Browsing by Subject "Antenes"
Now showing items 1-20 of 29
2.45 GHz rectena and rectena array design
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2015-05-22)
Bachelor thesis
Restricted access - author's decisionIn this project, the main idea is to design a circular polarization rectenna and use this same rectenna to build a 2x2 array to capture the energy emitted at 2.45 GHz. The rectenas are antennas with a rectifier which is ... -
A robust maximin approach for MIMO communications with imperfect channel state information based on convex optimization
Open AccessThis paper considers a wireless communication system with multiple transmit and receive antennas, i.e., a multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) channel. The objective is to design the transmitter according to an imperfect ... -
Cold and Hot Spots: from Inhibition to Enhancement by Nanoscale Phase Tuning of Optical Nanoantennas
(ACS, 2020-08-17)
Open AccessOptical nanoantennas are well-known for the confinement of light into nanoscale hot spots, suitable for emission enhancement and sensing applications. Here, we show how control of the antenna dimensions allows tuning ... -
Compact duplexer with miniaturized dual loop resonator
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2005)
Conference report
Open AccessThis work presents a very compact duplexer based on novel miniaturized loaded-close-loop dual resonators. Two different dual resonators are used to establish the two bands, corresponding to the transmitter and the receiver ... -
Considerations About Antenna Pattern Measurements of 2-D Aperture Synthesis Radiometers
(IEEE, 2006-04-30)
Open AccessAccurate measurement of the antenna voltage patterns of large-aperture synthesis radiometers is critical in order to achieve good radiometric accuracy, and a very time consuming and expensive task. Measurement requirements ... -
Control d'existències en en un magatzem en temps real mitjançant portadors d'informació passius
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2019-09-12)
Master thesis
Restricted access - confidentiality agreement
Covenantee: Proveedora Hispano Holandesa -
Design and implementation of a synthetic aperture antenna for a femto-satellite
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2011-04-04)
Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
Open AccessThe use of ceramic antennas is suitable for difficult environmental conditions in which it is difficult to transfer. The use of an antenna array can cause the radiation pattern is much more directive and make the transmission ... -
Design and implementation of UHF patch antenna
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2014-06-19)
Bachelor thesis
Open AccessThis document contains the final report of designing and implementation of a patch antenna,among setting up of dimensions (more information is included in chapter 5.1) , comparing results from Momentum Microwave and real ... -
Design of antennas for RFID applications in retail sector
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2010-12-14)
Master thesis
Restricted access - author's decision -
Design of single shaped reflector antennas for synthesis of shaped contour beams using genetic algorithms
(JOHN WILEY & SONS INC, 2000-12-31)
Open AccessA genetic algorithm (GA) has been developed for designing single-shaped reflector antennas for the synthesis of shaped contour beams. The graphical processing technique is used in order to obtain the antenna radiation ... -
Diseño de una agrupación de parches con alimentación en serie para aplicaciones de WiFi
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2008-07-28)
Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
Open AccessEl objetivo de este trabajo consiste en el estudio de parches acoplados capacitivamente con líneas de transmisión como elementos de agrupaciones de parches alimentados en serie. Se propone el estudio de dichas estructuras a ... -
Disseny d’una etiqueta RFID per superfícies metàl·liques
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2007-12-12)
Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
Open AccessDarrerament l’ús de la tecnologia RFID està creixent considerablement i cada cop són més els camps on s’aplica. La indústria, la medicina o els transports són alguns exemples de sectors que utilitzen aquesta tecnologia ... -
Disseny i construcció d'una antena planar per a la banda de UHF
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2007-06-29)
Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
Open AccessAquest projecte ha consistit en el disseny, implementació, ajustament i mesura de tres prototips d’antenes planars logoperiòdiques per a la banda alta de UHF adaptades a la impedància d’entrada d’un receptor de televisió ... -
Electromagnetic propagation in tunnels
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2011-09-22)
Doctoral thesis
Open AccessIntroduction of wireless communications systems in railway communications are at the origin of this thesis. Ifercat, the company in charge of the development of Línia 9 of Barcelona Metro, decided that wireless systems ... -
Enhancing Magnetic Light Emission with All-Dielectric Optical Nanoantennas
(ACS, 2018-04-27)
Open AccessElectric and magnetic optical fields carry the same amount of energy. Nevertheless, the efficiency with which matter interacts with electric optical fields is commonly accepted to be at least 4 orders of magnitude higher ... -
Estudi d'antenes seleccionables per a DAF WSN
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2012-07-20)
Bachelor thesis
Open AccessEn un món on les xarxes WSN cada vegada s'utilitzen més, se'ns presenta una gran oportunitat d'utilitzar aquesta tecnologia en un aspecte, on encara no ha arrelat amb força: com és donar una resposta ràpida en catàstrofes ... -
Estudi de la variabilitat des dues antenes de recepció de dades AIS
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2022-06)
Bachelor thesis
Open AccessDesprés de l’enfonsament del titànic el 1914 es va crear el conveni SOLAS, però no va ser fins el 2004 que es va implementar l'AIS. Regit per diferents normatives, avui en dia és un element indispensable en qualsevol ... -
Extracción de señales de un ordenador mediante antenas planares
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2017-10-31)
Bachelor thesis
Open AccessThis project focuses on the study, design and measurement of three printed antennas on a dielectric substrate, designed to extract signals from the processor of a conventional computer. The processor operates at 1 GHz, and ... -
Far-field control of nanoscale hotspots by near-field interference
(ACS, 2020-07-31)
Open AccessOptical nanoantennas coherently scatter incident optical radiation, creating a localized electromagnetic near-field imprinted with subwavelength phase distribution, rapidly changing in space. The nanostructuring of phase ... -
Feasibility study for the implementation of a passive ranging system for Low Earth Orbit satellites
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2024-09-12)
Master thesis
Open AccessIn this project, a feasibility study has been carried out to implement a specialised passive ranging system for satellites in the LEO orbital regime, based on a system previously developed for GEO, called Focusear. For ...