Browsing by Subject "Synthetic aperture radar"
Now showing items 21-40 of 218
Analysis and design of an interferometer for geostationary synthetic aperture radars orbit determination
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2015-07)
Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
Open AccessThe industry of remote sensing has nowadays strongly developed systems, which are versatile and adaptable, however they are not optimal for certain applications. With more than enough reason from it, a new technology of ... -
Analysis of ASAR/Envisat polarimetric backscattering characteristics of Doñana National Park wetlands
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2009)
Conference report
Open AccessDoñana National Park wetlands, in southwest Spain, undergo yearly cycles of inundation and drying out. These cycles, together with great extensions of annual helophytes, make of Doñana a rapidly changing environment. 43 ... -
Analysis of denoising algorithms for Polarimetric SAR data: the cases of the Bilateral and the Non Local Means filters
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2014-09-12)
Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
Open Access
Covenantee: Technische Universität Berlin[ANGLÈS] The aim of this thesis is to do an in-depth analysis of state-of-the-art denoising methods for Polarimetric SAR data and to propose a new algorithm taking advantage on their strong points. The filters under analysis ... -
Analysis of Pol-InSAR coherence region parameters over a permafrost landscape
(VDE-Verlag, 2024)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyThe present study proposes an analysis of the Pol-InSAR coherence region parameters over a permafrost region in the Canadian Arctic. The coherence region extent, for instance, may be understood as the height spanned by the ... -
Analysis of the capability of C-band fully polarimetric SAR data to monitor snowed environments
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2013-12-20)
Master thesis
Open Access[ANGLÈS] This study focuses on snow cover monitoring based on C-Band fully Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (PolSAR) data. Due to the lack of polarimetric sensors, most of the previous studies have been based on single ... -
Analysis of the products of the Copernicus ground motion service
Open AccessRadar interferometry has progressed very much in the last two decades. It is now a powerful remote sensing techniques to monitor ground motion. The technique has undergone an important development in terms of processing ... -
Analysis, evaluation, and comparison of polarimetric SAR speckle filtering techniques
Restricted access - publisher's policySpeckle noise filtering on polarimetric SAR (PolSAR) images remains a challenging task due to the difficulty to reduce a scatterer-dependent noise while preserving the polarimetric information and the spatial information. ... -
Anàlisi i interpretació de mesures de deformació obtingudes amb Interferometria Diferencial SAR satel·litat. Aplicació a l'Area Metropolitana de Barcelona
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2019-09)
Bachelor thesis
Restricted access - author's decision
Covenantee: Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC) -
Análisis de datos SAR polarimétricos para el estudio y caracterización de zonas agrícolas
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2010-12-16)
Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
Open AccessCastellano: Análisis de datos SAR polarimétricos para el estudio y caracterización de zonas agrícolas en el caso de la misión Sentinel-1 de la Agencia Espacial Europea. -
Análisis de técnicas basadas en árboles de partición binaria aplicadas a PoISAR
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2009-09-07)
Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
Open Access -
Análisis y caracterización del rizado "scalloping" en imágenes radar scansar y topsar
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2011-03-25)
Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
Open AccessCatalà: En els últims anys el nombre de missions que utilitzen radars de tipus SAR està augmentant considerablement degut a les bones prestacions que ofereixen en front de les possibles condicions climatològiques adverses. ... -
Antenna Modeller for Synthetic Aperture Radar Applications. Electromagnetic and Radiometric Considerations
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2011-02-17)
Master thesis
Open AccessThe objective of the present Master Thesis is designing an optimizer of the excitation coefficients of a phased array antenna. -
Aplicación del análisis fractal al estudio de las estructuras dinámicas de fluidos medioambientales
(Fundación para el Fomento de la Ingeniería del Agua, 2008-09)
Open AccessLa aparición de múltiples escalas, que interactúan entre si en diversos fenómenos físicos medioambientales, especialmente cuando el régimen fluido es turbulento, exige métodos de análisis nuevos. El análisis multi-fractal ... -
Application of TerraSAR-X data to the monitoring of urban subsidence in the city of Murcia
(IEEE Press. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2010)
Conference report
Open AccessThis paper presents an analysis of the performance of TerraSAR-X for subsidence monitoring in urban areas. The city of Murcia has been selected as a test-site due to its high deformation rate and the set of extensometers ... -
Assessment of L-Band SAOCOM InSAR coherence and its comparison with C-Band: A case study over managed forests in Argentina
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2022-11-09)
Open AccessThe objective of this work is to analyze the behavior of short temporal baseline interferomet ric coherence in forested areas for L-band spaceborne SAR data. Hence, an exploratory assessment of the impacts of temporal and ... -
Assessment of the impact of long integration time in Geosynchronous SAR imagery of agricultural fields by means of GB-SAR data
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2024)
Open AccessGeosynchronous synthetic aperture radar (GeoSAR) missions offer the advantage of near-continuous monitoring of specific regions on Earth, making them essential for applications that require continuous information. However, ... -
Atmosphere characterisation with SAR interferometry
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2009-07)
Master thesis
Open AccessThe contribution of the atmosphere in SAR interferometry is not completely known. Therefore, the goal of the project is to characterise the atmosphere, i.e., to study the way it relates to interferograms. The analysis ... -
Atmospheric artifacts compensation for InSAR by using global and local numerical weather prediction models
(VDE-Verlag, 2021)
Conference report
Open AccessAtmospheric artifacts, due to spatial and temporal variations of atmosphere state, often pose a noise signal to interferograms and further affect the application of InSAR techniques. State-of-the-art research works have ... -
Atmospheric phase drift analysis and compensation in permanent Gb-Sar monitoring of crop fields
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2021)
Conference report
Open AccessIn the framework of a feasibility study in support of the Hydroterra mission, a high resolution radar has been setup to monitor continuously a crop field with high resolution synthetic aperture radar images. In parallel, ... -
Automatic refocus and feature extraction of single-look complex SAR signatures of vessels
Open AccessIn recent years, spaceborne synthetic aperture radar ( SAR) technology has been considered as a complement to cooperative vessel surveillance systems thanks to its imaging capabilities. In this paper, a processing chain ...