Browsing by Subject "Antibiòtics"
Now showing items 1-20 of 33
A review of emerging organic contaminants (EOCs), antibiotic resistant bacteria (ARB), and antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in the environment: increasing removal with wetlands and reducing environmental impacts
Open AccessEmerging organic contaminants (EOCs) include a diverse group of chemical compounds, such as pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs), pesticides, hormones, surfactants, flame retardants and plasticizers. Many of ... -
Anàlisi de l'efecte d'antioxidants i antibacterians naturals en carn picada
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2019-07-01)
Master thesis
Restricted access - author's decisionS'escollirà un antioxidant i un antibacterià natural i s'estudiarà el seu efecte en carn picada de vedella. Es realitzaran diferents tipus d'anàlisis per determinar i caracteritzar aquest efecte durant un període determinat ... -
Análisis del ciclo de vida de un proceso combinado de fotocatálisis on TiO2 y adsorción con PAC de una planta piloto para la degradación de antibióticos
(OmniaScience, 2021-03)
Conference report
Open Access -
Antibacterial lignin-based nanoparticles and their use in composite materials
(Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), 2022-10-11)
Open AccessLignin, one of the most abundant biopolymers on earth, has been traditionally considered a low-value by-product of the pulp and paper industries. This renewable raw material, besides being a source of valuable molecules ... -
Antibacterial properties of antibiotic-loaded PHB grafted on titanium surface for biomedical applications
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2014-06)
Master thesis
Open AccessWith the evolution of human civilization, the field of biomaterials evolved relating different materials with a simple focus: to extend human life and improve the quality of life. Materials used for biomedical applications ... -
Antibody-enabled antimicrobial nanocapsules for selective elimination of Staphylococcus aureus
Open AccessTargeted bactericide nanosystems hold significant promise to improve the efficacy of existing antimicrobials for treatment of severe bacterial infections, minimizing the side effects and lowering the risk of antibiotic ... -
Antimicrobial peptides: Powerful biorecognition elements to detect bacteria in biosensing technologies
Open AccessBacterial infections represent a serious threat in modern medicine. In particular, biofilm treatment in clinical settings is challenging, as biofilms are very resistant to conventional antibiotic therapy and may spread ... -
Avaluació de la qualitat agronòmica de l'aigua de reg en la zona de corredores del Parc Agrari del Baix Llobregat en el període 2004-2020
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2021-05-19)
Bachelor thesis
Open Access -
Boosting pharmaceutical removal through aeration in constructed wetlands
Open AccessThis work evaluated the removal efficiency of 13 wastewater-borne pharmaceuticals in a pilot constructed wetland (CW) operated under different aeration strategies (no aeration, intermittent and continuous). Aeration improved ... -
Degradació de l'amoxicil·lina mitjançant AOP's
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2013-12-04)
Bachelor thesis
Open AccessLa presència d’antibiòtics sintètics en els cursos fluvials és una realitat, un ús no abusiu d’aquests i el tractament de les aigües residuals per evitar la formació de bactèries resistents als medicaments és la ... -
Disassembling bacterial extracellular matrix with DNase-coated nanoparticles to enhance antibiotic delivery in biofilm infections
Open Access
Covenantee: Hospital Universitari Vall d'HebronInfections caused by biofilm-forming bacteria are a major threat to hospitalized patients and the main cause of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and cystic fibrosis. There is an urgent necessity for novel therapeutic ... -
Dose effect of Zn and Cu in sludge-amended soils on vegetable uptake of trace elements, antibiotics, and antibiotic resistance genes: Human health implications
Open AccessThe application of sewage sludge to agricultural fields reduces the need for mineral fertilizers by increasing soil organic matter, but may also increase soil pollution. Previous studies indicate that zinc and copper, as ... -
Eliminación y destino de antibióticos en plantas depuradoras urbanas
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2015-10-05)
Master thesis
Open Access -
Estudi de la resistència als antibiòtics a la Unió Europea utilitzant MFA
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya / Universitat de Barcelona, 2021-01)
Bachelor thesis
Open AccessEls resultats presentats en l’informe extret de la European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) estan basats en dades de resistència antimicrobiana (RAM) d’aïllats invasius comunicats a la xarxa europea de ... -
Estudio bibliográfico de la liberación controlada de neurotransmisores y antibióticos en un hidrogel de base celulósica con incorporación de un polímero conductor
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2020-07-14)
Bachelor thesis
Open AccessEl siguiente informe aspira a estudiar el comportamiento de la dopamina (C8H11NO2), la serotonina (C10H12N2O) y el cloranfenicol (C11H12Cl2N2O5) en un hidrogel de base celulósica compuesto por carboximetilcelulosa sódica ... -
Estudio de la nanoformulación innovadora para la erradicación bacteriana
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2020-07-13)
Bachelor thesis
Open AccessLa resistencia antibacteriana es un problema de salud en constante crecimiento y es una de las principales causas de muerte en todo el mundo. Además, la capacidad de las bacterias para unir las superficies vivas y no vivas, ... -
Hyaluronic acid derivative molecular weight-dependent synthesis and antimicrobial effect of hybrid silver nanoparticles
Open AccessSilver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) appeared as promising antimicrobial candidates to face the development of antibiotic resistance. Although reported as toxic towards mammalian cells, their combination with biomolecules have ... -
Identification and clinical characteristics of community-acquired acinetobacter baumannii in patients hospitalized for moderate or severe COVID-19 in Peru
Open AccessAcinetobacter baumannii has been described as a cause of serious community-acquired infections in tropical countries. Currently, its implications when simultaneously identified with other pathogens are not yet adequately ... -
Identification of coinfections by viral and bacterial pathogens in covid-19 hospitalized patients in peru: Molecular diagnosis and clinical characteristics
Open AccessThe impact of respiratory coinfections in COVID-19 is still not well understood despite the growing evidence that consider coinfections greater than expected. A total of 295 patients older than 18 years of age, hospitalized ... -
Influencia del contenido de OHAP y de gentamicina en la liberación del antibiótico a partir de composites de OHAP/PEMMA
(Sociedad Ibérica de Biomecánica y Biomateriales, 2001-12)
Open AccessEl objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar la influencia del contenido de hidroxiapatita (OHAp) y de sulfato de gentamicina (SG) en la velocidad de liberación de dicho antibiótico a partir de materiales compuestos por OHAp, ...