Browsing by Author "Puig Damians, Ivan"
Now showing items 21-40 of 60
FE analysis of the effect of soil-reinforcement interaction and reinforcement pre-tensioning on the behaviour of back-to-back polymeric strip reinforced soil walls
Brouthen, Abdelaziz; Puig Damians, Ivan; Bathurst, Richard; Houhou, Mohamed Nab (2022)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyThis paper is focused on the performance of back-to-back reinforced soil walls using 2D numerical models developed using the geotechnical finite element method (FEM) code PLAXIS. These structures are used to support ... -
Impact of transport distance in life cycle assessments of geosynthetic reinforced soil walls
Moncada Ramírez, Aníbal Andrés; Olivella Pastallé, Sebastià; Puig Damians, Ivan; Bathurst, Richard John (CRC Press, 2024)
Conference report
Open AccessA prevailing methodology to evaluate the environmental impact and subsequent sustainability assessment of structures is the life cycle assessment (LCA). In civil engineering, LCA methodologies allow for the quantification ... -
Implantació i perfecionament, mitjançant l’entorn virtual ATENEA, d’eines telemàtiques i activitats útils per a la formació i avaluació dels estudiants de l’assignatura de Geotècnia dins la titulació d’Enginyeria Tècnica d’Obres Públiques
Puig Damians, Ivan; Olivella, Sebastià; Josa Garcia-Tornel, Alejandro; Zornoza Gómez, José Luis; Suriol Castellví, Josep (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Institut de Ciències de l'Educació, 2010-06-04)
Conference lecture
Open AccessLa implantació dels nous plans d’estudi implica una major participació en les activitats docents per part dels estudiants; Geotècnia es prepara per a aquest sistema docent mitjançant l’ATENEA. S’ha apostat per metodologies ... -
Influence of choice of FLAC and PLAXIS interface models on reinforced soil-structure interactions
Yu, Yan; Puig Damians, Ivan; Bathurst, Richard (Elsevier, 2015-04-01)
Open AccessThe choice of structure element to simulate soil reinforcement and soil–structure interaction details for numerical modelling of mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) walls can have a significant influence on numerical ... -
Influence of facing vertical stiffness on reinforced soil wall design
Puig Damians, Ivan; Bathurst, Richard; Josa Garcia-Tornel, Alejandro; Lloret Morancho, Antonio (2013)
Conference lecture
Restricted access - author's decisionCurrent design practices for reinforced soil walls typically ignore the influence of facing type and foundation compressibility on the magnitude and distribution of reinforcement loads in steel reinforced soil walls under ... -
Influence of foundation compressibility on reinforcement loads in geosynthetic reinforced soil walls
Bathurst, Richard; Puig Damians, Ivan; Ezzein, F.; Josa Garcia-Tornel, Alejandro; Lloret Morancho, Antonio (International Geosynthetics Society (IGS), 2012)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyA numerical FLAC model was used to investigate the influence of vertical stiffness of the foundation on the performance of an idealized 6-m high reinforced soil modular block retaining wall. Three different Winkler linear ... -
Influence of numerical model mesh properties on predicted in soil temperature, relative humidity and degree of saturation of reinforced soil structures
Moncada Ramírez, Aníbal Andrés; Puig Damians, Ivan; Olivella Pastallé, Sebastià; Bathurst, Richard (2022)
Conference lecture
Restricted access - publisher's policyGeosynthetic materials are routinely used in soil reinforcement and stabilization applications. They have proven to be an important part of the sustainable solution for reinforced soil walls (RSWs). For RSW constructed ... -
Manual para el proyecto, construcción y gestión de pavimentos bicapa de hormigón
Aguado de Cea, Antonio; Carrascón Ortiz, Sergio; Pialarissi Cavalaro, Sergio Henrique; Puig Damians, Ivan; Senés, Corpus (Instituto Español del Cemento y sus Aplicaciones (IECA), 2010-12-24)
Open Access -
Mechanical performance and sustainability assessment of reinforced soil walls
Puig Damians, Ivan (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2016-07-28)
Doctoral thesis
Open AccessSoil reinforced retaining wall structures are materiallymore efficientthan competing construction solutions such as gravity and cantilever walls. Nevertheless, the behaviour and interactions between the com ponent materials ... -
Modeling soil-facing interface interaction with continuum element methodology
Puig Damians, Ivan; Olivella Pastallé, Sebastià; Bathurst, Richard; Lloret Morancho, Antonio; Josa Garcia-Tornel, Alejandro (2022-03)
Open AccessSoil-facing mechanical interactions play an important role in the behaviour of earth retaining walls. Generally, numerical analysis of earth retaining structures requires the use of interface elements between dissimilar ... -
Modelización del comportamiento de bandas poliméricas de refuerzo en suelos bajo el efecto de la temperatura y humedad
Moncada Ramírez, Aníbal Andrés; Olivella Pastallé, Sebastià; Puig Damians, Ivan; Bathurst, Richard (Sociedad Española de Mecánica del Suelo e Ingeniería Geotécnica, 2022)
Conference lecture
Restricted access - publisher's policyLos materiales de refuerzo de bandas de poliéster (PET) se utilizan actualmente de forma rutinaria como refuerzo del suelo para los estructuras de contención de suelo reforzado. Es de esperar que la resistencia y la rigidez ... -
Modelización numérica de muros de suelo reforzado con bandas poliméricas
Puig Damians, Ivan (Sociedad Española de Mecánica del Suelo e Ingeniería Geotécnica, 2022)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyMediante el desarrollo de modelos numéricos es posible comprender mejor el comportamiento mecánico de estructuras de suelo reforzado con refuerzo polimérico. En este documento se presentan comparativas entre programas y ... -
Modelling 3D mechanical interfaces with continuum elements
Puig Damians, Ivan; Olivella Pastallé, Sebastià; Lloret Morancho, Antonio; Josa Garcia-Tornel, Alejandro; Bathurst, Richard (2013)
Conference report
Open AccessThis document presents preliminary results of FEM-numerical analysis of soil-reinforcement pullout tests. The numerical model has been developed with CODE_BRIGHT and assuming the interfaces as continuum materials. The ... -
Modelling a gas flow experiment in Mx80 bentonite
Puig Damians, Ivan; Olivella Pastallé, Sebastià; Gens Solé, Antonio (International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE), 2019)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyA gas injection test performed on compact bentonite was carried out at the British Geological Survey. The test is composed of two stages (i.e. hydration followed by gas injection). After gas breakthrough and a period of ... -
Modelling advective gas flow in compact bentonite: lessons learnt from different numerical approaches
Tamayo Mas, Elena; Harrington, J. F.; Brüning, T.; Shao, H.; Dagher, E. E.; Lee, Jaewon; Kim, K.; Rutqvist, Jonny; Kolditz, Olaf; Lai, S. H.; Chittenden, C.; Wang, Y.; Puig Damians, Ivan; Olivella Pastallé, Sebastià (Elsevier, 2021-03)
Open AccessIn a repository for radioactive waste hosted in a clay formation, hydrogen and other gases may be generated due to the corrosion of metallic materials under anoxic conditions, the radioactive decay of waste and the ... -
Modelling gas flow experiments in Mx80 bentonite: analysis of preferential gas paths
Puig Damians, Ivan; Olivella Pastallé, Sebastià; Gens Solé, Antonio (International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), 2019)
Conference report
Open AccessA gas injection test, performed on compact bentonite, was carried out at the British Geological Survey. The test is composed by two stages (i.e. hydration followed by gas injection testing). After gas breakthrough and a ... -
Modelling gas flow in clay materials incorporating material heterogeneity and embedded fractures
Puig Damians, Ivan; Olivella Pastallé, Sebastià; Gens Solé, Antonio (Elsevier, 2020-12)
Open AccessA series of gas injection tests on compacted bentonite were carried out at the British Geological Survey. Tests measurements included pressure and rate of gas inflow, gas outflow volume as well as stresses and pore pressure ... -
Modelling of fiber-reinforced concrete and application case
Puig Damians, Ivan; Olivella Pastallé, Sebastià; Cots Corominas, Carles (International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), 2019)
Conference report
Open AccessThis report summarizes the first results of 2D and 3D finite element method numerical modelling analysis of fiber-reinforced concrete behaviour and a tunnel case study application. A porosity strength-dependant material ... -
Modelling the effect of in-soil temperature and relative humidity on performance of PET strap soil reinforcement products
Moncada Ramírez, Aníbal Andrés; Puig Damians, Ivan; Olivella Pastallé, Sebastià; Bathurst, Richard John (2021)
Conference lecture
Restricted access - publisher's policyPolyester (PET) strap reinforcement materials are now used routinely as soil reinforcement for mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) walls. Strength and stiffness of the polyester fibres can be expected to decrease with ... -
Modelling the effect of in-soil temperature and relative humidity on performance of PET strap soil reinforcement products
Moncada Ramírez, Aníbal Andrés; Puig Damians, Ivan; Olivella Pastallé, Sebastià; Bathurst, Richard (Australian Geomechanics Society, 2022)
Conference lecture
Restricted access - publisher's policyPolyester (PET) strap reinforcement materials are now used routinely as soil reinforcement for mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) walls. The important role of temperature and relative humidity on the chemical degradation ...