez, Eduardo; Muñoz Lecanda, Miguel Carlos; Román Roy, Narciso (2006-04-21)
      Open Access
      The Hamilton–Jacobi problem is revisited bearing in mind the consequences arising from a possible bi-Hamiltonian structure. The problem is formulated on the tangent bundle for Lagrangian systems in order to avoid the bias ...
    • Hamilton-Jacobi theory and the evolution operator 

      Cariñena, José F.; Gràcia Sabaté, Francesc Xavier; Martínez, Eduardo; Marmo, Giuseppe; Muñoz Lecanda, Miguel Carlos; Román Roy, Narciso (Prensas Univ. Zaragoza, 2009-04)
      Part of book or chapter of book
      Open Access
      We present a new setting of the geometric Hamilton-Jacobi theory by using the so-called time-evolution operator K. This new approach unifies both the Lagrangian and the Hamiltonian formulation of the problem developed in ...