Browsing by Author "Molins i Borrell, Climent"
Now showing items 1-20 of 160
3D analytical prediction of building damage due to ground subsidence produced by tunneling
Camós, Carles; Molins i Borrell, Climent (2015-08)
Open AccessTunnel construction entails the generation of ground settlements, which can endanger the adjacent buildings. The prediction of damages in buildings is usually based on the classical Gaussian profiles for the approximation ... -
A 3D FEM model for floating wind turbines support structures
Campos de Moura, André; Molins i Borrell, Climent; Trubat Casal, Pau; Alarcón Fernández, Daniel (2017-10)
Open AccessThe relevance of the interaction between the structural stiffness and the wind turbine dynamics are well known by the industry from decades of expertise. However, the novel floating concepts are commonly designed by tools ... -
A 3D temporal evolutionary numerical model of a masonry building in Barcelona subjected to tunnelling subsidence
Camós Andreu, Carles; Molins i Borrell, Climent (Aedificatio, 2013)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyThe aim of this work is to deepen the knowledge of the numerical simulation used in the prediction of building dam age produced by tunnel ling subsidence. This paper analyzes the structural response of a one-storey building ... -
A metaheuristic optimization model for the inter-array layout planning of floating offshore wind farms
Lerch, Markus Jürgen; Prada Gil, Mikel de; Molins i Borrell, Climent (2021-10-01)
Open AccessThis paper presents an adapted particle swarm optimization model for the electrical layout planning of floating offshore wind farms (FOWFs). A comprehensive model is considered by taking into account the entire wind turbine ... -
A risk index for the structural diagnosis of masonry heritage (RISDiMaH)
Makoond, Nirvan Chandra; Pelà, Luca; Molins i Borrell, Climent (Elsevier, 2021-05)
Open AccessExperts responsible for the safety evaluation of unique masonry heritage structures usually need to weigh information from various diagnosis activities before deciding the best course of action for preservation. Typical ... -
A simplified model for the dynamic analysis and power generation of a floating offshore wind turbine
Lerch, Markus; Prada Gil, Mikel de; Molins i Borrell, Climent (EDP Sciences, 2018)
Conference report
Open AccessThis paper presents a simplified model for the dynamic analysis of a floating off-shore wind turbine (FOWT), which can be suitable for early feasibility and pre-engineering studies, where the complete system has to modeled ... -
A sinergia estrutural do betão auto-compactável reforçado com fibras
Laranjeira de Oliveira, Filipe; Grünewald, Steffen; Molins i Borrell, Climent; Aguado de Cea, Antonio (2010)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyO betão auto-compactável reforçado com fibras (BACRF) surge como uma consequência natural da tentativa de reunir num único material as vantagens associadas aos betões auto-compactáveis (BAC) e aos betões reforçados com ... -
An attempt to the determination of the partial safety factor for SFRC members subjected to bending forces
Camós Andreu, Carles; Casas Rius, Joan Ramon; Molins i Borrell, Climent (International Union of Laboratories and Experts in Construction Materials, Systems and Structures (RILEM), 2012)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyIn the last few years, research on techniques that permit the reduction or even the complete elimination of structural bar reinforcements has been intensified. The addition of steel fibres to the concrete matrix is proven ... -
Analysis of structural second order effects on a floating concrete platform for FOWT's
Campos Hortigüela, Alexis; Molins i Borrell, Climent; Trubat Casal, Pau; Alarcón Fernández, Daniel (Elsevier, 2016-09)
Open AccessThe irruption of the floating wind energy in the offshore engineering is changing the paradigm of the structural analysis for those new structures, which are significantly smaller and more slender than those previously ... -
Analytical micro-modeling of masonry periodic unit cells : elastic properties
Drougkas, Anastasios; Roca Fabregat, Pedro; Molins i Borrell, Climent (2015-09-01)
Open AccessA model for the analysis of masonry periodic unit cells based on detailed micro-modeling principles is presented: an analytical model capable of calculating the orthotropic elastic properties of masonry composites. Several ... -
Análise de viabilidade do uso de fibras metálicas em tubos de concreto: parte 1: campanha experimental
de Figueiredo, Antonio; Fuente Antequera, Albert de la; Aguado de Cea, Antonio; Molins i Borrell, Climent; Viñolas Prat, Bernat (2010)
Conference lecture
Restricted access - publisher's policyThis is the first part of a research study focusing the viability analysis of metallic fibers application for concrete sewage and water rain systems pipes. In this work is presented the methodology, materials, and test ... -
Análisis de las causas y reparación de una estructura en situación de rotura por hundimiento de pilotes
Molins i Borrell, Climent; Mora, F.; Aguado de Cea, Antonio (Asociación de Ingenieros Estructurales de la República Argentina, 2005)
Open Access -
Análisis de viabilidad del uso de fibras metálicas en tubos de hormigón: parte 2: modelo numérico
Fuente Antequera, Albert de la; de Figueiredo, Antonio; Aguado de Cea, Antonio; Molins i Borrell, Climent; Viñolas Prat, Bernat (2010)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyEn este trabajo se presenta un modelo denominado Análisis de Tubos de Hormigón (ATH) para el dimensionamiento y verificación de tubos de hormigón con cualquier configuración de armadura (barras de acero y fibras estructurales) ... -
Aplicaciones del HRFA: tuberías de hormigón
Fuente Antequera, Albert de la; Aguado de Cea, Antonio; Molins i Borrell, Climent (Asociación científico técnica del hormigón estructural, 2008)
Conference lecture
Restricted access - publisher's policyLa inclusión de fibras durante el amasado del hormigón modifica su comportamiento de tal modo que es posible eliminar una parte o la totalidad de la armadura convencional. En el presente artículo hará un recorrido completo ... -
Aplicaciones estructurales de hormigón con fibras
Joost, Walraven; Torrents Dolz, Josep M.; Serna, P; di Prisco, Marco; Aguado de Cea, Antonio; Armengou, Jaume; Barragán, Bryan Erick; Fuente Antequera, Albert de la; Lambrechts, Ann; Laranjeira de Oliveira, Filipe; Molins i Borrell, Climent; Mora, Felipe (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria de la Construcció (EC), 2007)
Restricted access - publisher's policyDentro del planteamiento de la Cátedra de empresa titulada Innovación en Tecnología del Hormigón patrocinada por BASF-MOLINS-BEKAERT está la celebración de jornadas técnicas. El presente documento es una muestra de este ... -
Aplicações estructurais de betão reforçado com fibras de aço: modelo de análise estrutural aplicado a tubos de saneamento
Fuente Antequera, Albert de la; Laranjeira de Oliveira, Filipe; Molins i Borrell, Climent; Aguado de Cea, Antonio (2010)
Conference lecture
Restricted access - publisher's policyEste documento apresenta uma perspectiva completa do processo de aplicação de fibras de Aço em tubos de saneamento. A incorporação de fibras no betão melhora o seu comportamento mecânico de tal modo que é possível substituir, ... -
Application of Barcelona test for controlling energy absorption capacity of FRS in underground mining works
Carmona, Sergio; Molins i Borrell, Climent; García Guzmán, Sergio (Elsevier, 2020-06)
Open AccessIn recent years in Chile, the use of fiber reinforced shotcrete (FRS) has been widely extended in underground works, particularly in tunnels for roads, mines and hydroelectric projects. In these projects, the design of the ... -
Application of BCN test for controlling fiber reinforced shotcrete in tunnelling works in Chile
Carmona Malatesta, Sergio; Molins i Borrell, Climent (Institute of Physics (IOP), 2017)
Conference report
Open AccessIn many tunnelling projects currently under construction in Chile, the quality of fiber reinforced shotcretes (FRS) is controlled by means of its energy absorption capacity determined by testing squared panel following the ... -
Application of Morison equation in irregular wave trains with high frequency waves
Trubat Casal, Pau; Molins i Borrell, Climent; Hufnagel, Philipp; Alarcón Fernández, Daniel; Campos Hortigüela, Alexis (American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 2018)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyMost numerical models for the analysis of offshore wind platforms are based on one of two different approaches, depending on how waves forces are applied to the structure: 1) the potential flow theory, and 2) the Morison ... -
Assessing the potential impacts of floating Offshore Wind Farms on policy-relevant species: a case study in the Gulf of Roses, NW Mediterranean
Wawrzynkowski, Paul; Molins i Borrell, Climent; Lloret, Josep (2025-02)
Open AccessOur study investigates for the first time how floating Offshore Wind Farms (OWFs) technologies could impact policy-relevant Mediterranean species, focusing on planned OWFs in the Cape Creus/Gulf of Roses (Spain, NW ...