Browsing by Author "Rodríguez Hontoria, Horacio"
Now showing items 1-20 of 74
A declarative control mechanism for parsing within a cooperative framework
Díaz de Ilarraza Sánchez, Arantza; Rodríguez Hontoria, Horacio; Verdejo Maillo, Maria Felisa (1990)
Research report
Open AccessA control mechanism for dealing with NL processing is presented. The mechanism is implemented in a Natural Language Understanding System developed in the last years. In our approach, control is handled at two abstraction ... -
A Machine learning approach to POS tagging
Màrquez Villodre, Lluís; Padró, Lluís; Rodríguez Hontoria, Horacio (1997-12)
Research report
Open AccessWe have applied inductive learning of statistical decision trees and relaxation labelling to the Natural Language Processing (NLP) task of morphosyntactic disambiguation (Part Of Speech Tagging). The learning process ... -
A mechanism for ellipsis resolution in dialogued systems
Díaz de Ilarraza Sánchez, Arantza; Rodríguez Hontoria, Horacio; Verdejo Maillo, Maria Felisa (1990)
Research report
Open AccessAn ellipsis resolution mechanism is presented. The mechanism is a part of a Natural Language Understanding System developed in the last years in order to be included as a main component of several projects based on man/machine ... -
A proposal to develop and assess professional skills in Engineering Final Year Projects
Sánchez Carracedo, Fermín; Climent Vilaró, Joan; Corbalán González, Julita; Fonseca Casas, Pau; García Almiñana, Jordi; Herrero Zaragoza, José Ramón; Rodríguez Hontoria, Horacio; Sancho Samsó, María Ribera (Tempus Publications, 2018-03)
Restricted access - publisher's policyIn this paper we discuss the result of piloting a methodology for Engineering Final Year Projects (FYP) assessment that takes into consideration professional skills acquisition. The FYP is structured around three milestones; ... -
Acquisition of lexical translation relations from MRDs
Copestake, Ann; Briscoe, Ted; Vossen, Piek; Ageno Pulido, Alicia; Castellón Masalles, Irene; Ribas Framis, Francesc; Rigau Claramunt, German; Rodríguez Hontoria, Horacio; Samiotou, Anna (1994-09)
Research report
Open AccessIn this paper we present a methodology for extracting information about lexical translation equivalences from the machine readable versions of conventional dictionaries (MRDs), and describe a series of experiments on ... -
ADN-classifier: automatically assigning denotation types to nominalizations
Peris, Aina; Taulé, Mariona; Boleda Torrent, Gemma; Rodríguez Hontoria, Horacio (2010)
Conference report
Open AccessThis paper presents the ADN-Classifier, an Automatic classification system of Spanish Deverbal Nominalizations aimed at identifying its semantic denotation (i.e. event, result, underspecified, or lexicalized). The classifier ... -
An environment for management and extraction of taxonomies from on-line dictionaries
Ageno Pulido, Alicia; Castellón Masalles, Irene; Martí Antonin, Maria Antònia; Rigau Claramunt, German; Rodríguez Hontoria, Horacio; Taulé, Mariona; Verdejo Maillo, Maria Felisa (1991-06)
Research report
Open Access -
Arabic medical entity tagging using distant learning in a multilingual framework
Cotik, Viviana; Rodríguez Hontoria, Horacio; Vivaldi, Jorge (Elsevier, 2017-04-30)
Open AccessA semantic tagger aiming to detect relevant entities in Arabic medical documents and tagging them with their appropriate semantic class is presented. The system takes profit of a Multilingual Framework covering four languages ... -
Automatically extracting translation links using a wide coverage semantic taxonomy
Rigau Claramunt, German; Rodríguez Hontoria, Horacio; Turmo Borras, Jorge (1995-01-01)
Research report
Open AccessTGE (Tlink Generator Environment) is a system for semi-automatically extracting translation links. The system was developed within the ACQUILEX II project as a tool for supporting the construction of a multi-lingual lexical ... -
Biomedical abbreviation recognition and resolution by PROSA-MED
Montalvo, Soto; Oronoz, Maite; Rodríguez Hontoria, Horacio; Martínez, Raquel (, 2017)
Conference report
Open AccessThe amount of abbreviations used in biomedical literature increases constantly. Despite the existence of acronym dictionaries, it is not viable to keep them updated with new creations. Thus, in the processing of biomedical ... -
Boosting terminology extraction through crosslingual resources
Cajal Mariñosa, Sergio; Rodríguez Hontoria, Horacio (2014-09)
Open AccessTerminology Extraction is an important Natural Language Processing task with multiple applications in many areas. The task has been approached from different points of view using different techniques. Language and domain ... -
CoCo, a web interface for corpora compilation
España Bonet, Cristina; Vila Rigat, Marta; Rodríguez Hontoria, Horacio; Martí, Maria Antònia (2009)
Open AccessCoCo es una interfaz web colaborativa para la compilación de recursos lingüísticos. En esta demo se presenta una de sus posibles aplicaciones: la obtención de paráfrasis. / CoCo is a collaborative web interface for the ... -
Combining Wikipedia and WordNet for improving domain terms compilation
Vivaldi, Jorge; Rodríguez Hontoria, Horacio; Rigau Claramunt, German (2013)
Research report
Open AccessDomain terms are a useful mean for tuning both resources and NLP processors to domain specific tasks. This paper proposes an improved method for obtaining terms from potentially any domain using the Wikipedia graph structure ... -
Cultural configuration of Wikipedia: measuring autoreferentiality in different languages
Miquel Ribé, Marc; Rodríguez Hontoria, Horacio (2011)
Conference report
Open AccessAmong the motivations to write in Wikipedia given by the current literature there is often coincidence, but none of the studies presents the hypothesis of contributing for the visibility of the own national or language ... -
Del texto a la información
Atserias Batalla, Jordi; Castell Ariño, Núria; Catala Roig, Neus; Rodríguez Hontoria, Horacio; Turmo Borras, Jorge (1998-03)
Research report
Open AccessIn the last years, software applications centered on Natural Language Processing (NLP) have experimented a great significance, especially access to neither unrestricted, nor codified, textual information. In this ... -
Del texto a la información
Atserias Batalla, Jordi; Castell Ariño, Núria; Catala Roig, Neus; Rodríguez Hontoria, Horacio; Turmo Borras, Jorge (Asociación de Técnicos de Informática, 1998-05)
Open AccessLas aplicaciones informáticas centradas en el Tratamiento de la Lengua (TL) han experimentado en los últimos años un notable auge sobre todo en el ámbito del acceso a la información textual no restriginda (ni codificada). ... -
Dos aproximaciones a la adquisición del conocimiento léxico y conceptual para sistemas de procesamiento del lenguaje natural
Ageno Pulido, Alicia; Castellón Masalles, Irene; Rigau Claramunt, German; Rodríguez Hontoria, Horacio (1991-11-06)
Research report
Open AccessProcessament del llenguatge natural -
En torno a los entornos de programación
Botella López, Pere; Rodríguez Hontoria, Horacio (Asociación de Técnicos de Informática, 1984-11)
Open AccessEl concepto de Entorno de Programación es relativamente reciente ya que aparece, al menos con esta denominación con el inicío de la actual década, si bien en la segunda mitad de la anterior se empieza a hablar de «sistemas ... -
Evaluación del Trabajo de Fin de Grado
Sánchez Carracedo, Fermín; Climent Vilaró, Joan; Corbalán González, Julita; Fonseca Casas, Pau; García Almiñana, Jordi; Herrero Zaragoza, José Ramón; Llinàs Audet, Francisco Javier; Rodríguez Hontoria, Horacio; Sancho Samsó, María Ribera (Universitat Jaume I. Escola Superior de Tecnologia i Ciències Experimentals, 2013-07-10)
Conference report
Open AccessLos Proyectos de Fin de Carrera (PFC) se han evaluado tradicionalmente a partir de una memoria y de una presentación pública. Esta evaluación, en general, la realiza un tribunal formado por varios profesores, que juzga ... -
Evaluating geographical knowledge re-ranking, linguistic processing and query expansion techniques for geographical information retrieval
Ferrés Domènech, Daniel; Rodríguez Hontoria, Horacio (Springer, 2015)
Conference lecture
Restricted access - publisher's policyThis paper describes and evaluates the use of Geographical Knowledge Re-Ranking, Linguistic Processing, and Query Expansion techniques to improve Geographical Information Retrieval effectiveness. Geographical Knowledge ...