Browsing by Author "Jaen Herbera, Javier"
Now showing items 1-20 of 27
A conceptual discussion on electromagnetic units - Extending mechanical units towards a global system of units
Jaen Herbera, Javier; Bohigas Janoher, Xavier; Pejuan Alcobé, Arcadi (2014-05)
Restricted access - publisher's policyA comparative review of the different systems of units that are most usual in electromagnetism leads to the proposal of a new system of units. In this system, the gravitational constant acquires the role of an interaction ... -
A multimedia-based course to learn basic acoustics through the Internet: description and evaluation
Pejuan Alcobé, Arcadi; Bohigas Janoher, Xavier; Jaen Herbera, Javier; Periago Oliver, M. Cristina (2009)
Conference report
Open AccessA course on Basic Acoustics has been implemented as an Internet site with multimedia resources such as Flash animations, video clips, etc. Multimedia resources are particularly suitable for acoustics, due to the special ... -
An evaluation tool for physics applets
Pejuan Alcobé, Arcadi; Bohigas Janoher, Xavier; Jaen Herbera, Javier (OmniaScience, 2016-03)
Open AccessPhysics applets are well known appealing resources for teaching and learning physics, and there is a lot of them available on the Internet. Nevertheless, not all of them are of the same quality as such resources nor fit ... -
An evaluation tool for physics applets
Pejuan Alcobé, Arcadi; Bohigas Janoher, Xavier; Jaen Herbera, Javier (Omnia Publisher SL (OmniaScience), 2016)
Open AccessPhysics applets are well known appealing resources to teach and learn physics, and a large number of them are available on the Internet. Nevertheless, not all of them are of the same quality, because such applets do not ... -
Comparative study of three audio processors as environments for laboratory activities on wave physics and acoustics
Pejuan Alcobé, Arcadi; Bohigas Janoher, Xavier; Jaen Herbera, Javier; Periago Oliver, M. Cristina (2013-08)
Restricted access - publisher's policyAudio processors allow to implement laboratory activities specially on acoustics. We have evaluated three audio processors (Audacity, WaveLab, and Adobe Audition). Although an overall grade was also calculated as a ... -
Continguts semivirtuals
Jaen Herbera, Javier (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Institut de Ciències de l'Educació, 2009-06-08)
Conference lecture
Open Access -
Electromagnetisme : tests resolts i comentats
Bohigas Janoher, Xavier; Fernández Mills, Gonzalo; Jaen Herbera, Javier; Novell Enrech, Montserrat H.; Periago Oliver, M. Cristina; Serra de Larrocha, Carina (Edicions UPC, 2001)
Restricted access to the UPC academic communityAtesa la nova estructura dels estudis universitaris, cada vegada és més freqüent que els exàmens escrits incloguin preguntes tancades de resposta múltiple. Són les preguntes de tipus test. Aquest llibre intenta cobrir un ... -
Entorn virtual d’aprenentatge autònom
Periago Oliver, M. Cristina; Jaen Herbera, Javier; Bohigas Janoher, Xavier; Pejuan Alcobé, Arcadi (2010)
Conference lecture
Open AccessEn aquesta ponència presentem un Entorn Virtual d’Aprenentatge (EVA) dissenyat per fomentar l’aprenentatge autònom [1,2,3]. Es tracta d’una activitat dirigida en la qual se suggereixen les accions que l’estudiant ha de ... -
Front form and point form formulation of predictive relativistic mechanics. Noninteraction theorems
Jaen Herbera, Javier; Molina, A; Iranzo Fernández, Vicente (1986-02)
Open AccessThe front form and the point form of dynamics are studied in the framework of predictive relativistic mechanics. The noninteraction theorem is proved when a Poincare-invariant Hamiltonian formulation with canonical position ... -
Fundamental mechanics : newtonian mechanics for engineering
Jaen Herbera, Javier; Salud Puig, Josep; Serra de Larrocha, Carina; Calaf Zayas, Jaume; Khoury, Maria (Iniciativa Digital Politècnica. Oficina de Publicacions Acadèmiques Digitals de la UPC, 2023-01)
Open AccessThis book is addressed at a first course in engineering mechanics. Newtonian mechanics is studied, a non-relativistic classical mechanics and, therefore, applied to objects that are neither extremely small nor excessively ... -
Homothetic motions and Newtonian cosmology
Jaen Herbera, Javier; Molina Compte, Alfred (2014-05-07)
Restricted access - publisher's policyWe construct a homothetic covariant Newtonian gravitation theory which unifies inertial homothetic forces and gravitational fields. This is achieved through an equivalence principle based on a local homothetic frame of ... -
Independent Learning in a Virtual Environment
Periago Oliver, M. Cristina; Jaen Herbera, Javier; Bohigas Janoher, Xavier; Pejuan Alcobé, Arcadi (2010)
Conference lecture
Restricted access - publisher's policyIn this paper we will describe a Virtual Learning Environment designed to promote selfdirected learning. We will analyse the results of the opinion survey and evaluation of the activity developed in the environment. This ... -
Itineraris de navegació per aprendre electromagnetisme
Novell Enrech, Montserrat H.; Bohigas Janoher, Xavier; Jaen Herbera, Javier (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Institut de Ciències de l'Educació, 2005-02)
Conference report
Open AccessEl títol fa referència a un projecte subvencionat pel DURSI en la primera convocatòria de projectes per la Millora de la Qualitat Docent a la tardor de 2000. L'objectiu principal era elaborar mòduls en català, basats en ... -
MECÀNICA FONAMENTAL (Recull d'exàmens 2010-2022)
Jaen Herbera, Javier (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2022-06-30)
Restricted access to the UPC academic community -
Mecànica fonamental : mecànica newtoniana per a l'enginyeria
Jaen Herbera, Javier; Salud Puig, Josep; Serra de Larrocha, Carina; Calaf Zayas, Jaume; Khoury, Maria (Iniciativa Digital Politècnica. Oficina de Publicacions Acadèmiques Digitals de la UPC, 2023-01)
Open AccessAquest llibre està adreçat a un primer curs de mecànica per a l’enginyeria. S’estudia la mecànica newtoniana. Una mecànica clàssica no relativista i, per tant, aplicada a objectes no extremadament petits ni excessivament ... -
Mecànica fonamental : mecànica newtoniana per a l'enginyeria
Jaen Herbera, Javier; Salud Puig, Josep; Serra de Larrocha, Carina; Calaf Zayas, Jaume; Khoury, Maria (Iniciativa Digital Politècnica. Oficina de Publicacions Acadèmiques Digitals de la UPC, 2019-07)
Open AccessAquest llibre està adreçat a un primer curs de mecànica per a l’enginyeria. S’estudia la mecànica newtoniana. Una mecànica clàssica no relativista i, per tant, aplicada a objectes no extremadament petits ni excessivament ... -
Mecánica fundamental : mecánica newtoniana para la ingeniería
Jaen Herbera, Javier; Salud Puig, Josep; Serra de Larrocha, Carina; Calaf Zayas, Jaume; Khoury, Maria (Iniciativa Digital Politècnica. Oficina de Publicacions Acadèmiques Digitals de la UPC, 2023-01)
Open AccessEste libro está dirigido a un primer curso de mecánica para la ingeniería. Se estudia la mecánica newtoniana. Una mecánica clásica no relativista y, por lo tanto, aplicada a objetos no extremadamente pequeños ni excesivamente ... -
Misconceptions about sound among engineering students
Pejuan Alcobé, Arcadi; Bohigas Janoher, Xavier; Jaen Herbera, Javier; Periago Oliver, M. Cristina (2012)
Open AccessOur first objective was to detect misconceptions about the microscopic nature of sound among senior university students enrolled in different engineering programmes (from chemistry to telecommunications). We sought to ... -
Mòduls multimèdia com a suport per l'aprenentatge de l'acústica
Pejuan Alcobé, Arcadi; Novell Enrech, Montserrat H.; Bohigas Janoher, Xavier; Jaen Herbera, Javier (ICE, 2008-02-07)
Conference report
Open AccessLa finalitat del projecte era elaborar material en forma de mòduls multimèdia disponibles a través de la xarxa, que incloguessin continguts de física (fenòmens oscil·latoris i ondulatoris) relacionats amb l’acústica, com ... -
New design of gravitational wave detectors
Jaen Herbera, Javier; Talavera Sánchez, Pedro (2021-05-06)
Open AccessWe propose a novel approach to detect gravitational waves based on a semi-rigid detector. The approach relies upon the time delay that the light takes to travel from a fixed mirror at the end of a rigid bar to a nearby ...