Browsing by Subject "Biometry"
Now showing items 1-20 of 47
A discussion on the selection of prototypes for kansei engineering study
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyOne of the steps in a kansei engineering study is the evaluation of prototypes by users. Usually, the participants in the study give ratings to each one of the prototypes either using a semantic differential method or a ... -
A genetic attack against machine learning classifiers to steal biometric actigraphy profiles from health related sensor data
(Springer, 2020)
Open AccessIn this work, we propose the use of a genetic-algorithm-based attack against machine learning classifiers with the aim of ‘stealing’ users’ biometric actigraphy profiles from health related sensor data. The target ... -
A novel method for low-constrained iris boundary localization
Conference lecture
Open AccessIris recognition systems are strongly dependent on their segmentation processes, which have traditionally assumed rigid experimental constraints to achieve good performance, but now move towards less constrained environments. ... -
A system for robust iris recognition
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2012-02-13)
Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
Restricted access - author's decision[ANGLÈS] Biometric technologies are becoming important due to the increasing demand for flexible and robust systems for identification and verification of individuals. In recent years, some biometrics has been proposed ... -
Analysis of self-overlap reveals trade-offs in plankton swimming trajectories
Restricted access - publisher's policyMovement is a fundamental behaviour of organisms that not only brings about beneficial encounters with resources and mates, but also at the same time exposes the organism to dangerous encounters with predators. The movement ... -
Autenticació mitjançant paràmetres biomètrics
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2017-10-12)
Bachelor thesis
Open AccessEn les pàgines següents s’explicarà el procés seguit per la realització d’aquest treball de final de grau, en el que es pretén substituir, en un programa de gestió de contrasenyes, la contrasenya mestre per paràmetres ... -
Biofilm growth monitoring
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2019-05)
Bachelor thesis
Open AccessDesign and develpment a "original" system and low cost to measure the variations in the oscillation frequency and damping in the point of oscillation when bacteria grow in the surface of a quartz crystal. -
Biometric applications related to human beings: there is life beyond security
Restricted access - publisher's policyThe use of biometrics has been successfully applied to security applications for some time. However, the extension of other potential applications with the use of biometric information is a very recent development. ... -
Biometría y refracción en grupo de estudiantes de secundaria
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2015-10-21)
Bachelor thesis
Open AccessObjetivo: Analizar la relación existente entre diferentes parámetros obtenidos, a partir de la biometría como, por ejemplo, la relación centro-periferia y la LAX, además del radio corneal relacionando posteriormente estos ... -
Boosting the chances to improve stroke treatment
Open AccessBackground and Purpose—There is a lack of agreement regarding measuring the effects of stroke treatment in clinical trials, which often relies on the dichotomized value of 1 outcome scale. Alternative analyses consist ... -
Comparación de fórmulas biométricas en el cálculo de lentes intraoculares mediante el uso biometría óptica
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2013-01)
Master thesis
Open AccessLa exactitud de las medidas biométricas oculares es decisiva para el cálculo de la potencia de la lente intraocular y, por lo tanto, de la previsión de los resultados refractivos tras la cirugía de cataratas A día de ... -
Covid-19: la malinterpretación de los datos de la pandemia daña la confianza del público
Open Access -
Creació d'un sistema de reconeixement facial
(Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya, 2020-01-16)
Bachelor thesis
Restricted access - confidentiality agreement -
Deep learning for the development of biometric systems based on static signatures
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2019-04-24)
Master thesis
Restricted access - confidentiality agreement -
Design of trials with composite endpoints with the R package compAREdesign
Open AccessComposite endpoints are widely used as primary endpoints in clinical trials. Designing trials with time-to-event endpoints can be particularly challenging because the proportional hazard assumption usually does not hold ... -
Detection and tracking of open eyes in video sequences
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2016-10-28)
Bachelor thesis
Restricted access - author's decisionThe objective of this project is to detect eyes on the video footage and propose new applications such as controlled by the eye tracking or at an international security level computers, replace passports for this type of ... -
Development and integration of a real-time human pose estimation and activity classification system
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2020-06)
Bachelor thesis
Open AccessLa estimación de la postura humana y el reconocimiento de la actividad es un componente crucial en el campo de la visión por ordenador. De este modo, se permite a las máquinas comprender el comportamiento de las personas ... -
Diseño de la documentación de soporte de un estudio de cohorte prospectivo en el ámbito de la miopía infantil
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2022-05)
Master thesis
Open AccessINTRODUCCIÓ: L'augment de la prevalença global de la miopia ha provocat un increment del nombre d'investigacions que pretenen conèixer els factors de risc que la desencadenen. La cohort infantil de salut visual de Terrassa ... -
Disseny de sistemes de control d'accés biomètrics
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2009-07)
Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
Open AccessEntre els 7 sistemes d’identificació més utilitzats es troben els sistemes biomètrics. L’autentificació per biometria es basa en la verificació d’un element del cos de l’usuari (identificació del rostre, termograma del ...