Browsing by Subject "Carburs"
Now showing items 1-20 of 50
Advanced characterization techniques in cemented carbides
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2024-02-22)
Master thesis
Open AccessLos carburos cementados son materiales formados por granos de carburo y una fase aglutinante. El carburo cementado más conocido es el carburo de wolframio combinado con una fase aglutinante de cobalto WC-Co, pero los ... -
Análisis crítico de correlaciones básicas existentes entre la microestructura y las propiedades mecánicas de carburos cementados
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2020-07-14)
Master thesis
Open AccessLos carburos cementados WC-Co (comúnmente referidos como metal duro) son materiales compuestos cuya aplicación ha ido incrementando de forma exponencial, desde su introducción hace ya casi un siglo, en distintos ámbitos ... -
Application of image processing and analysis techniques for microstructural characterization of cemented carbides
Conference lecture
Open Access -
Chemical, microstructural and micromechanical characterization by using the nanoindentation technique at the welding interphase of TiC, TaC and TiC/TaC single crystals
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2021-07-07)
Bachelor thesis
Restricted access - author's decisionAvui en dia, la necessitat de tenir eines millors i millorades, és un problema que anirà augmentant amb el temps, per això mateix ha començat una cerca d’un mètode per provar materials de molt altes prestacions, en aquesta ... -
Contact damage induced by means of conical indentation in hardmetals: Microstructural effects on residual strength
(Elsevier, 2024-01)
Open AccessAiming to evaluate the influence of microstructure on residual strength of hardmetals, conical indentation is implemented and validated as a simple and practical methodology to introduce controlled damage. Work is carried ... -
Contact fatigue behavior of a-Al2O3-Ti(C,N) CVD coated WC-Co under dry and wet conditions
Open AccessThe response to cycling contact fatigue load of a WC-6%Co carbide coated with a Ti(C,N)/a-Al2O3 CVD multilayer was investigated in dry and wet conditions. Imprints in dry conditions were characterized by small thin cracks ... -
Contact fatigue behaviour of CVD coated cemented carbides in dry and wet conditions
Open AccessCycling contact fatigue indentation tests in dry and wet conditions were conducted in cemented carbides CVD-coated with Ti(C,N)/a-Al2O3 and Zr(C,N)/a-Al2O3 systems. In dry contact experiments, all imprints presented a ... -
Contact fatigue of WC-6%wtCo cemented carbides: Influence of corrosion-induced changes on emergence and evolution of damage
Open AccessThe effect of corrosion-induced changes on the contact fatigue response and associated damage in a medium-grained WC-6%wtCo hardmetal grade is investigated. Cyclic contact loading tests are conducted by means of Hertzian ... -
Corrosion damage in WC-Co cemented carbides: Residual strength assessment and 3D FIB-FESEM tomography characterization
Conference report
Open AccessThe effect of corrosion damage on cemented carbides was investigated. The study included residual strength assessment and detailed fractographic inspection of corroded specimens as well as detailed 3D FIB-FESEM tomography ... -
Critical assessment of two-dimensional methods for the microstructural characterization of cemented carbides
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2022-11-03)
Open AccessCemented carbides, or hard metals, are ceramic–metal composites usually consisting of tungsten carbide particles bound by a cobalt-based alloy. They are the backbone materials for the tooling industry, as a direct consequence ... -
Design of alternative binders for hard materials
Open AccessIn the last years, a special interest has emerged towards the total or partial substitution of traditional cemented carbides composing elements. In this study, a systematic methodology is presented and used to design ... -
Efecte del dany introduit per corrosió en les propietats mecàniques del metall dur
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2016-10-11)
Bachelor thesis
Open AccessLa utilització dels carburs cimentats en la indústria ha suposat un avenç molt important en totes aquelles aplicacions que precisen d’una combinació de duresa i resistència al desgast.. Per aquest tipus de material, les ... -
Efecte sobre la integritat mecànica de carburs cementats enfront a la corrosió
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2019-05-24)
Bachelor thesis
Open AccessEl metall dur és un material compost format per una fase ceràmica i una altra de metàl·lica, fet que el converteix en un dels candidats més utilitzats en un gran nombre d’aplicacions entre les que destaquen les indústries ... -
Effect of corrosion-induced damage on microstructure and residual strenght of WC-Co,Ni cemented carbide
Conference lecture
Open Access -
Evaluación del comportamiento a fatiga por contacto esférico de un recubrimiento bi-capa depositado por PVD sobre la superficie de un carburo cementado
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2010-02)
Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
Open AccessLa necesidad de mejorar la resistencia al desgaste en utillajes de conformado para prolongar la vida en servicio de éstos, ha llevado a recubrir diversos materiales base, tales como los carburos cementados. En este ... -
FIB/FESEM experimental and analytical assessment of R-curve behavior of WC-Co cemented carbides
Open AccessExceptional fracture toughness levels exhibited by WC-Co cemented carbides (hardmetals) are due mainly to toughening derived from plastic stretching of crack-bridging ductile enclaves. This takes place due to the development ... -
Flexural strength and finite fatigue life behavior of a fine-grained WC-10Co cemented carbide
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2023-02-14)
Master thesis
Restricted access - confidentiality agreementWC-Co cemented carbides are composite materials formed by ceramic particles embedded by a metallic binder. As a result of this combination, cemented carbides stand out for its great compromise between mechanical and ... -
Flexural strength and finite fatigue life behavior of a WC-Co cemented carbide including γ-phase
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2024-02-22)
Master thesis
Restricted access - confidentiality agreement -
Functionalization of silicon carbide by magnetic nanoparticles for tracer uses
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya / Université de Technologie Compiègne, 2017-06)
Master thesis
Open AccessThe present work reports a novel and simple way to functionalize commercial silicon carbide with magnetic nanoparticles (Fe3O4). Maghemite and magnetite nanoparticles were synthesized by chemical coprecipitation of FeCl3·6H2O ... -
Grinding anisotropy effect on scratch resistance of hardmetal
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2015-02)
Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
Restricted access - author's decisionCemented carbides, often simply termed as hardmetals (WC-Co), are heterogeneous composite materials consisting of a ceramic phase embedded in a metallic binder, with the former providing hardness, wear resistance and the ...