Browsing by Subject "Aigües subterrànies -- Contaminació"
Now showing items 21-40 of 43
Estudio y caracterización de la magnetita para su aplicación a la fertilización de suelos agrícolas
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2013-09)
Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
Open AccessEn los últimos años hay una preocupación creciente respecto al impacto de las actividades agrícolas en el medio ambiente. Algunos de los principales problemas asociados al uso de fertilizantes son la eutrofización (aumento ... -
Evaluación a escala laboratorio de procesos de eliminación de hidrocarburos aromáticos policíclicos (PAHs) en suelos y aguas subterráneas: Integración de procesos de adsorción
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2003)
Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
Open Access -
Evaluation of iron nanoparticles for the chemical and biological nitrate removal from contaminated groundwater
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2022-07-07)
Master thesis
Open AccessLa contaminació de les aigües subterrànies per nitrats és actualment un dels principals problemes ambientals a nivell mundial. Com que l'extracció d'aigües subterrànies de l'aqüífer per al seu tractament ex situ a la ... -
Factors inducing faecal bacteria pollution in groundwater systems
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2017-06-15)
Master thesis
Open AccessHand-pumped tube-wells offer affordable access to shallow groundwater and provide the main groundwater extraction technology for villages in many developing countries across Africa, Asia and the Pacific (Ferguson et al., ... -
Guia metodològica per l’analisis de risc ecològic (ERA) en sòls i aigües subterrànies contaminades per metalls pesants
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2006-12)
Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
Open Access -
Hydrological conceptual model characterisation of an abandoned mine site in semiarid climate: the Sierra de Cartagena-La Unión (SE Spain)
Open AccessA comprehensive study at Sierra de Cartagena-La Unión (SE Spain) abandoned mine site was carried out to characterise the regime and water quality of the groundwater system after the mine closure. The system consists of ... -
Improving the accuracy of risk prediction from particle-based breakthrough curves reconstructed with kernel density estimators
Open AccessWhile particle tracking techniques are often used in risk frameworks, the number of particles needed to properly derive risk metrics such as average concentration for a given exposure duration is often unknown. If too few ... -
In situ removal of arsenic from groundwater by using permeable reactive barriers of organic matter/limestone/zero-valent iron mixtures
Restricted access - publisher's policyAbstract In this study, two mixtures of municipal compost, limestone and, optionally, zero-valent iron were assessed in two column experiments on acid mine treatment. The effluent solution was systematically analysed ... -
Metal leaching from a limestone quarry minesoil made with thermally-dried sewage sludge
Conference lecture
Open Access -
Metal mobilization and zinc-rich circumneutral mine drainage from the abandoned mining area of Osor (Girona, NE Spain)
Open AccessContaminated soil and mine wastes in Spain’s abandoned Osor mining area contain Cd, Co, Pb, Zn, As, Ba, and Sb at levels that exceed Catalonia’s regulatory limits for soils of industrial use. Mine water from the Coral adit, ... -
Metodologia de delimitació de la zona d'alimentació de captacions d'aigua potable i la seua vulnerabilitat enfront de contaminacions difuses
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya / Universitat de Barcelona, 2008-05)
Minor thesis
Open AccessDegut als problemes de contaminació d’origen difús a l’estat francès (nitrats i pesticides bàsicament) les institucions franceses encarregades de la gestió dels recursos hídrics (Agències de l’Aigua, BRGM, Ministeri de ... -
Microbial nitrate removal efficiency in groundwater polluted from agricultural activities with hybrid cork treatment wetlands
(Elsevier, 2019-02-25)
Open Access -
Nitrate pollution of groundwater; all right…, but nothing else?
Open AccessContamination from agricultural sources and, in particular, nitrate pollution, is one of the main concerns in groundwater management. However, this type of pollution entails the entrance of other substances into the aquifer, ... -
Occurrence of carbamazepine and five metabolites in an urban aquifer
Restricted access - publisher's policyThis paper deals with urban groundwater contaminated with carbamazepine (CBZ) and five of its human metabolites in Barcelona. Groundwater samples were accordingly collected in the aquifers of Poble Sec and Besos River ... -
On multicomponent reactive transports in porous media: from the natural complexity to analitycal solutions
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2009-10-05)
Doctoral thesis
Open AccessEl transporte de solutos no conservativos en medios porosos o fracturados es altamente influenciado por su heterogeneidad. Complejidad adicional se agrega al proceso de transporte, debido a la presencia de diferentes tipos ... -
Performance of a field-scale biological permeable reactive barrier for in-situ remediation of nitrate-contaminated groundwater
(Elsevier, 2019-04-03)
Open Access -
Probabilistic human health risk assessment of degradation-related chemical mixtures in heterogeneous aquifers: risk statistics, hot spots, and preferential channels
Open AccessThe increasing presence of toxic chemicals released in the subsurface has led to a rapid growth of social concerns and the need to develop and employ models that can predict the impact of groundwater contamination on human ... -
Reconstruction of concentrations from particle distributions in high dimensional spaces
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2016-09-20)
Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
Open Access -
Rejection of ammonium and nitrate from sodium chloride solutions by nanofiltration: Effect of dominant-salt concentration on the trace-ion rejection
(Elsevier, 2016-06-04)
Open AccessIn this work, the rejection of two ions associated with fertilizer pollution of ground water (NH4+ and NO3-) by a polyamide nanofiltration (NF270) membrane was studied. Sodium chloride was selected as the dominant salt and ... -
Solucions verdes per al tractament de la contaminació de les aigües subterrànies: avaluació de la disminució d'antibiòtics, pesticides i gens de resistència als antibiòtics mitjançant un fotobiorreactor a escala real
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2023-09-05)
Bachelor thesis
Open AccessGroundwater, as the primary source of freshwater globally, represents approximately 97% of the total freshwater supply on Earth. However, this vital resource is exposed to contamination resulting from human activities such ...