Now showing items 1-20 of 45

    • Alternative secondary raw materials for road construction based on pulp and paper industry reject: paperChain project 

      Baloochi, Hani; Aponte Hernández, Diego Fernando; Barra Bizinotto, Marilda; Martínez Reguero, Adriana Haydée; Miró Recasens, José Rodrigo; Cepriá, Juan José; Orejana Gonzalez, Roberto; Oleaga, Asier (2020-01)
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      Europe is the second world producer of pulp and paper, representing 23% of world production and an annual turnover of €180 billion (1.26% of the European GDP). [1]. According to the Confederation of EU Paper Industries ...
    • Alternative secondary raw materials for road construction based on pulp and paper industry reject: paperChain project 

      Baloochi, Hani; Aponte Hernández, Diego Fernando; Barra Bizinotto, Marilda; Martínez Reguero, Adriana Haydée; Miró Recasens, José Rodrigo; Cepriá, Juan José; Orejana Gonzalez, Roberto; Oleaga, Asier (World Road Association (PIARC), 2019)
      Conference lecture
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      Europe is the second world producer of pulp and paper, manufacturing 130 million tonnes in 2014 and representing 25% of world production. The EU pulp and paper manufacturing and converting industries generate an annual ...
    • Alternative secondary raw materials for road construction based on pulp and paper industry waste 

      Aponte Hernández, Diego Fernando; Baloochi, Hani; Barra Bizinotto, Marilda; Martínez Reguero, Adriana Haydée; Miró Recasens, José Rodrigo; Cepriá, Juan José; Orejana Gonzalez, Roberto (Elsevier, 2021)
      Part of book or chapter of book
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      Europe represents 25% of the world’s production of pulp and paper, being the second largest producer in the world. Waste paper fly ash (WPFA) is a material generated by the incineration of by-products in the manufacture ...
    • An environmental study of the use of steel slag aggregate in gabion cages 

      Otegui Alday, Miren Karmele; Richter, Tanya; Aponte Hernández, Diego Fernando; Barra Bizinotto, Marilda (International Union of Laboratories and Experts in Construction Materials, Systems and Structures (RILEM), 2018)
      Conference lecture
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      Sustainable building and development is a growing tendency in modern day construction projects. Optimizing the use of raw materials and minimizing the environmental impact are becoming important factors in project design. ...
    • Cenizas volantes de papelera aplicadas a la construcción de carreteras: experiencias a gran escala del proyecto PaperChain 

      Cepriá, Juan José; Orejana Gonzalez, Roberto; de la Vega, Zaira; Martínez Reguero, Adriana Haydée; Miró Recasens, José Rodrigo; Barra Bizinotto, Marilda; Aponte Hernández, Diego Fernando; Baloochi, Hani (2019-11)
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      El proyecto PaperChain “New Market Niches for the Pulp & Paper Industry Waste based on Circular Economy Approaches” reúne a 20 socios de 5 países europeos, así como a un gran número de colaboradores unidos con el objetivo ...
    • Concrete with crumb rubber from used tyre (CR) 

      Barra Bizinotto, Marilda; Jordana Riba, Francisco de Paula; Royano García, Verónica; Vázquez Ramonich, Enric (2009)
      Conference lecture
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      This study aims to determine the influence of the substitution of a variable volume of aggregates on a concrete by an equivalent quantity of crumb rubber obtained from used tyres (CR). The physical and mechanical properties ...
    • Concrete with crumb rubber from used tyres 

      Royano García, Verónica; Barra Bizinotto, Marilda; Vázquez Ramonich, Enric (2014)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      This study aims to determine the influence of the substitution of a variable volume of aggregates on a concrete by an equivalent quantity of crumb rubber (CR) obtained from used tyres. The physical and mechanical properties ...
    • Diseño de mezclas de hormigón reciclado mediante el método Volumen de Mortero Equivalente (EMV): Validación bajo el contexto español y su adaptación al método de diseño de Bolomey 

      Jiménez Fernández, Cristian Gonzalo; Vázquez Ramonich, Enric; Barra Bizinotto, Marilda; Valls del Barrio, Susanna; Aponte Hernández, Diego Fernando (2013-10-08)
      Open Access
      El nuevo método para el diseño de hormigón con árido reciclado (HAR) es usado para comprobar su posibilidad de uso bajo el contexto español. Primeramente, se realiza una extensa campaña experimental, para analizar las ...
    • Durability of recycled aggregate concrete designed with the Equivalent Mortar Volume (EMV) method: Validation under the Spanish context and its adaptation to Bolomey methodology 

      Jiménez Fernández, Cristian Gonzalo; Barra Bizinotto, Marilda; Valls del Barrio, Susanna; Aponte Hernández, Diego Fernando; Vázquez Ramonich, Enric (2014)
      Open Access
      Some durability properties are analyzed in concretes made with a novel method for recycled aggregates concrete (RAC) proportioning, in order to validate it under the Spanish context. Two types of concrete mixes were ...
    • Effects of pre-wetting aggregate on the properties of mortars made with recycled concrete and lightweight aggregates 

      Jochem, Lidiane Fernanda; Aponte Hernández, Diego Fernando; Barra Bizinotto, Marilda; Cavalcante Rocha, Janaíde (2019-06)
      Open Access
      This paper examines the suitability of partially replacing natural aggregate, sand, (NA) with recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) or lightweight aggregate (LWA) in mortars, under the hypothesis that pre-wetting aggregates ...
    • Effects of the mineralogical composition and particle size distribution of ladle furnace slag as a cement/fine aggregate replacement in concrete 

      Araos Henríquez, Paulo Sebastián; Montaño, Thuesman; Valls del Barrio, Susanna; Barra Bizinotto, Marilda; Aponte Hernández, Diego Fernando (2023-01)
      Open Access
      Ladle furnace slag (LFS) shows excellent potential for valorization. Despite this, landfills are typically its final destination, mainly because of technological barriers in its valorization process. This work examines the ...
    • Ensayo de compresión probetas cúbicas y cilíndricas 

      Barra Bizinotto, Marilda (2023-11-13)
      Open Access
      ETSECCPB. Materiales de Construcción (2500011): curso 2023-2024
    • Ensayo de tracción indirecta 

      Barra Bizinotto, Marilda (2023-11-13)
      Open Access
      ETSECCPB. Materiales de Construcción (2500011): curso 2023-2024
    • Ensayos de las propiedades mecánicas del hormigón 

      Barra Bizinotto, Marilda (2023-11-13)
      Open Access
      ETSECCPB. Materiales de Construcción (2500011): curso 2023-2024
    • Estudio de hormigones con adición de polvo de neumàticos fuera de uso (NFU) 

      Royano García, Verónica; Valls del Barrio, Susanna; Barra Bizinotto, Marilda; Vázquez Ramonich, Enric (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyers de Camins Canals i Ports de Barcelona, 2011-11-16)
      Conference lecture
      Open Access
      Pese a las diversas aplicaciones ya estudiadas con los neumáticos fuera de uso, el elevado volumen de los mismos producido anualmente como residuo, justifica el investigar sus nuevas posibilidades de uso. Asimismo, es cada ...
    • Estudio de las propiedades de forma del árido siderúrgico mediante análisis de imagen digital y su influencia en las mezclas asfálticas 

      Benavides Alcívar, Julio Darío; López Montero, Teresa; Barra Bizinotto, Marilda; Aponte Hernández, Diego Fernando (Asociación Técnica de Carreteras (ATC), 2023)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      El uso de árido siderúrgico se ha propuesto como reemplazo en mezclas asfálticas para capas de rodadura del tipo BBTM11B, con el objeto de mejorar las propiedades mecánicas de estas mezclas gracias a las propiedades ...
    • Expansion of mortars with gypsum contaminated fine recycled aggregates 

      Tovar Rodríguez, Gustavo Enrique; Barra Bizinotto, Marilda; Pialarissi Cavalaro, Sergio Henrique; Aponte Hernández, Diego Fernando; Vázquez Ramonich, Enric (2012-09-20)
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      This study evaluates the expansivity of fine recycled aggregates mortars depending on the type of Portland cement, the consistency and the equivalent of acid soluble sulphates (SO3) content. For that, an experimental ...
    • Experimental study of the effect of the thermal conductivity of EAF slag aggregates used in asphaltic concrete of wearing courses on the durability of road pavements 

      Barra Bizinotto, Marilda; Aponte Hernández, Diego Fernando; Vázquez Ramonich, Enric; Méndez Candelario, Braulio Aquilino; Miró Recasens, José Rodrigo; Valls del Barrio, Susanna (2017)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) steel slag is the basic material used to obtain good quality aggregates in different layers of road pavements. Many scientific papers have reported on the high frictional and abrasion resistance ...
    • Fabricación de probetas de hormigón 

      Barra Bizinotto, Marilda (2023-09-15)
      Open Access
      ETSECCPB. Materiales de Construcción (2500011): curso 2023-2024
    • Hilbert fractal curves for HTS miniaturized filters 

      Barra Bizinotto, Marilda; Collado Gómez, Juan Carlos; Mateu Mateu, Jordi; O'Callaghan Castellà, Juan Manuel (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2004)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      This work presents novel compact High Temperature Superconductor (HTS) microstrip resonators based on Hilbert fractal curves. Their miniaturization performance has been investigated, emphasizing the parameters which allow ...