Browsing by Subject "Aerospace engineering"
Now showing items 1-20 of 62
Advanced computational intelligence system for inverse aeronautical design optimisation
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2011)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyComputational Intelligence Systems (CIS) is one of advanced softwares. CIS has been important position for solving single-objective / reverse / inverse and multi-objective design problems in engineering. The paper hybridise ... -
Aerospace Special Issue "12th EASN International Conference on Innovation in Aviation & Space for Opening New Horizons"
(MDPI, 2023-08-24)
Open AccessThis Special Issue features selected papers presented at the 12th EASN International Conference on “Innovation in Aviation & Space to the Satisfaction of the European Citizens” (, which ... -
An example of Space Engineering Education in Spain: a master in space based on Project-Based Learning (PBL)
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2022-04-29)
Conference lecture
Open AccessThis work describes the successful education experience for five years of space engineering education at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Madrid, Spain. The MSc. in Space Systems (MUSE, Máster Universitario en ... -
Analysis of the Gaia orbit around L2
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2009-09-01)
Bachelor thesis
Open Access -
Attitude control research with educational nanosatellites
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2022-04-29)
Conference lecture
Open AccessThis paper introduces the three-axis attitude control of the ESAT platform. ESAT is a modular nanosatellite that implements the popular 10x10x10 cm CubeSat standard, designed for hands-on learning at different educational ... -
Baetulo XXI, és possible una colònia humana al planeta Mart?
Open AccessBaetulo XXI és una iniciativa per apropar la universitat a l'estudiantat amb habilitats per a la ciència i la tecnologia, tot desenvolupat a les aules i laboratoris del Campus del Baix Llobregat de la UPC. La iniciativa ... -
Challenge-based learning and the Barcelona ZeroG Challenge: A space education case study
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2022-04-29)
Conference lecture
Open AccessChallenge-Based Learining is a STEM Education methodology that has been used as a collaborative and hands-on approach to encourage students to put their knowledge in practice by addressing real-life problems. Space Education ... -
Computational modeling and experimental study of a water-based freezable heat exchanger for use in human spacecraft thermal control
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2018)
Master thesis
Open Access
Covenantee: University of Colorado BoulderA spacecraft thermal control system must keep the cabin and electronic equipment within operational temperature ranges by transporting heat out of the spacecraft. This process is generally accomplished with a series of ... -
Considering expected TMA holding into in-flight trajectory optimization
Open AccessAircraft crew are aware of the delay they have experienced at departure. However, uncertainties ahead, and in particular holdings at arrival, can have an impact on the final performance of their operations. When optimizing ... -
Controller-Pilot Data Link Communications Display oriented to multiple Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems pilots
Open AccessA Controller-Pilot Data Link Communications (CPDLC) interface oriented to Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) pilots was implemented as part of a synthetic task environment aimed to test the NtoM concept of operations ... -
De-RISC: the First RISC-V space-grade platform for safety-critical systems
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2021)
Conference report
Open AccessThe increasing needs for performance in the space domain for highly autonomous systems calls for more powerful space MPSoCs and appropriate hypervisors to master them. These platforms must adhere to strict reliability, ... -
Development of a concurrent engineering tutorial as part of the “ESA_Lab@” initiative
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2022-04-29)
Conference lecture
Open AccessAs part of the “ESA_Lab@" initiative, a Concurrent Engineering facility has been constructed at the Mechanical Engineering department of Technical University Darmstadt. Concurrent Engineering is a well-proven concept for ... -
Diseño y desarrollo de un equipo electrónico de apoyo en tierra para la caracterización del SSPA de la misión científica Gaia de la Agencia Espacial Europea
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2011-03-02)
Master thesis
Open Access
Covenantee: Mier ComunicacionesThis Master Thesis describes the design and development process of an electronic ground support equipment (EGSE) that allows the characterization of a solid state power amplifier (SSPA) designed and manufactured in the ... -
Dispatcher3 - D5.1: Verification and validation plan
Research report
Restricted access - publisher's policyIn this deliverable, we present a verification and validation plan designed to carry out all necessary activities along Dispatcher3 prototype development. Given the nature of the project, the deliverable points to a ... -
Dispatcher3 - D5.2: Verification and validation report
Research report
Restricted access - publisher's policyThe deliverable provides the results from the verification and validation activities within Dispatcher3 project. The document reviews the internal and external validation activities that were carried out during the course ... -
Disseny d’un MHIC de control, en Banda X, per a l’sspa de la missió científica “Gaia”, de l’Agència Espacial Europea
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2010-06)
Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
Open Access
Covenantee: Mier ComunicacionesL’Objectiu d’aquest Projecte Final de Carrera, tal i com apunta el seu títol, és el disseny de l’Híbrid de Control de l’SSPA de molt alta eficiència, en banda X, per a l’antena activa de la missió científica GAIA. No ... -
Disseny d’una plataforma hardware basada en FPGA per equips de test i mesura en aplicacions aeroespacials
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2019-07-03)
Bachelor thesis
Restricted access - author's decisionL’objectiu del projecte és dissenyar una plataforma hardware basada en FPGA, per a la seva utilització en equips de test i mesura en aplicacions aeroespacials. Aquest disseny, es centrarà en la actualització de la plataforma ... -
Economic impact on European Airlines of the implementation of a SAF policy
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2021-06-17)
Bachelor thesis
Open AccessIn the recent years, there has been a significant increase of social awareness towards sustainability. Such awareness has translated into an increased pressure over specific sectors regarded as ¿poluters¿, in which the air ... -
Effect of operating variables on electrosprays for space propulsion
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2021-07-13)
Bachelor thesis
Restricted access - author's decisionColloid electrospray thrusters are unique amongst electric thrusters due to their inherent scalability and the possibility of covering a broad range of Isp and thrust. The main research fronts are finding a suitable ... -
ESA Academy’s Orbit Your Thesis! programme
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2022-04-29)
Conference lecture
Open AccessESA Academy is the European Space Agency’s overarching educational programme for university students. It takes them through a learning path that complements their academic education by offering a tailored transfer of space ...