Now showing items 1-20 of 34

    • A cross-anisotropic formulation for elasto-plastic models 

      Mánica Malcom, Miguel Ángel; Gens Solé, Antonio; Vaunat, Jean; Ruiz Restrepo, Daniel Felipe (2016-06)
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      A cross-anisotropic formulation for elasto-plastic constitutive models based on a non-uniform scaling of the stress tensor is described. Taking advantage of the material symmetries characterising cross-anisotropy, only two ...
    • A study for the measurement of muscle electrical properties using a multi-contact needle 

      Cheto Barrera, Albert (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2020-05-27)
      Bachelor thesis
      Open Access
      Covenantee:   Harvard Medical School / Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
      Els trastorns neuromusculars són una gran varietat d'afeccions de l'estat de salut de nervis i músculs. Les alteracions induïdes per la malaltia que afecten la composició i estructura del múscul, alteren la capacitat ...
    • Acceleration strategies for large-scale sequential simulations using parallel neighbour search: Non-LVA and LVA scenarios 

      Peredo Andrade, Oscar Francisco; Herrero Zaragoza, José Ramón (2022-03)
      Open Access
      This paper describes the application of acceleration techniques into existing implementations of Sequential Gaussian Simulation and Sequential Indicator Simulation. These implementations might incorporate Locally Varying ...
    • Angular control of anisotropy-induced bound states in the continuum 

      Mukherjee, Samyobrata; Gomis Bresco, Jordi; Pujol Closa, Maria del Pilar; Artigas García, David; Torner Sabata, Lluís (2019-11-01)
      Open Access
      Radiation of leaky modes existing in anisotropic waveguides can be cancelled by destructive interference at special propagation directions relative to the optical axis orientation, resulting in fully bound states surrounded ...
    • Anisotropic features on the thermal conductivity of a deep argillaceous formation 

      Romero Morales, Enrique Edgar; Sau Valenzuela, Núria; Lima, Analice; Van Baelen, H; Sillen, X.; Li, Xiang Ling (IOS Press, 2015)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      An experimental study on Ypresian clays – one of the potential deep and sedimentary clay formations in Belgium for the geological disposal of heat-emitting radioactive waste – has been undertaken to systematically study ...
    • Anisotropic pressure effects on nanoconfined water within narrow graphene slit pores 

      Ruiz Barragán, Sergio; Marx, Dominik; Forbert, Harald (Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), 2023-11-07)
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      There is an increasing interest toward disclosing and explaining confinement effects on liquids, such as water or aqueous solutions, in slit pore setups. Particularly puzzling are the changes of physical and chemical ...
    • Caracterització de l'anisotropia dels acers inoxidables dúplex mitjançant assaigs micromecànics 

      Gil López, Xavier (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2017-10-03)
      Bachelor thesis
      Open Access
      Els acers inoxidables dúplex posseeixen una microestructura bifàsica composta de ferrita i austenita, presents en proporcions similars. El seu interès industrial rau en el bon compromís entre propietats mecàniques i ...
    • Characterisation and modelling of a 3D concrete printed wall under flexure 

      Galeote Moreno, Eduardo; Egea, Carlos; Fuente Antequera, Albert de la (International Federation for Structural Concrete (fib), 2022)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      The use of 3D concrete printing (3DCP) opens a wide range of new and revolutionary possibilities in the construction industry. However, the development of materials and the manufacturing of structural elements face several ...
    • Comportamiento dinámico de placas anisótropas con distinas combinaciones de las clásicas condiciones de borde 

      Ciancio, Patricia M.; Rossit, Carlos A.; Laura, Patricio A. A. (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2007)
      Open Access
      En el presente trabajo se determinan las frecuencias naturales de vibración en placas delgadas rectangulares anisótropas, sustentadas en sus cuatro bordes por combinaciones diferentes de las clásicas condiciones de vínculos. ...
    • Diffusion tensor imaging metrics associated with future disability in multiple sclerosis 

      López Soley, Elisabet; Martinez-Heras, Eloy; Solana, Elisabeth; Solanes Font, Aleix; Radua, Joaquim; Vivó Sánchez, Francisco Javier; Prados, Ferran; Sepúlveda, Maria; Cabrera Maqueda, José María; Fonseca, Elianet; Blanco, Yolanda; Alba Arbalat, Salut; Martínez Lapiscina, Elena H.; Villoslada, Pablo; Llufriu, Sara; Saiz Hinarejos, Albert (Springer, 2023-03-02)
      Open Access
      The relationship between brain difusion microstructural changes and disability in multiple sclerosis (MS) remains poorly understood. We aimed to explore the predictive value of microstructural properties in white (WM) and ...
    • Efecte de l'anisotropia dels teixits de calada sobre el comportament del caient 

      López Pozo, Irene (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2015-06)
      Bachelor thesis
      Open Access
    • Effects of build orientation and heat treatments on the tensile and fracture toughness properties of additively manufactured AlSi10Mg 

      Araujo, Luana; Gabriel, André; Fonseca, Eduardo; Ávila Díaz, Julián Arnaldo; Jardini, Andre; Junior Seno, Roberto; Lopes, Eder (2021-10-05)
      Open Access
      The purpose of this study aimed to examine how build orientation and heat treatments affect microstructure, and consequently, the mechanical properties obtained from tensile and fracture toughness tests of additively ...
    • Estudi de l'efecte de l'anisotropia sobre el comportament electroplàstic d'aliatges d'alumini 

      Fernández Cobos, Adrià (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2016-04-26)
      Bachelor thesis
      Open Access
      En aquest treball s’ha investigat si el fenomen de la electroplasticitat en provetes de microtracció es veu afectat per la influència de la direcció de laminació del material i la velocitat d’assaig durant la tracció. El ...
    • Estudio de la anisotropia y homogeneidad del hormigón proyectado 

      Gámez Rey, Mauricio (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2017-05)
      Master thesis
      Restricted access - author's decision
      A través de los años se ha visto de manera muy notable la utilización de mezclas proyectadas para diferentes tipos de construcción, como túneles, refuerzo de taludes, además de construcción de viviendas proyectadas, entre ...
    • Existence loci of bound states in the continuum in the parameter space of anisotropic planar structures 

      Mukherjee, Samyobrata; Gomis Bresco, Jordi; Pujol Closa, Maria del Pilar; Artigas García, David; Torner Sabata, Lluís (Optical Society of American (OSA), 2019)
      Conference lecture
      Open Access
      Bound states in the continuum (BICs), first predicted in the field of quantum physics [1], are localized radiationless states existing in the part of the spectrum that corresponds to radiative modes. BICs are a general ...
    • Glassy Anomalies in the Low-Temperature Thermal Properties of a Minimally Disordered Crystalline Solid 

      Gebbia, Jonathan Fernando; Ramos, M. A.; Szewczyk, Daria; Jezowski, Andrzej; Krivchikov, Alexander; Horbatenko, Y.V; Guidi, T.; Bermejo, F. J.; Tamarit Mur, José Luis (2017-11-21)
      Open Access
      The low-temperature thermal and transport properties of an unusual kind of crystal exhibiting minimal molecular positional and tilting disorder have been measured. The material, namely, low-dimensional, highly anisotropic ...
    • Microscopic fractional anisotropy outperforms multiple sclerosis lesion assessment and clinical outcome associations over standard fractional anisotropy tensor 

      Vivó Sánchez, Francisco Javier; Solana, Elisabeth; Calvi, Alberto; López Soley, Elisabet; Reid, L. B.; Pascual Díaz, Saül; Garrido, César; Planas Tardido, Laura; Cabrera Maqueda, José María; Alba Arbalat, Salut; Sepúlveda, Maria; Blanco, Yolanda; Kanber, Baris; Prados, Ferran; Saiz Hinarejos, Albert; Llufriu, Sara; Martinez-Heras, Eloy (2024-06-13)
      Open Access
      We aimed to compare the ability of diffusion tensor imaging and multi-compartment spherical mean technique to detect focal tissue damage and in distinguishing between different connectivity patterns associated with varying ...
    • Modelización computacional del metal duro WC-Co considerando orientación de grano y anisotropía elástica a partir de tomografía FIB 

      Cruañes González, Diego (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2023-06-27)
      Bachelor thesis
      Open Access
      En aquest estudi, es busca simular la microestructura del metall dur WC-Co, considerant l’orientació dels grans i l’anisotropia del WC. Per a això, és necessari crear una malla del material amb cada gra identificat de ...
    • Multi Jet Fusion PA12 manufacturing parameters for watertightness, strength and tolerances 

      Morales Planas, Sergio; Minguella Canela, Joaquim; Llumà Fuentes, Jordi; Travieso Rodríguez, José Antonio; García Granada, Andrés-Amador (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2018-08-18)
      Open Access
      The aim of this paper is to explore the watertightness behaviour for high pressure applications using Multi Jet Fusion technology and polyamide 12 as a material. We report an efficient solution for manufacturing functional ...
    • New evidence of visual space anisotropy with autostereograms 

      Lupón Bas, Núria; Torrents Gómez, Aurora; Cardona Torradeflot, Genís; da Silva, José Aparecido; Aznar-Casanova, J. Antonio (2014-11-25)
      Open Access