Now showing items 21-24 of 24

    • Study of microcapsules of essential oils: drug delivery and particle characterization 

      Lis Arias, Manuel José; López Hernández, Arianne (Crimson Publishers, 2022-09-07)
      Open Access
      Essential Oils (EOs) are a substance composed of two phases. A liquid and volatile substance that has aromatic, antibacterial, antioxidant. The properties of EOs are not new to humanity. Indeed, these began to take a role ...
    • Surface treated PET fibers for enhanced functionalization with lavender oil microcapsules 

      Sisqueira Curto Valle, Rita de Cassia; Borges Valle, Jose Alexandre; Maesta Bezerra, Fabricio; Correira, Jeferson; Da Costa, Cristiane; Aguilar Martí, Meritxell; Coderch, Luisa; López Hernández, Arianne; Lis Arias, Manuel José (2023)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      The objective of this work was to functionalize with microcapsules of untreated and treated polyester fabrics with plasma and ozone. Plasma treatment was carried out using a corona discharge at 200 W, 400 w and 800 W with ...
    • Vehiculización de prinicpios activos mediante microencapsulación 

      Saelices Padilla, Esther (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2023-07-10)
      Master thesis
      Open Access
      Los aceites esenciales son sustancias que protegen las plantas gracias a sus propiedades antimicrobianas, antivirales, antifúngicos, incluso insecticidas. La microencapsulación de estos aceites esenciales tiene la intención ...
    • Visible light enhances the antimicrobial effect of some essential oils 

      Marqués Calvo, M. Soledad; Codony Iglesias, Francesc; Agustí Adalid, Gemma; Lahera Juesas, Carlos (2017-03-01)
      Open Access
      The photodisinfection is a topical, broad spectrum antimicrobial technology, targeting bacteria, virus, fungi, and protozoa effective for single cells as for biofilms. Natural molecules have been studied less than synthetic ...