Now showing items 1-20 of 26

    • 04. Integración de sistemas activos de aprovechamiento energético 

      Pardal March, Cristina (2015-11-02)
      Open Access
    • Air cavity performance in Opaque Ventilated Façades in accordance with the Spanish Technical Building Code 

      Balter, Julieta; Pardal March, Cristina; Paricio Ansuátegui, Ignacio; Ganem, Carolina (Centre de Política de Sòl i Valoracions, CPSV / Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, UPC, 2019-02)
      Open Access
      Objective: The use and study of Opaque Ventilated Façades (OVF) has considerably expanded in recent years as an efficient envelope option when hoping to reduce cooling thermal loads for buildings. This is due to the solar ...
    • Air movement in the ventilated façade: analysis of cases in Barcelona, Spain 

      Balter, Julieta; Pardal March, Cristina; Coch Roura, Helena; Ganem, Carolina; Paricio Ansuátegui, Ignacio (Universidade do Vale do Itajaí, 2017)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      The Ventilated Façade (VF) supposes an improvement compared with a conventional façade –single layerin terms of thermal comfort, through the ventilation of the wall cavity, limited by an inner and an outer layer, usually ...
    • Añagazas de la fachada ventilada: ¿pluvial o revestida? 

      Paricio Ansuátegui, Ignacio; Pardal March, Cristina (Cátedra Blanca de Barcelona, 2014-02-01)
      Open Access
      The double skin facade system, known in english-speaking countries as “rain screen”, has been imported to our country under the term “ventilated facade”. Maybe in order to assert the possibility that the ventilation of ...
    • Approach to a light-weight façade taxonomy 

      Paricio Ansuátegui, Ignacio; Pardal March, Cristina (2015)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      Any group admits diverse classifications according to the different objectives we may consider. Our proposal suggests a series of classification criteria, linked one to each other, and related to the construction process ...
    • Career initiation project = Proyecto inicio de carrera 

      Roca Blanch, Estanislao; Bilbao España, Ibón; Bohigas Arnau, José; Pardal March, Cristina; Vázquez, Fermín (Iniciativa Digital Politécnica. Oficina de Publicacions Acadèmiques Digitals de la UPC, 2018)
      Open Access
      This publication presents 13 experiences of the UPC’s Technical School of Architecture of Barcelona, represented by the Final Degree Project (FDP), which in these years have been defended in the course presided by Estanislau ...
    • Contemporary roof design concepts: learning from vernacular architecture 

      López Besora, Judit; Coch Roura, Helena; Pardal March, Cristina (Springer, 2019-04)
      Part of book or chapter of book
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      In this chapter, vernacular roofs are analyzed to learn the principles which define their performance. Unfortunately, many examples of this typology have disappeared, due to its fragility in front of weather conditions and ...
    • De Construmat a Beyond Building Barcelona 

      Pardal March, Cristina (2017-07-31)
      Open Access
    • De entre "las razones de la forma", "las tecnológicas" 

      Pardal March, Cristina (2021-11-10)
      Open Access
      Conferència a càrrec de Cristina Pardal (Departament de Tecnologia de l'Arquitectura ETSAB | UPC), per a Marq ETSAB UPC. Presentació d'Alberto Peñín, Professor coordinador de l'assignatura. Alberto Peñín [coord. TEC ...
    • Energy performance of ventilated façades: assessment of the steady-state and transient calculation approaches 

      Roig Mayoral, Oriol; Pardal March, Cristina; Isalgué Buxeda, Antonio; Paricio Ansuátegui, Ignacio (Springer, 2023)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      The ventilated façade is a construction system that can prevent sunny façades from overheating. It can also be used on existing buildings as an energy rehabili-tation system, which is so necessary to make the built environment ...
    • Energy performance of ventilated façades; the influence of the colour and the air channel dimension 

      Roig Mayoral, Oriol; Pardal March, Cristina; Isalgué Buxeda, Antonio; Paricio Ansuátegui, Ignacio (Institute of Physics (IOP), 2023-11-01)
      Open Access
      Due to the current climate crisis, there is an urgent need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Improving façades’ energy performance can significantly reduce the cooling and heating demand of a building. More and more, in ...
    • Esa escuela del Vallès 

      Paricio Ansuátegui, Ignacio; Pardal March, Cristina (2018-01)
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      A través de un minucioso proceso de investigación y diseño, cada proyecto de Harquitectes busca la coherencia entre imagen y funcionamiento energético. Through a detailed process of research and design, each project by ...
    • Estrategias de rehabilitación energética para la revalorización del parque industrial en desuso que ocupa parte del área de Porto Marghera en Venecia 

      Giani, Esther; Pardal March, Cristina (GIRAS. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2016-05)
      Conference report
      Open Access
    • European Trade Fair for Conservation Restoration and Old Building Renovation 

      Díaz, César; Pardal March, Cristina; Anna Ramos,; Such Sanmartín, Roger (2014-12-04)
      Open Access
      Video en stop-motion elaborat per la Factoria de l'ETSAB per a la Fira Denkmal de Leipzig, Alemanya, on l'ETSAB ha estat representada a través d'OBRA, consorci format per AADIPA, el COAC i la UPC.
    • Evolución de la fachada ventilada y propuesta de futuro 

      Pardal March, Cristina; Paricio, Ignacio (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura del Vallès, 2006-09)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      La fachada ventilada supone una gran mejora frente a la “convencional”, aun así, no podemos dar la solución que actualmente resulta más habitual como definitiva. Queda mucho por mejorar. La mayoría de fachadas ventiladas ...
    • La fachada hoy: una taxonomía 

      Paricio Ansuátegui, Ignacio; Pardal March, Cristina; Gilabert Bolufer, Mireia (2016-06-10)
      Research report
      Restricted access - author's decision
    • La Hoja interior de la fachada ventilada : análisis, taxonomía y prospectiva 

      Pardal March, Cristina (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2010-03-25)
      Doctoral thesis
      Open Access
      La fachada ventilada es aquel cerramiento caracterizado por resolver la estanquidad al agua por medio de una cámara drenante continua en todo su plano. Para la definición de dicha cámara se precisan dos hojas que la limiten: ...
    • Methodology for the study of the envelope airtightness of residential buildings in Spain: a case study 

      Feijó Muñoz, Jesús; Poza Casado, Irene; González Lezcano, Roberto Alonso; Pardal March, Cristina; Echarri, Victor; Assiego de Larriva, Rafael; Fernández-Agüera, Jesica; Dios-Viéitez, María Jesús; del Campo-Díaz, Víctor José; Montesdeoca Calderín, Manuel; Padilla-Marcos, Miguel Ángel; Meiss, Alberto (2018)
      Open Access
      Air leakage and its impact on the energy performance of dwellings has been broadly studied in countries with cold climates in Europe, US, and Canada. However, there is a lack of knowledge in this field in Mediterranean ...
    • New development for a pre-stressed façade concrete panel 

      Pardal March, Cristina; Roig Mayoral, Oriol; Martín Goñi, Paula; Paricio Ansuátegui, Ignacio (2019)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      Development of a panel for closing the façade quickly, efficiently and at a competitive cost. The panel is: massive as a brick, prefabricated as a pre-stressed slab and adaptable as a cement-board. It is equivalent to the ...
    • Opaque ventilated façades: energy performance for different main walls and claddings 

      Roig Mayoral, Oriol; Summa, Serena; Pardal March, Cristina; Isalgué Buxeda, Antonio; Di Perna, Costanzo; Stazi, Francesca (Elsevier, 2024-07)
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      Ventilated façades can reduce heat gains through the opaque envelope of buildings, and consequently help to lower the cooling energy demand and the relative greenhouse gas emissions. However, the influence of the design ...