Browsing by Subject "Aerodinàmica"
Now showing items 21-40 of 249
Aerodynamic study of MotoGP motorcycle flow redirectors
Open AccessIn recent years, the introduction of aerodynamic appendages and the study of their aero- dynamic performance in MotoGP motorcycles has increased exponentially. It was in 2016, with the introduction of the single electronic ... -
Aerodynamic study of the evolution of a Formula 1 front wing with the change in regulations between the 2021 and 2022 seasons
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2023-07-13)
Bachelor thesis
Open AccessThe objective of this final degree thesis is to comprehensively analyze and compare the evolution of the 2021 and 2022 front wings in the context of Formula 1. This study combines theoretical insights into fluid dynamics ... -
Aerodynamic study of the NASA’s X-43A hypersonic aircraft
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2020-11-19)
Open AccessA 2D aerodynamic study of the NASA’s X-43A hypersonic aircraft is developed using two different approaches. The first one is analytical and based on the resolution of the oblique shock wave and Prandtl–Meyer expansion wave ... -
Aerodynamic study of the NASA’s X-43A hypersonic aircraft
Conference report
Open AccessA two-dimensional aerodynamic study of the NASA’s X-43A hypersonic aircraft is developed using two different approaches. The first one is analytical and based on the resolution of the oblique shock wave and Prandtl–Meyer ... -
Aerodynamic study of the wake effect on a Formula 1 car in curves
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2021-09-28)
Bachelor thesis
Open AccessIn the last years, the Formula 1 competition is becoming more an engineers sport ratherthan a pilots one since it seems like who ever has the best racing car, wins without manydifficulties. One of the main reasons for ... -
Aerodynamic study of the wake effects on a F1 car
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2020-06-30)
Bachelor thesis
Open AccessThe present study is based on the evaluation and quantification of the aero- dynamic performance on a 2017 spec. adapted F1 car —the latest major aerodynamic update— by means of a CFD study. Both free stream and flow ... -
Aerodynamic study of the wake effects on a Formula 1 car
Open AccessThe high complexity of current Formula One aerodynamics has raised the question of whether an urgent modification in the existing aerodynamic package is required. The present study is based on the evaluation and quantification ... -
Aerodynamics, stability and control computational analysis for UAVs
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2007-07-24)
Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
Open AccessL’objectiu d’aquest projecte és l’estudi aerodinàmic d’un UAV (vehicle aeri no tripulat). Aquest tipus de aeronaus són utilitzades comunament en molts països per desenvolupar tasques com vigilància, recerca o combat degut ... -
La Aeroestación moderna
(A. Lussy, 1903)
Open Access -
An analysis of the thermospheric drag upon 3U CubeSats
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2023-07-13)
Master thesis
Open AccessAccurate drag modelling is crucial for satellite operations and re-entries in low-Earth orbit (LEO). A proper treatment of this problem becomes increasingly important as the number of artificial satellites grows. However, ... -
Analisis con FAST y Aerodyn del funcionamiento de un mini-aerogenerador para suministro de energia electrica en areas remotas
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2011-07-14)
Bachelor thesis
Open AccessLa energía eólica es una realidad en auge. Los grandes parques eólicos están presentes ya en muchos países y su futuro próximo augura un crecimiento imparable. La situación es radicalmente distinta en los países en vías ... -
Analisis estocástico de carga aerodinámica en una costilla de ala
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2011-06-07)
Bachelor thesis
Open AccessEl objetivo de este trabajo es realizar un análisis estocástico de carga aerodinámica en una costilla de ala. Se utiliza una costilla del planeador Fauvel AV-22, modelado anteriormente en CAD. Para ello se utilizan varios ... -
Analisis numerico de la aerodinamica de un casco
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2009-07-23)
Bachelor thesis
Open Access -
Analysis of the aerodynamic coefficients in a digital flying body
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya / Technishe Universität München, 2008)
Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
Restricted access - confidentiality agreement -
Anàlisi de les capacitats d'un aleró lateral imprimible en 3D
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2023-10-09)
Bachelor thesis
Restricted access - confidentiality agreementEl present projecte proposa analitzar les capacitats d’un aleró lateral d’una motocicleta dissenyat per a treballar en condicions de competició o d’alt rendiment mecànic. La virtut d’aquest component és la seva creació ... -
Anàlisi del flux aerodinàmic forçat al voltant d'un perfil alar
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2014-12-17)
Bachelor thesis
Restricted access - author's decisionThe primary objective of this Project is analyze the aerodynamic performance of a modified airfoil in two dimensions using a computer simulation program. To introduce the reader, briefly explains the basics of lift in ... -
Análisis comparativo numérico y experimental de un alerón de Formula 1 convencional y uno con superficie modificada
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2010-07-08)
Bachelor thesis
Open Access -
Análisis del efecto del carrozado de los camiones en las emisiones de CO2
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2022-07-12)
Bachelor thesis
Open Access
Covenantee: Applus+ IDIADAAquest projecte es basa a obtenir una anàlisi completa de les emissions de CO₂ produïdes pels camions amb diferents carrossats, així es podran comparar els resultats i veure com afecta la carrosseria en les emissions de ... -
Aplicación de la supercomputación en aerodinámica
Open AccessEl desarrollo de métodos de cálculo basados en el uso de mallas no estructuradas para la simulación de flujos compresibles de interés práctico en la industria aeronáutica ha progresado considerablemente en los ultimos ... -
Aproximation of the Aeroacoustics sources with finite element techniques
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2010-05-05)
Master thesis
Open AccessIn this work a stabilized formulation of the nite element method for solving the incompressible Navier-Stokes equation and Lighthill's tensor for calculation of acoustic sources are presented. The important feature of ...