Now showing items 1-20 of 28

    • A practical and robust method to compute the boundary of three-dimensional axis-aligned boxes 

      López Monterde, Daniel; Martínez Bayona, Jonàs; Vigo Anglada, Marc; Pla García, Núria (2014)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      The union of axis-aligned boxes results in a constrained structure that is advantageous for solving certain geometrical problems. A widely used scheme for solid modelling systems is the boundary representation (Brep). We ...
    • A practical and robust method to compute the boundary of three-dimensional axis-aligned boxes 

      López Monterde, Daniel; Martínez Bayona, Jonas; Vigo Anglada, Marc; Pla García, Núria (2013)
      Research report
      Open Access
      The union of axis-aligned boxes results in a constrained structure that is advantageous for solving certain geometrical problems. A widely used scheme for solid modelling systems is the boundary representation (Brep). We ...
    • Characterizing the ais data of port tugs in the port of Barcelona 

      Niyazi, Leila; Vigo Anglada, Marc; Pla García, Núria; Murcia González, Juan Carlos; Castells Sanabra, Marcel·la; Mujal Colilles, Anna (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Iniciativa Digital Politècnica, 2024-06-07)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      Tugs are an important part in port activity and navigational safety issues. Port tugs ensure the safety of large vessels while they are entering, maneuvering, mooring and unmooring, and are of huge importance during other ...
    • Construction of the face octree model 

      Pla García, Núria (1994-01)
      Research report
      Open Access
      The Face Octrees are a representation scheme based on an octree decomposition of the space, which is very suitable to represent both smooth free form surfaces and solids with smooth boundary. The current paper is involved ...
    • Curvature adaptive triangulations of surfaces 

      Vigo Anglada, Marc; Pla García, Núria; Brunet Crosa, Pere (2000-03)
      Research report
      Open Access
      Many application areas in CAD/CAM are concerned with triangulation of surfaces, and require an error bounded approximation of a parametric surface model. In this paper we present an overview of the authors results on ...
    • Desarrollo de una aplicación CAE para el diseño de circuitos de ventilación 

      Ayala Vallespí, M. Dolors; Pla García, Núria; Soto Riera, Antoni; Vigo Anglada, Marc; Vila Marta, Sebastià (1999-07)
      Research report
      Open Access
      En este trabajo se presenta una aplicacion CAE para el diseno de circuitos de ventilacion. En ella se han desarrollado aspectos de diseno del modelo, de la interaccion con el usuario y de simulacion del comportamiento ...
    • Directional adaptive surface triangulation 

      Vigo Anglada, Marc; Pla García, Núria; Brunet Crosa, Pere (1999-02)
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      Several CAD applications require a surface model of the modeled object consisting of a mesh of triangular facets. In this paper, a new algorithm for triangulation of trimmed surfaces is presented. The algorithm generates ...
    • Efficient algorithms for boundary extraction of 2D and 3D orthogonal pseudomanifolds 

      Vigo Anglada, Marc; Pla García, Núria; Ayala Vallespí, M. Dolors; Martínez Bayona, Jonàs (2011)
      Research report
      Open Access
      In this paper we present algorithms to extract the boundary representation of orthogonal polygons and polyhedra, either manifold or pseudomanifold. The algorithms we develop reconstruct not only the polygons of the boundaries ...
    • Efficient algorithms for boundary extraction of 2D and 3D orthogonal pseudomanifolds 

      Vigo Anglada, Marc; Pla García, Núria; Ayala Vallespí, M. Dolors; Martínez Bayona, Jonás (2012)
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      In this paper we present algorithms to extract the boundary representation of orthogonal polygons and polyhedra, either manifold or pseudomanifold. The algorithms we develop reconstruct not only the polygons of the boundaries ...
    • Free form surfaces 

      Cotrina Navau, Josep; Pla García, Núria (2000-05)
      Research report
      Open Access
      A method to construct continuous order k surfaces of arbitrary topological type by tracing a mesh that represents a 2-manifold is presented. The presented approach constructs the surface from a collection of pieces which ...
    • From degenerate patches to triangular and trimmed patches 

      Vigo Anglada, Marc; Pla García, Núria; Brunet Crosa, Pere (1995-03)
      Research report
      Open Access
      CAD systems are usually based on a tensor product representation of free form surfaces. Trimmed patches provide a reasonable solution for the representation of general topologies, provided that the gap between equivalent ...
    • From Degenerate Patches to Triangular and Trimmed Patches 

      Vigo Anglada, Marc; Pla García, Núria; Brunet Crosa, Pere (1996)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
    • Informàtica bàsica II, ETSEIB. Memòria del curs 1994-1995 

      Vila Marta, Sebastià; Pla García, Núria; Soto Riera, Antoni; Pérez Vidal, Lluís; Roura Ferret, Salvador; Franquesa Niubó, Marta; Cotrina Navau, Josep; Alquézar Mancho, René; Martínez Parra, Conrado (1995-02-06)
      Research report
      Open Access
      Memòria de l'assignatura d'Infomàtica bàsica II del curs 94-95.
    • Informàtica ETSEIB. Resolució d'alguns problemes. Curs 1996-97 

      Pérez Vidal, Lluís; Pla García, Núria (1997-09)
      Research report
      Open Access
      This memorandum contains the detailed solution to four classroom problems of Elementary Computer Science. They are adequate for second semester students. The first problem is a simple stocks control application. It involves ...
    • Modelling surfaces from planar irregular meshes 

      Cotrina Navau, Josep; Pla García, Núria (1998-06)
      Research report
      Open Access
      We present a method for constructing surfaces from irregular control meshes that can be embedded in the plane. This method results from a generalization of B-Splines using the known technology of manifolds. The resulting ...
    • Multisided patches 

      Pla García, Núria; Vigo Anglada, Marc; Cotrina Navau, Josep (2004-06)
      Research report
      Open Access
      We present a method to construct a patch of parametric surface of degree k + 1 that lls a n-sided hole, with n bigger than 2, and whose boundary coincides with a B-Spline, thus, the resulting patch can be easily connected ...
    • N-sided patches with B-spline boundaries 

      Cotrina Navau, Josep; Pla García, Núria; Vigo Anglada, Marc (2001-12)
      Research report
      Open Access
      We present a method to construct a patch of parametric surface of degree k+1 that fills a n-sided hole, with bigger than 2, and whose boundary coincides with a B-Spline, thus, the resulting patch can be easily connected ...
    • Regular triangulations of dynamic sets of points 

      Vigo Anglada, Marc; Pla García, Núria (2000-10)
      Research report
      Open Access
      The Delaunay triangulations of a set of points are a class of triangulations which play an important role in a variety of different disciplines of science. Regular triangulations are a generalization of Delaunay ...
    • Skeletal representations of orthogonal shapes 

      Martínez Bayona, Jonás; Pla García, Núria; Vigo Anglada, Marc (2013-07-01)
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      Orthogonal shapes are polygons orpolyhedra enclosed byaxis-aligned edges orfaces, respectively. Inthis paper wepresent two skeletal representatio nsoforthogonal shapes: the cube skeleton and a family ofskeletal represe ...
    • Skeletal representations of orthogonal shapes 

      Martínez Bayona, Jonás; Pla García, Núria; Vigo Anglada, Marc (2012)
      Research report
      Open Access
      In this paper we present two skeletal representations applied to orthogonal shapes of R^n : the cube axis and a family of skeletal representations provided by the scale cube axis. Orthogonal shapes are a subset of polytopes, ...