Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • 20. X-ing disciplines from architecture: the case of Aalto Arts. A. Ahlava; F. Nieto 

      Jornades sobre Innovació Docent en Arquitectura (3es : 2015 : Barcelona, Catalunya) (2015-05-28)
      Open Access
    • X-ing disciplines from architecture: the case of Aalto Arts 

      Ahlava, Antti; Nieto, Fernando (Grup per a la Innovació i la Logística Docent en l'Arquitectura (GILDA) / Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Iniciativa Digital Politècnica, 2015-05)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      In the last years, the new notions of architecture and the new roles of architects have caused strong changes regarding architectural education. These changes are demanding a user-driven strategy more focused on human ...