Browsing by Author "Miranda Galcerán, Eva"
Now showing items 1-20 of 122
A b-symplectic slice theorem
Braddell, Roisin; Miranda Galcerán, Eva; Kiesenhofer, Anna (2022-08-03)
Open AccessIn this article, motivated by the study of symplectic structures on manifolds with boundary and the systematic study of -symplectic manifolds started in Guillemin, Miranda, and Pires Adv. Math. 264 (2014), 864–896, we prove ... -
A b-symplectic slice theorem
Dempsey Bradell, Roisin Mary; Kiesenhofer, Anna; Miranda Galcerán, Eva (2020-09)
Research report
Open AccessIn this article, motivated by the study of symplectic structures on manifolds with bound-ary and the systematic study ofb-symplectic manifolds started in [10], we prove a slice theorem forLie group actions onb-symplectic manifolds -
A normal form theorem for integrable systems on contact manifolds
Miranda Galcerán, Eva (2005)
Open AccessWe present a normal form theorem for singular integrable systems on contact manifolds -
A note on symplectic and Poisson linearization of semisimple Lie algebra actions
Miranda Galcerán, Eva (2015-03)
Research report
Open AccessIn this note we prove that an analytic symplectic action of a semisimple Lie algebra can be locally linearized in Darboux coordinates. This result yields simultaneous analytic linearization for Hamiltonian vector fields ... -
A note on the symplectic topology of b-manifolds
Miranda Galcerán, Eva; Martinez Torres, David; Frejlich, Pedro (2017)
Open AccessPoisson manifold (M2n; ) is b-symplectic if Vn is transverse to the zero section. In this paper we apply techniques native to Symplectic Topology to address questions pertaining to b-symplectic manifolds. We pro- vide ... -
A Poincaré lemma in geometric quantisation
Miranda Galcerán, Eva; Solha, Romero (American Institute of Mathematical Sciences, 2013-12)
Open AccessThis article presents a Poincar e lemma for the Kostant complex, used to compute geometric quantisation, when the polarisation is given by a Lagrangian foliation de ned by an integrable system with nondegenerate singularities. -
A Poincaré lemma in geometric quantisation
Miranda Galcerán, Eva; Solha, Romero (2013)
Research report
Open AccessThis paper presents a Poincaré lemma for the Kostant comple x, used to compute geometric quantisation, when the polarisat ion is given by a Lagrangian foliation defined by an integrable system wit h non-degenerate singularities. -
Action-angle variables and a KAM theorem for b-Poisson manifolds
Miranda Galcerán, Eva; Kiesenhofer, Anna; Scott, Geoffrey (2016-01-01)
Open AccessIn this article we prove an action-angle theorem for b-integrable systems on b-Poisson manifolds improving the action-angle theorem contained in [14] for general Poisson manifolds in this setting. As an application, we ... -
Action-angle variables and a KAM theorem for b-Poisson manifolds
Kiesenhofer, Anna; Miranda Galcerán, Eva; Scott, Geoffrey (2015-02)
Research report
Open AccessIn this article we prove an action-angle theorem for b-integrable systems on b-Poisson manifolds improving the action-angle theorem contained in [LMV11] for general Poisson manifolds in this setting. As an application, we ... -
An equivariant Reeb–Beltrami correspondence and the Kepler–Euler flow
Fontana McNally, Josep; Miranda Galcerán, Eva; Peralta Salas, Daniel (Royal Society, 2024-01-31)
Open AccessWe prove that the correspondence between Reeb and Beltrami vector fields presented in Etnyre & Ghrist (Etnyre, Ghrist 2000 Nonlinearity 13, 441–458 (doi:10.1088/0951-7715/13/2/306)) can be made equivariant whenever additional ... -
An invitation to singular symplectic geometry
Miranda Galcerán, Eva; Delshams Valdés, Amadeu; Planas Bahí, Arnau; Oms, Cedric; Dempsey Bradell, Roisin Mary (2017)
Research report
Open AccessIn this paper we analyze in detail a collection of motivating examples to consider bm- symplectic forms and folded-type symplectic structures. In particular, we provide models in Celestial Mechanics for every bm-symplectic ... -
An invitation to singular symplectic geometry
Miranda Galcerán, Eva; Delshams Valdés, Amadeu; Dempsey Bradell, Roisin Mary; Oms, Cedric; Planas Bahí, Arnau (2019)
Open AccessIn this paper we analyze in detail a collection of motivating examples to consider bm-symplectic forms and folded-type symplectic structures. In particular, we provide models in Celestial Mechanics for every bm-symplectic ... -
b-Structures on Lie groups and Poisson reduction
Dempsey Bradell, Roisin Mary; Kiesenhofer, Anna; Miranda Galcerán, Eva (2020-09)
Research report
Open AccessWe introduce the notion of b-Lie group as a pair(G, H) where Gis a Lie group and H is a codimension-one Lie subgroup, and study the associated canonical b-symplectic structure on the b-cotangent bundle bT*G together with ... -
b-Structures on Lie groups and Poisson reduction
Miranda Galcerán, Eva; Kiesenhofer, Anna; Braddell, Roisin (2022-02-11)
Open AccessMotivated by the group of Galilean transformations and the subgroup of Galilean transformations which fix time zero, we introduce the notion of a b-Lie group as a pair where G is a Lie group and H is a codimension-one Lie ... -
Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization of b-symplectic toric manifolds
Miranda Galcerán, Eva; Mir Garcia, Pau; Weitsman, Jonathan (2022-03-07)
Research report
Open AccessWe define the Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization via T-modules for a b-symplectic toric manifold and show that it coincides with the formal geometric quantization of [GMW18b]. In particular, we prove that its dimension is given ... -
Bohr–Sommerfeld quantization of b-symplectic toric manifolds
Mir Garcia, Pau; Miranda Galcerán, Eva; Weitsman, Jonathan (2023)
Open AccessWe define the Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization via T -modules for a b-symplectic toric manifold and show that it coincides with the formal geometric quantization of [Victor W. Guillemin, Eva Miranda, and Jonathan Weitsman. On ... -
Buscando órbitas períodicas
Miranda Galcerán, Eva (Real Sociedad Matemática Española, 2020-11-07)
Open AccessEn este artículo presentamos una aproximación topológica y geométrica al estudio de órbitas periódicas (existencia y localización) tomando como punto de partida problemas de mecánica celeste. Describimos, a grandes rasgos, ... -
Classification of b^m-Nambu structures of top degree
Miranda Galcerán, Eva; Planas Bahí, Arnau (2018-01)
Open AccessWe obtain sufficient conditions for the existence and uniqueness of a positive compact almost automorphic solution to a logistic equation with discrete and continuous delay. Moreover, we provide a counterexample to some ... -
Codimension one symplectic foliations and regular Poisson manifolds
Guillemin, Victor; Miranda Galcerán, Eva; Pires, Ana Rita (2010)
Research report
Open AccessIn this short note we give a complete characterization of a certain class of compact corank one Poisson manifolds, those equipped with a closed one-form defining the symplectic foliation and a closed two-form extending ... -
Computability and Beltrami fields in Euclidean space
Miranda Galcerán, Eva; Peralta Salas, Daniel; Cardona, Robert (2022-11-15)
Research report
Open AccessIn this article, we pursue our investigation of the connections between the theory of computation and hydrodynamics. We prove the existence of stationary solutions of the Euler equations in Euclidean space, of Beltrami ...