Browsing by Author "Bathurst, Richard"
Now showing items 1-20 of 27
3D modelling of reinforced soil walls
Puig Damians, Ivan; Bathurst, Richard; Olivella Pastallé, Sebastià; Lloret Morancho, Antonio; Josa Garcia-Tornel, Alejandro (2017)
Conference report
Open AccessThis report summarizes the scope and conclusions of a 3D numerical modelling analysis of mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) walls constructed with concrete panels and strip reinforcement. These systems pose numerical ... -
3D modelling of strip reinforced MSE walls
Puig Damians, Ivan; Bathurst, Richard; Olivella Pastallé, Sebastià; Lloret Morancho, Antonio; Josa Garcia-Tornel, Alejandro (Springer, 2021-03)
Open AccessThis paper reports the results of 3D numerical modelling of a 6-m-high mechanically stabilised earth (MSE) wall constructed with concrete panels and steel or polymeric strip reinforcement. These systems pose numerical ... -
Analysis of vertical facing panel-joint gap in reinforced soil walls
Puig Damians, Ivan; Bathurst, Richard; Josa Garcia-Tornel, Alejandro; Lloret Morancho, Antonio; Lima, Juan (International Geosynthetics Society (IGS), 2017)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyThis paper extends the numerical parametric study previously reported by the writers for the vertical load distribution and vertical gap compression between facing panel units in steel reinforced soil walls ranging in ... -
Assessment of earth retaining wall sustainability: value functions and stakeholder weighting sensitivity
Puig Damians, Ivan; Bathurst, Richard; Lloret Morancho, Antonio; Josa Garcia-Tornel, Alejandro; El Mansouri, D. (Springer Nature, 2019)
Conference report
Open AccessEarth retaining walls are common geotechnical structures with a wide range of solutions available to perform the same function. More and more, geotechnical engineers are asked to find the best solution among several options ... -
Comparison of finite element and finite difference modelling results with measured performance of a reinforced soil wall
Puig Damians, Ivan; Bathurst, Richard; Josa Garcia-Tornel, Alejandro; Lloret Morancho, Antonio (2014)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyThe performance of a metallic reinforced soil segmental retaining wall is examined in a systematic manner using two numerical modelling approaches. Finite element modelling was carried out using the commercial program ... -
Environmental assessment of earth retaining wall structures
Puig Damians, Ivan; Bathurst, Richard; García Adroguer, Eduard; Josa Garcia-Tornel, Alejandro; Lloret Morancho, Antonio (2017-12)
Restricted access - publisher's policyLife cycle assessment (LCA) is recognised as a powerful technique to determine the environmental impact component of sustainability assessments of structures in civil engineering projects at the time of design. This paper ... -
Equivalent interface properties for FLAC and PLAXIS models to simulate soil-structure interactions in MSE walls
Yu, Yan; Puig Damians, Ivan; Bathurst, Richard; Lloret Morancho, Antonio; Josa Garcia-Tornel, Alejandro (2014)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyThe choice of structure element to simulate soil reinforcement and soil-structure interaction details for numerical modelling of mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) walls can have a significant influence on numerical ... -
Equivalent interface properties to model soil-facing interactions with zero-thickness and continuum element methodologies
Puig Damians, Ivan; Yu, Yan; Lloret Morancho, Antonio; Bathurst, Richard; Josa Garcia-Tornel, Alejandro (IOS Press, 2015)
Conference lecture
Restricted access - publisher's policySoil-facing mechanical interactions play an important role in the behavior of earth retaining walls. Generally, numerical analysis of earth retaining structures requires the use of interface elements between dissimilar ... -
Evaluación de la sostenibilidad de estructuras de contención de tierras: sensibilidad en las funciones de valor y en la ponderación de escenarios de toma de decisión
Puig Damians, Ivan; Lloret Morancho, Antonio; Josa Garcia-Tornel, Alejandro; Bathurst, Richard (Sociedad Española de Mecánica del Suelo e Ingeniería Geotécnica, 2022)
Conference lecture
Restricted access - publisher's policyLos muros de contención son estructuras geotécnicas con una amplia gama de soluciones para realizar la misma función. Cada vez más, se les pide a los ingenieros geotécnicos que encuentren la mejor solución entre varias ... -
FE analysis of the effect of soil-reinforcement interaction and reinforcement pre-tensioning on the behaviour of back-to-back polymeric strip reinforced soil walls
Brouthen, Abdelaziz; Puig Damians, Ivan; Bathurst, Richard; Houhou, Mohamed Nab (2022)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyThis paper is focused on the performance of back-to-back reinforced soil walls using 2D numerical models developed using the geotechnical finite element method (FEM) code PLAXIS. These structures are used to support ... -
Influence of choice of FLAC and PLAXIS interface models on reinforced soil-structure interactions
Yu, Yan; Puig Damians, Ivan; Bathurst, Richard (Elsevier, 2015-04-01)
Open AccessThe choice of structure element to simulate soil reinforcement and soil–structure interaction details for numerical modelling of mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) walls can have a significant influence on numerical ... -
Influence of facing vertical stiffness on reinforced soil wall design
Puig Damians, Ivan; Bathurst, Richard; Josa Garcia-Tornel, Alejandro; Lloret Morancho, Antonio (2013)
Conference lecture
Restricted access - author's decisionCurrent design practices for reinforced soil walls typically ignore the influence of facing type and foundation compressibility on the magnitude and distribution of reinforcement loads in steel reinforced soil walls under ... -
Influence of foundation compressibility on reinforcement loads in geosynthetic reinforced soil walls
Bathurst, Richard; Puig Damians, Ivan; Ezzein, F.; Josa Garcia-Tornel, Alejandro; Lloret Morancho, Antonio (International Geosynthetics Society (IGS), 2012)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyA numerical FLAC model was used to investigate the influence of vertical stiffness of the foundation on the performance of an idealized 6-m high reinforced soil modular block retaining wall. Three different Winkler linear ... -
Influence of numerical model mesh properties on predicted in soil temperature, relative humidity and degree of saturation of reinforced soil structures
Moncada Ramírez, Aníbal Andrés; Puig Damians, Ivan; Olivella Pastallé, Sebastià; Bathurst, Richard (2022)
Conference lecture
Restricted access - publisher's policyGeosynthetic materials are routinely used in soil reinforcement and stabilization applications. They have proven to be an important part of the sustainable solution for reinforced soil walls (RSWs). For RSW constructed ... -
Modeling soil-facing interface interaction with continuum element methodology
Puig Damians, Ivan; Olivella Pastallé, Sebastià; Bathurst, Richard; Lloret Morancho, Antonio; Josa Garcia-Tornel, Alejandro (2022-03)
Open AccessSoil-facing mechanical interactions play an important role in the behaviour of earth retaining walls. Generally, numerical analysis of earth retaining structures requires the use of interface elements between dissimilar ... -
Modelización del comportamiento de bandas poliméricas de refuerzo en suelos bajo el efecto de la temperatura y humedad
Moncada Ramírez, Aníbal Andrés; Olivella Pastallé, Sebastià; Puig Damians, Ivan; Bathurst, Richard (Sociedad Española de Mecánica del Suelo e Ingeniería Geotécnica, 2022)
Conference lecture
Restricted access - publisher's policyLos materiales de refuerzo de bandas de poliéster (PET) se utilizan actualmente de forma rutinaria como refuerzo del suelo para los estructuras de contención de suelo reforzado. Es de esperar que la resistencia y la rigidez ... -
Modelling 3D mechanical interfaces with continuum elements
Puig Damians, Ivan; Olivella Pastallé, Sebastià; Lloret Morancho, Antonio; Josa Garcia-Tornel, Alejandro; Bathurst, Richard (2013)
Conference report
Open AccessThis document presents preliminary results of FEM-numerical analysis of soil-reinforcement pullout tests. The numerical model has been developed with CODE_BRIGHT and assuming the interfaces as continuum materials. The ... -
Modelling the effect of in-soil temperature and relative humidity on performance of PET strap soil reinforcement products
Moncada Ramírez, Aníbal Andrés; Puig Damians, Ivan; Olivella Pastallé, Sebastià; Bathurst, Richard (Australian Geomechanics Society, 2022)
Conference lecture
Restricted access - publisher's policyPolyester (PET) strap reinforcement materials are now used routinely as soil reinforcement for mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) walls. The important role of temperature and relative humidity on the chemical degradation ... -
Modified unit cell approach for modelling geosynthetic-reinforced column-supported embankments
Yu, Yan; Bathurst, Richard; Puig Damians, Ivan (2016-06)
Open AccessGeosynthetic-reinforced and column-supported (GRCS) embankments have proven to be an effective construction technique for fills on soft foundations. The paper introduces a modified unit cell approach to model GRCS embankments ... -
Numerical analysis of an instrumented steel reinforced soil wall
Puig Damians, Ivan; Bathurst, Richard; Josa Garcia-Tornel, Alejandro; Lloret Morancho, Antonio (2014-02-20)
Restricted access - publisher's policyThe paper describes the results and lessons learned using a PLAXIS finite element method (FEM) model to simulate quantitative performance features of the Minnow Creek steel strip reinforced soil wall structure located in ...