Now showing items 1-20 of 65

    • A comprehensive model for power line interference in biopotential measurements 

      Fernández Chimeno, Mireya; Pallàs-Areny, Ramon (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2000-06-30)
      Open Access
      Power line interference is a major problem in high-resolution biopotential measurements. Because interference coupling is mostly capacitive, shielding electrode leads and a high common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR) are ...
    • A discrete-time technique for the steady-state analysis of nonlinear class-E amplifiers 

      Águila López, Francisco del; Palà Schönwälder, Pere; Molina Gaudó, Pilar; Mediano Heredia, Arturo (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2007-06-11)
      Open Access
      Switched circuits are widely used, particularly for power electronic applications in which efficiency is important. Of these applications, the class-E amplifier has been given particular attention, since it is theoretically ...
    • A scalable bandwidth and frequency-dependent DPD linearizer for user equipment power amplifiers with nonflat frequency response 

      Li, Wantao; Guo, Yan; Montoro López, Gabriel; Gilabert Pinal, Pere Lluís (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2023-10-24)
      Open Access
      This article presents a scalable digital predistortion (DPD) linearizer for handset power amplifiers (PAs) with nonflat frequency response and assuming a 5G scenario with dynamic resource blocks (RBs) reallocation. The ...
    • Active inductor-based tunable impedance matching network for RF power amplifier application 

      Saberkari, Alireza; Ziabakhsh, Saman; Martínez García, Herminio; Alarcón Cot, Eduardo José (2015-08)
      Open Access
      This paper presents the use of a new structure of active inductor named cascoded flipped-active inductor (CASFAI) in a T-type high-pass tunable output matching network of a class-E RF power amplifier (RFPA) to control the ...
    • Amplificador commutat per a senyals d’àudio controlat per un processador digital 

      Capdevila Calvo, Gabriel (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2008-10-14)
      Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
      Open Access
      L’objectiu d’aquest treball és el de dissenyar i construir un amplificador d’àudio que compleixi una sèrie de requisits. Les principals característiques que volem que tingui el nostre dispositiu son: que no consumeixi ...
    • Amplificador conmutado con asistencia lineal por derivación de corriente mediante modulación de impedancia 

      Ruiz de La Iglesia, Anselmo Gonzalo (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2013-12-10)
      Bachelor thesis
      Open Access
      [ANGLÈS] This work has as main objective the study of the shunt current regulation technique in the Boost DC-DC converter. The design of a theoretical and a simulation model to analyze the behavior of the circuit and obtain ...
    • Amplificador d'alta freqüència amb tecnologia mesfet 

      Zapater Guilera, Antonio (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2007-01)
      Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
      Restricted access - author's decision
      Hem construït amb dispositius MESFET dos amplificadors d'alta freqüència (10MHz a 1GHz), d'una potència considerable (P 1dB = 25dBm) i d'un guany elevat (G =25 dB). Per aconseguir-ho, primer hem hagut de resoldre les ...
    • Amplificador de RF. Alimentació i protecció 

      Ubeda Font, Jordi (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2006)
      Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
      Restricted access - author's decision
      Aquest projecte pretén dotar d’alimentació i protecció a una etapa amplificadora de RF, Per fer-ho s’ha dissenyat i muntat una font d’alimentació a mida que a més d’incorporar les típiques etapes de rectificació, filtrat ...
    • Amplificador Wi-fi 

      Fernandez Ducable, Didac (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2008-02)
      Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
      Restricted access - author's decision
      Este trabajo explica detalladamente el proceso de fabricación de un circuito de Microondas, es decir; que opera a altas frecuencias. En él, se ha detallado específicamente todos los pasos que se deben dar para que dicho ...
    • An improved buffer for bioelectric signals 

      Pallàs-Areny, Ramon; Colominas i Balagué, Josep; Rosell Ferrer, Francisco Javier (IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 1989-04-01)
      Open Access
      We propose an AC-coupled amplifier that offers a high in-put impedance, thus making it suitable for bioelectric signal amplifi- cation. We also present the necessary formulas for calculating its input impedance and transfer ...
    • Analytical modeling method of thermal spreading resistance in BAW filters 

      González Rodríguez, Marta; Collado Gómez, Juan Carlos; Mateu Mateu, Jordi; González Arbesú, José María; Aigner, Robert (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2019)
      Conference lecture
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      As the power requirements in BAW filters steadily increase, thermal behaviour emerges as a key asset to ensure device performance and reliability. Under these conditions, self-heating mechanisms drive to possible situations ...
    • Caracterizació experimental de circuits RF basada en sensors integrats 

      Olivé i Muñiz, Marçal (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2020-01)
      Bachelor thesis
      Open Access
      La constante mejora en fabricación de transistores reduciendo su tamaño ha supuestoacentuar efectos de variabilidad en su rendimiento. Para poder mitigar los efectos de estavariabilidad, el chip PAAGEANT tiene como objetivo ...
    • Caracterización de dos amplificadores clase E para un transmisor LINC @ 900 MHz 

      Fernandez Vega, Carlos (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2012-11-27)
      Bachelor thesis
      Open Access
      The ISM band is an unlicensed band generally used in environmental studies, scientific and medical. The law depends to the government of each country. This study has focused on the European level to the frequency of 868 ...
    • Caracterización experimental de un amplificador optico de fibra dopada ER3+: Presentaciones en sistemas de transmisión coherente 

      Guitart Felip, Jorge; Ruiz Moreno, Sergio (1991)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      In this communication we present an experimental characterization of an Er3+ -doped fiber amplifier. This kind of amplifier shows high gain and large bandwidth that can be very useful in improving performances of wide band ...
    • Characterization and modelling of EMI susceptibility in integrated circuits at high frequency 

      Gil Galí, Ignacio; Fernández García, Raúl (2012)
      Conference lecture
      Open Access
      In this paper an alternative method for characterizing and modelling the EMI susceptibility in integrated circuits at frequencies above 1 GHz is presented. The PCB layout design is focused on the optimization of the ...
    • Common mode electronic noise in differential circuits 

      Serrano Finetti, Roberto Ernesto; Casas Piedrafita, Óscar; Pallàs-Areny, Ramon (2019-07-01)
      Open Access
      Differential circuits are assumed to reject common-mode noise yet no parameter is available to describethat rejection as the Common Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR) applies only to deterministic signals, not torandom noise. We ...
    • Common mode feedback analysis for EIT systems with distributed current sources 

      Antón Cardona, Daniel; Riu Costa, Pere Joan (2010)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      The use of differential voltage measurements is widely used in EIT instruments. Instrumentation amplifiers are always affected by common mode voltages at their input. These voltages may have different origins, being the ...
    • Compensation of impedance meters when using an external front-end amplifier 

      Torrents Dolz, Josep M.; Pallàs-Areny, Ramon (IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 2002-04-30)
      Open Access
      Four-terminal impedance meters based on pseudo-bridges yield unexpected uncertainties when using high-contact-impedance electrodes. Adding a front-end amplifier to the impedance meter and rearranging the connection of the ...
    • Continuous-time CMOS adaptive asynchronous sigma-delta modulator approximating low-fs low-inband-error on-chip wideband power amplifier 

      Alarcón Cot, Eduardo José; Fernández, Diego; García Tormo, Albert; Madrenas Boadas, Jordi; Poveda López, Alberto (IEEE, 2011)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      A mixed-signal continuous-time-processing standard CMOS implementation of an asynchronous sigma-delta modulator aimed to drive a switching amplifier operating as an on-chip wideband adaptive power supply is presented in ...
    • Control automático de nivel (ALC) de un SSPA en banda Ka 

      Corbella Sanahuja, Ignasi; Purroy Martín, Francesc (1991)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      This communication describes the design of an Automatic Level Control (ALC) for the transmiter of a CODE (Co-operative Olympus Data Experiment) earth station. The goal of the ALC system is to keep constant the transmited ...