Now showing items 1-20 of 166

    • A bank of virtual sensors for active fault tolerant control of LPV systems 

      Rotondo, Damiano; Puig Cayuela, Vicenç; Nejjari Akhi-Elarab, Fatiha (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2014)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      In this paper, a Fault Tolerant Control (FTC) strategy based on a bank of virtual sensors is proposed for Linear Parameter Varying (LPV) systems subject to sensor faults, with the novel feature that, instead of hiding the ...
    • A bounded-error approach to simultaneous state and actuator fault estimation for a class of nonlinear systems 

      Buciakowski, Mariusz; Witczak, Marcin; Puig Cayuela, Vicenç; Rotondo, Damiano; Nejjari Akhi-Elarab, Fatiha; Korbicz, Jozef (2017-04-01)
      Open Access
      This paper proposes an approach for the joint state and fault estimation for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems with simultaneous unknown input and actuator faults. This is achieved by designing an unknown input observer ...
    • A fault-hiding approach for the switching quasi-LPV fault-tolerant control of a four-wheeled omnidirectional mobile robot 

      Rotondo, Damiano; Puig Cayuela, Vicenç; Nejjari Akhi-Elarab, Fatiha; Romera Formiguera, Juli (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2015-06-01)
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      This paper proposes a reference model approach for the trajectory tracking of a four-wheeled omnidirectional mobile robot. In particular, the error model is brought to a quasi-linear-parameter-varying (LPV) form suitable ...
    • A Framework for RNAV trajectory generation minimizing noise nuisances 

      Prats Menéndez, Xavier; Nejjari Akhi-Elarab, Fatiha; Puig Cayuela, Vicenç; Quevedo Casín, Joseba Jokin; Mora Camino, F. (Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, 2006-06)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      In this work it is presented a framework for a global optimization tool that will take into account air craft dynamics and performances, noise nuisances and RNAV radionavigation requirements in order to assess an optimum ...
    • A project-oriented course on guidance and control of autonomous aerial vehicles 

      Nejjari Akhi-Elarab, Fatiha; Morcego Seix, Bernardo; Puig Cayuela, Vicenç; Trapiello Fernández, Carlos (Elsevier, 2020)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      In this paper, a project oriented course on guidance and control of autonomous aerial vehicles (UAVs) is presented. The paper describes the di erent modules of the course and how they are addressed using the project oriented ...
    • A recursive LMI-based algorithm for efficient vertex reduction in LPV systems 

      Sanjuan Gómez, Adrián; Rotondo, Damiano; Nejjari Akhi-Elarab, Fatiha; Sarrate Estruch, Ramon (2021-01-01)
      Open Access
      This paper proposes a new algorithm to reduce the number of gains of a polytopic LPV controller considering generic tuples of vertices, for which a common controller gain can be used. The use of Frobenius norm and the ...
    • A set-based prognostics approach for wind turbine blade health monitoring 

      Khoury, Boutrous; Puig Cayuela, Vicenç; Nejjari Akhi-Elarab, Fatiha (Elsevier, 2022)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      This paper presents a model-based prognostics procedure using a zonotopic Kalman filter in tandem with a zonotopic set-based propagation of degradation, aiding in the quantification of uncertainties associated with ...
    • A set-based uncertainty quantification of evolving fuzzy models for data-driven prognostics 

      Khoury, Boutrous; Bessa, Iury; Nejjari Akhi-Elarab, Fatiha; Puig Cayuela, Vicenç (Springer, 2022)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      Recent years have seen a great deal of innovation in the field of systems prognostics and health management. However, even with these advancements, some pertinent issues related with uncertainty in remaining useful life ...
    • A shifting pole placement approach for the design of parameter-scheduled state-feedback controllers 

      Rotondo, Damiano; Nejjari Akhi-Elarab, Fatiha; Puig Cayuela, Vicenç (2013)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      In this paper, the problem of designing a parameter-scheduled state-feedback controller is investigated. The main novelty and contribution of this paper is the extension of the classical regional pole placement problem, ...
    • A virtual actuator and sensor approach for fault tolerant control of LPV systems 

      Rotondo, Damiano; Nejjari Akhi-Elarab, Fatiha; Puig Cayuela, Vicenç (2014-03-01)
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      In this paper, a fault tolerant control (FTC) strategy using virtual actuators and sensors for linear parameter varying (LPV) systems is proposed. The main idea of this FTC method, initially developed for LTI systems, is ...
    • A virtual actuator approach for fault tolerant control of switching LPV systems 

      Rotondo, Damiano; Puig Cayuela, Vicenç; Nejjari Akhi-Elarab, Fatiha (2014)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      In this paper, virtual actuators are proposed as a Fault Tolerant Control (FTC) strategy for switching Linear Parameter Varying (LPV) systems subject to actuator faults. The overall solution relies on the addition of a ...
    • A virtual actuator approach for the fault tolerant control of unstable linear systems subject to actuator saturation and fault isolation delay 

      Rotondo, Damiano; Ponsart, J. C.; Theilliol, Didier; Nejjari Akhi-Elarab, Fatiha; Puig Cayuela, Vicenç (2015-01-01)
      Open Access
      This paper presents a fault tolerant control (FTC) strategy for unstable linear systems subject to actuator saturation and fault isolation delay. The solution relies on virtual actuators, an active fault-hiding method that ...
    • Abnormal quality detection and isolation in water distribution networks using simulation models 

      Nejjari Akhi-Elarab, Fatiha; Pérez Magrané, Ramon; Puig Cayuela, Vicenç; Quevedo Casín, Joseba Jokin; Cugueró Escofet, Miquel Àngel; Sanz Estapé, Gerard; Mirats Tur, Josep Maria (2011)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - author's decision
    • Abnormal quality detection and isolation in water distribution networks using simulation models 

      Nejjari Akhi-Elarab, Fatiha; Pérez Magrané, Ramon; Puig Cayuela, Vicenç; Quevedo Casín, Joseba Jokin; Sarrate Estruch, Ramon; Cugueró Escofet, Miquel Àngel; Sanz Estapé, Gerard; Mirats, J M (2012-11-16)
      Open Access
      This paper proposes a model based detection and localisation method to deal with abnormal quality levels based on the chlorine measurements and chlorine sensitivity analysis in a water distribution network. A fault isolation ...
    • Actuator fault estimation using optimization-based learning techniques for linear parameter varying systems with unreliable scheduling parameters 

      Sanjuan Gómez, Adrián; Nejjari Akhi-Elarab, Fatiha; Sarrate Estruch, Ramon (Elsevier, 2024-01-01)
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      A novel fault diagnosis procedure is proposed in this paper to estimate faults using a linear parameter varying (LPV) model whose scheduling parameters depend on the fault. A wrong determination of the operating conditions ...
    • Actuator multiplicative fault estimation in discrete-time LPV systems using switched observers 

      Rotondo, Damiano; López Estrada, Francisco Ronay; Nejjari Akhi-Elarab, Fatiha; Ponsart, J. C.; Theilliol, Didier; Puig Cayuela, Vicenç (2016-09-01)
      Open Access
      This paper proposes an observer for the joint state and fault estimation devoted to discrete-time linear parameter varying (LPV) systems subject to actuator faults. The major contribution of this work is that the observer ...
    • Adaptive observer for switching linear parameter-varying (LPV) systems 

      Rotondo, Damiano; Reppa, Vasso; Puig Cayuela, Vicenç; Nejjari Akhi-Elarab, Fatiha (2014)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      In this paper, the problem of joint state and parameter estimation in switching Linear Parameter-Varying (LPV) systems is considered. The proposed solution relies on an adaptive observer, which is designed finding a solution ...
    • Aircraft annoyance minimization around urban airports based on fuzzy logic 

      Quevedo Casín, Joseba Jokin; Prats Menéndez, Xavier; Nejjari Akhi-Elarab, Fatiha; Puig, Vicenç (GERAD; École Polytechnique de Montréal; Cadi Ayyad University, 2007-05)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      This paper presents a strategy based on fuzzy logic and lexicographic multi-objective optimization for designing noise abatement procedures aimed at reducing the noise exposure of the population living around the airports. ...
    • An interval NLPV parity equations approach for fault detection and isolation of a wind farm 

      Blesa Izquierdo, Joaquim; Jiménez, Pedro; Rotondo, Damiano; Nejjari Akhi-Elarab, Fatiha; Puig Cayuela, Vicenç (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2014-12-25)
      Open Access
      In this paper, the problem of fault diagnosis of a wind farm is addressed using interval nonlinear parameter varying (NLPV) parity equations. Fault detection is based on the use of parity equations assuming unknown but ...
    • An LMI approach to robust fault estimation for a class of nonlinear systems 

      Witczak, Marcin; Buciakowski, Mariusz; Puig Cayuela, Vicenç; Rotondo, Damiano; Nejjari Akhi-Elarab, Fatiha (2015-06-01)
      Open Access
      The paper presents a robust fault estimation approach for a class of nonlinear discrete-time systems. In particular, two sources of uncertainty are present in the considered class of systems, that is, an unknown input and ...