Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Basic CRF approach to DIANN 2018 shared task 

      Alvarez, Pol; Padró, Lluís (2018)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      This paper describes the UPC 2 system participation in DIANN (Disability annotation on documents from the biomedical domain) shared task, framed in the IBEREVAL 2018 evaluation workshop1. The system tackles the detection ...
    • Efficient development of high performance data analytics in Python 

      Álvarez Cid-Fuentes, Javier; Alvarez, Pol; Amela Milian, Ramon; Ishii, Kuninori; Morizawa, Rafael K.; Badia Sala, Rosa Maria (Elsevier, 2020-10)
      Open Access
      Our society is generating an increasing amount of data at an unprecedented scale, variety, and speed. This also applies to numerous research areas, such as genomics, high energy physics, and astronomy, for which large-scale ...
    • PaaS-IaaS inter-layer adaptation in an energy-aware cloud environment 

      Djemame, Karim; Bosch, Raimon; Kavanagh, Richard; Alvarez, Pol; Ejarque, Jorge; Guitart Fernández, Jordi; Blasi, Lorenzo (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2017-06)
      Open Access
      Cloud computing providers resort to a variety of techniques to improve energy consumption at each level of the cloud computing stack. Most of these techniques consider resource-level energy optimization at IaaS layer. This ...