Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • Design for the Automation of an AMBU Spur II Manual Respirator 

      Domènech Mestres, Carles; Blanco Romero, María Elena; Fuente Morató, Albert de la; Ayala Chauvin, Manuel (2021-02-21)
      Open Access
      This article shows the design of a device to automatize an Ambu Spur II manual respirator. The aim of this compassionate medicine device is to provide an emergency alternative to conventional electric respirators—which are ...
    • Efecto de tratamientos térmicos en la integridad estructural de metal duro mecanizado por electroerosión 

      Fuente Morató, Albert de la (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2015-04)
      Master thesis (pre-Bologna period)
      Open Access
      El metal duro, también conocido como carburos cementados del tipo WC-Co, es un material compuesto por granos micrométricos de carburo de tungsteno embebidos en un ligante metálico de base cobalto. Este material es el más ...
    • Influence of fiber orientation on flexural-based design of steel fiber-reinforced concrete slabs: experimental and numerical program 

      Aidarov, Stanislav; Nogales Arroyo, Alejandro; Tošić, Nikola; Fuente Morató, Albert de la (John Wiley & sons, 2024-03-04)
      Open Access
      Steel fiber-reinforced concrete (SFRC) has proven to be a suitable structural material for constructing elevated flat slabs, and several existing office and residential buildings, in which SFRC was used for these components, ...
    • Low-Cost, Ultrasound-Based Support System for the Visually Impaired 

      Ayala Chauvin, Manuel; Lara Alvarez, Patricio; Fuente Morató, Albert de la; Peralta Córdova, Jorge Isaac (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2021)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      Surveys show that most blind people find the use of a cane to be indispensable, but complain it does not provide them with sufficient safety for their upper body. In this study, an ultrasound-based, portable support system ...
    • Prevention of Failures in the Footwear Production Process by Applying Machine Learning 

      Tierra Arévalo, Marcelo; Ayala Chauvin, Manuel Ignacio; Nacevilla, Carmen; Fuente Morató, Albert de la (Springer, 2021-09-18)
      Part of book or chapter of book
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      At present, the handcrafted footwear sector is affected by the high competitiveness due to the increasing automation of companies. In this sense, in order to improve its competitiveness, a system was proposed to predict ...