Now showing items 21-40 of 40

    • Influence of the sediment supply texture on morphological adjustments in gravel-bed rivers 

      Ferrer Boix, Carles; Hassan, Marwan A. (2014-11)
      Open Access
      The role played by the texture of the sediment supply on channel bed adjustments in gravel-bed rivers is poorly understood. To address this issue, an experimental campaign has been designed. Flume experiments lasting 96 h ...
    • La audacia del Pabellón Puente en el río Ebro (Expo 2008): consecuencia en erosión fluvial y exigencias de protección y auscultación 

      Martín Vide, Juan Pedro; Fael, Cristina M. S.; Núñez González, Francisco; Ferrer Boix, Carles; Gutiérrez Carrera, Fernando; Goyeneche Vázquez de Seyas, Francisco-Javier (2009-01)
      Open Access
      El artículo trata del riesgo de erosión fluvial en una pila compleja de gran anchura, construida en el cauce del río Ebro en Zaragoza. Se describe el problema de erosión local en la pila, las características del modelo ...
    • Large wood debris that clogged bridges followed by a sudden release: the 2019 flash flood in Catalonia 

      Martín Vide, Juan Pedro; Bateman Pinzón, Allen; Berenguer Ferrer, Marc; Ferrer Boix, Carles; Amengual Pou, Arnau; Campillo Betbese, Manel; Corral Alexandri, Carles; Llasat Botija, Maria Carmen; Llasat Botija, Montserrat; Gómez Dueñas, Santiago; Marin-Esteve, Blanca; Núñez González, Francisco; Prats Puntí, Arnau; Ruiz Carulla, Roger; Sosa Pérez, Raul (Elsevier, 2023-06)
      Open Access
      The aim is the reconstruction of the October 2019 flash flood, that was documented through extensive field work: rainfall (300 mm in just a few hours), flood marks, times of flood passage and witnesses' snapshots and ...
    • L’estanyol de Santa Fe. Passat, present i futur d’una obra d’enginyeria hidràulica al Parc Natural Reserva de la Biosfera del Montseny 

      Farrerons Vidal, Óscar; Ferrer Boix, Carles (OmniaScience, 2021-02-01)
      Conference lecture
      Open Access
      L’Estanyol de Santa Fe del Montseny va ser una infraestructura hidràulica imprescindible per l’arrencada turística de la vall de Santa Fe, juntament amb el Gran Hotel. Produïa electricitat amb una conducció d’aigua que ...
    • L’Estanyol de Santa Fe. Passat, present i futur d’una obra d’enginyeria hidràulica al Parc Natural Reserva de la Biosfera del Montseny 

      Farrerons Vidal, Óscar; Ferrer Boix, Carles (OmniaScience, 2021)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      The weir of l’Estanyol of Santa Fe del Montseny was a necessary hydraulic infrastructure to develop the touristic industry in Santa Fe Valley. It was built together with the Gran Hotel. The weir was used to generate electric ...
    • Massive incision and outcropping of bedrock in a former braided river attributed to mining and training 

      Ferrer Boix, Carles; Scorpio, Vittoria; Martín Vide, Juan Pedro; Núñez González, Francisco; Mora Mur, Daniel (2023-09)
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      This research analyses multiple anthropogenic pressures in the Bernesga River, a gravel-bed river in Northwestern Iberian Peninsula. Among the causes of river incision in Bernesga River are extensive mining during the ...
    • Mathematical model for river bed degradation due to gravel mining 

      Ferrer Boix, Carles; Martín Vide, Juan Pedro (Kubaba Congres Department and Travel Services, 2008)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      Among other remarkable impacts, the most important effect of gravel mining in rivers is river bed degradation. Although there are some methodologies proposed to foresee the effects of gravel mining (giving bed degradation ...
    • Mathematical modeling for incision and width changes caused by gravel mining 

      Ferrer Boix, Carles; Martín Vide, Juan Pedro (CRC Press, 2009)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      Among other remarkable impacts, the most important effect of gravel mining in rivers is riverbed degradation. Channel-width changes associated to riberbed incision play a major role in this process. Bed incision is coupled ...
    • Modelo matemático para cuantificar el sedimento acumulado en tramos de río con presas de madera 

      Ferrer Boix, Carles; Hassan, Marwan A. (Centro Ibérico de Restauración Fluvial, 2019)
      Conference lecture
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      Los troncos en cauces de cuencas forestadas son elementos clave (e intrínsecos) que contribuyen a configurar la morfología de estos ríos. A menudo, estos troncos se acumulan formando barreras que, además de modificar la ...
    • Monografies del Montseny – 38 (2023) 

      Farrerons Vidal, Óscar; Cateura Valls, Xavier; Abril Lopez, Josep M.; Avila Castells, Anna; Rodà de Llanza, Ferran; Bofill i Surís, Mercè; Bofill Shanly, April Irene; Ferrer Boix, Carles; Martín Vide, Juan Pedro; Sáez Elvira, Antonio; Prats Puntí, Arnau; Gomis Bofill, Maria; Guillamon Mota, Julià; Illa Colomer, Joan; Font Valentí, Gemma; Masnou Campañà, Laia; Miró Farrerons, Joan; Molas Busquets, Núria; Tarrés Alcalde, Moisès; Nonell Juncosa, Jaume; Panareda Clopés, Josep M.; Masnou Clopés, Josep; Rodríguez Cano, Dolors; Portals Martí, Joan; Pujadas Codony, Jaume; Fernández Recasens, Cristina; Riera Ibern, Salvador; Tolosa Cabaní, Ferran; Garcia Brustenga, Guillem (CPL, 2023-05-22)
      Open Access
    • Morphodynamics of a width-variable gravel bed stream: new insights on pool-riffle formation from physical experiments 

      Chartrand, Shawn M.; Jellinek, A. Mark; Hassan, Marwan A.; Ferrer Boix, Carles (American Geophysical Union (AGU), 2018-11)
      Open Access
      Field observations, experiments, and numerical simulations suggest that pool-riffles along gravel bed mountain streams develop due to downstream variations of channel width. Where channels narrow, pools are observed, and ...
    • Numerical model for channel evolution after dam removal in a sand-gravel bed mixture 

      Ferrer Boix, Carles; Martín Vide, Juan Pedro; Parker, Gary (Tsinghua University, 2011)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      Dam removal is a common tool for river restoration. Once a dam is removed an incised channel is developed in the upstream deposit. Material eroded from this deposit is flushed away downstream. Even though dam retirement ...
    • Principles of bedload transport of non-cohesive sediment in open-channels 

      Ferreira, Rui; Hassan, Marwan A.; Ferrer Boix, Carles (Springer, 2015)
      Part of book or chapter of book
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      This text addresses the particular case of motion and causes of motion of granular material as bedload in the fluvial domain. The aim is to perform and overview of key concepts, main achievements and recent advances on the ...
    • Regressió del delta del Llobregat: efecte de les obres d’enginyeria al riu d’ençà del segle XIX 

      Prats Puntí, Arnau; Martín Vide, Juan Pedro; Ferrer Boix, Carles (2021)
      Open Access
      La pressió humana envers el Llobregat, un riu al·luvial mediterrani, ha canviat els seus paisatges fluvial i deltaic. La reducció d’aportació de sediment groller del riu ha provocat una regressió del delta de fins a 800 m ...
    • River incision due to gravel mining: a case study 

      Martín Vide, Juan Pedro; Ferrer Boix, Carles (2006)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      Historical information was used to study river degradation in a case study in NE Spain. The accumulation of good topographical information since the 1940s for the Gállego river (a tributary of the Ebro river, which drains ...
    • Sediment transport and channel morphology implications for fish habitat 

      Hassan, Marwan A.; Ferrer Boix, Carles; Cienciala, Piotr; Chartrand, Shawn M. (CRC Press, 2017)
      Part of book or chapter of book
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      This chapter reviews the basic principles of sediment transport in streams, channel classification, mountain channel morphology, and associated implications for fish spawning habitats. Local sediment transport processes ...
    • Sorting of a sand-gravel mixture in a Gilbert-type delta 

      Ferrer Boix, Carles; Martín Vide, Juan Pedro; Parker, Gary (2015-08)
      Open Access
      This paper presents the results of a Gilbert-type delta progradation experiment within an impoundment created by a dam. The delta was composed of a poorly sorted sand-gravel mixture in a bedload-dominated environment. The ...
    • Temporal bed adjustments to a series of water pulses in gravel bed rivers 

      Ferrer Boix, Carles; Hassan, Marwan A. (CRC Press, 2014)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      The evolution of the bed surface and bedload transport rates under a sudden increase of the water discharge (pulse) has been relatively unexplored in an experimental setup. Further, no systematic investigation has been ...
    • Transient scour and fill: the case of the Pilcomayo River 

      Martín Vide, Juan Pedro; Capape, Sergio; Ferrer Boix, Carles (Elsevier, 2019-09)
      Open Access
      Transient scour and fill refers to the general scour and fill in a riverbed due to flood passage. It was given much attention in times of Leopold and Maddock (1953) and Colby (1964) from records of outstanding case studies. ...
    • What controls the coarse sediment yield to a Mediterranean delta? The case of the Llobregat River (NE Iberian Peninsula) 

      Martín Vide, Juan Pedro; Prats Puntí, Arnau; Ferrer Boix, Carles (2020-12)
      Open Access
      The human pressure upon an alluvial river in the Mediterranean region has changed its riverine and deltaic landscapes. The river has been channelized in the last 70 years while the delta has been retreating for more than ...