Browsing by Subject "Partial differential equations"
Now showing items 21-40 of 69
Equacions en derivades parcials, geometria i control estocastic
(Societat Catalana de Matemàtiques, 2000)
Open Access -
Error estimates for a viscosity-splitting, finite element method for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
Open Access -
Estimates and rigidity for stable solutions to some nonlinear elliptic problems
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2020-01-28)
Doctoral thesis
Open Access
Covenantee: Università degli Studi di MilanoMy thesis deals with the study of elliptic PDE. It is divided into two parts, the first one concerning a nonlinear equation involving the p-Laplacian, and the second one focused on a nonlocal problem. In the first part, ... -
Existence versus explosion instantanée pour des équations de la chaleur linéaires avec potentiel singulier
Open AccessIn this Note, we consider the linear heat equation ut - Au= a(x)u in (0,T)xW,u=0 on (0,T)xaW, and u(0)=uº on W, where W C RN is a smooth bounded domain. We assume that a€L^loc(W) a >=0 and u>=. A simple condition on the ... -
Exponential stability in thermoelasticity with microtemperatures
Open AccessThis article is concerned with a linear theory for elastic materials with inner structure, whose particles in addition to the classical displacement, possess microtemperatures. In the main part of the paper we restrict ... -
Exponentially small splitting for whiskered tori in Hamiltonian systems: Flow-box coordinates and upper bounds
Open AccessWe consider a singular or weakly hyperbolic Hamiltonian, with $n+1$ degrees of freedom, as a model for the behaviour of a nearly-integrable Hamiltonian near a simple resonance. The model consists of an integrable Hamiltonian ... -
Extremal solutions and instantaneous complete blow-up for elliptic and parabolic problems
Open Access -
Finite element solvers for hyperbolic problems
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2012-11)
Master thesis
Open AccessIn this work we analyse and develop shock capturing (SC) techniques to improve the behaviour of one dimensional Finite Element methods for nonsmooth solutions. After investigating the state-of-the-art of the current SC ... -
Galerkin discontinuo local aplicado a problemas de ondas acústicas: condiciones de frontera absorbente locales de bajo orden
Conference report
Open AccessEn este trabajo se presenta una comparación de la solución numérica de la ecuación de Helmholtz utilizando el método de elementos finitos Galerkin Discontinuo Local (LDG) con varias condiciones de contorno absorbentes ... -
Generación de mallas de hexaedros en geometrías múltiplemente conexas mediante submapping
Conference report
Open AccessEn este trabajo se presenta una mejora del método de submapping para ampliar su aplicabilidad. El algoritmo de submapping tiene dos limitaciones principales. La primera de ellas es que sólo se puede aplicar en geometrías ... -
Geography of resonances and Arnold diffusion in a priori unstable Hamiltonian systems
Open AccessIn the present paper we consider the case of a general $\cont{r+2}$ perturbation, for $r$ large enough, of an a priori unstable Hamiltonian system of $2+1/2$ degrees of freedom, and we provide explicit conditions on it, ... -
Hierarchical x-fem applied to n-phase flow
Conference report
Open AccessIn this work we proposed an extencion of the level set technique to track any number of free surfaces. This extension is based in a hierarchical ordering of several level set functions. To complete the X–FEM approach, the ... -
High-performance model reduction techniques in computational multiscale homogenization
Open AccessA novel model-order reduction technique for the solution of the fine-scale equilibrium problem appearing in computational homogenization is presented. The reduced set of empirical shape functions is obtained using a ... -
Hyper-reduction for Petrov–Galerkin reduced order models
(Elsevier, 2023-11)
Restricted access - publisher's policyProjection-based Reduced Order Models are based on the idea of minimizing the discrete residual of a “full order model” (FOM) while at the same time constraining the unknowns to live in a space of reduced dimension. For ... -
Implementation of a generalized exponential basis functions method for linear and non-linear problems
(John Wiley & Sons, 2015-07)
Open AccessIn this paper, we address shortcomings of the method of exponential basis functions (EBF) by extending it to general linear and non-linear problems. In linear problems, the solution is approximated using a linear combination ... -
Instability and bifurcation in a price formation model
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2017-01)
Bachelor thesis
Open AccessFollowing M.d.M.González, M.P.Gualdani and J.Solà-Morales work on J.-M. Lasry and P.L. Lions evolutive model, the main goal of this work is to understand and analyze how a Hopf Bifurcation may or may not modify the ... -
Interior C<sup>2,a</sup> regularity theory for a class of nonconvex fully nonlinear elliptic equations
Open AccessWe prove the interior C2,α regularity of solutions for some nonconvex fully nonlinear elliptic equations F(D2u, x) = f (x), x ∈ B1 ⊂ Rn. Our hypothesis is that, for every x ∈ B1, F(·,x) is the minimum of a concave operator ... -
Invertible contractions and asymptotically stable ODE´s that are not C<sup>1</sup>-linearizable
Open AccessWe present an example of a contraction di®eomorphism in in¯nite dimensions that is not C1-linearizable, and we construct a regular ordinary di®erential equation in a Hilbert space whose time-one map is that di®eomorphism. ... -
Las ecuaciones en derivadas parciales de Riemann: un camino a la geometría y a la física.
Open AccessTrataré de tres temas que me parecen los más importantes en el uso de las ecuaciones en derivadas parciales como base de sus modelos en análisis, geometría y física: (i) las ecuaciones de Cauchy‐Riemann como fundamento ... -
Layer solutions in a halfspace for boundary reactions
Open Access