Now showing items 1-20 of 46

    • A mediterranean nocturnal heavy rainfall and tornadic event. Part I: overview, damage survey and radar analysis 

      Van der Velde, Oscar Arnoud; Bech, Joan; Pineda Rüegg, Nicolau; Rigo, Tomeu; Aran, Montserrat; Amaró, Jésica; Gayà, M; Arús, J; Montañá Puig, Juan (2011-01-03)
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      This study presents an analysis of a severe weather case that took place during the early morning of the 2nd of November 2008, when intense convective activity associated with a rapidly evolving low pressure system affected ...
    • A mediterranean nocturnal heavy rainfall and tornadic event. Part II: total lightning analysis 

      Pineda Rüegg, Nicolau; Bech, Joan; Rigo, Tomeu; Montañá Puig, Juan (2010-11-09)
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      On the night from 1st to 2nd of November 2008, a multi-cell storm coming from the Mediterranean produced severe weather in the coastal area of Catalonia (NE Spain): groundlevel strong damaging wind gusts, a tornado – ...
    • A propagative model for simulations of electric fields produced by downward leaders 

      Hermoso Costa, Juan Ramón; Montañá Puig, Juan; March Nomen, Víctor; Van der Velde, Oscar Arnoud; Solà de las Fuentes, Glòria; Romero Durán, David; Hermoso Alameda, Blas; Pineda Rüegg, Nicolau (2012-07-13)
      Open Access
      Comparisons of simulated downward negative leaders with experimental measurements are presented in this paper. In order to simplify, the leaders are considered to progress vertically and charge distributions and leader ...
    • A study of thunderstorm characteristics using lightning and weather radar observations 

      Pineda Rüegg, Nicolau; Bech, Joan; Rigo, Tomeu; Montañá Puig, Juan (2004)
      Conference lecture
      Restricted access - author's decision
      The main objective of this study was to give insight into the temporal and spatial aspects of lightning activity during the life cycle of diverse types of thunderstorms, and to examine the possible relationships with ...
    • An observational description of a tornadic severe weather event 

      Bech, Joan; Pineda Rüegg, Nicolau; Aran, M; Amaro, J; Gayà, M; Arús, J; Montañá Puig, Juan; Van der Velde, Oscar Arnoud (2009)
      Conference lecture
      Restricted access - author's decision
      This study presents an analysis of a severe weather case study that took place during the early morning of the 2nd of November 2008, when intense convective activity associated to a rapidly evolving low pressure system ...
    • Analysis of energetic radiation associated with thunderstorms in the Ebro delta region in Spain 

      Fabró Tàpia, Ferran; Montañá Puig, Juan; Pineda Rüegg, Nicolau; Argemí Ribera, Oriol; Van der Velde, Oscar Arnoud; Romero Durán, David; Soula, Serge (2016-08-25)
      Open Access
      The analysis of high-energy background radiation (0.1 – 2 MeV) enhancements during eight winter thunderstorms and ¿ve summer storms in the Ebro delta region in the northeast of Spain is presented. For the ¿rst time, ...
    • Analysis of the electric field changes due to lightning during Catalonia thunderstorms in Summer 2003 

      Montañá Puig, Juan; Bergas Jané, Joan Gabriel; Pineda Rüegg, Nicolau; Bech, Joan; Rigo, Tomeu; Illa Arnau, Àngel; Hermoso Alameda, Blas (2004)
      Conference lecture
      Restricted access - author's decision
      Electric fields related to lightning close to storms were measured in the Catalonian region (NE of Spain) in summer 2003. The aim of this campaign was the data collection to study the total electrical charge involved in ...
    • Analysis of the lightning production of convective cells 

      Figueras i Ventura, Jordi; Pineda Rüegg, Nicolau; Besic, Nikola; Grazioli, Jacopo; Hering, Alessandro; Van der Velde, Oscar Arnoud; Romero Durán, David; Sunjerga, A.; Mostajabi, A.; Azadifar, M.; Rubinstein, M.; Montañá Puig, Juan; Germann, Urs; Rachidi-Haeri, Farhad (2019-10-22)
      Open Access
      This paper presents an analysis of the lightning production of convective cells. The cells were detected by the MeteoSwiss Thunderstorms Radar Tracking (TRT) algorithm in the course of a lightning measurement campaign that ...
    • Avaluació amb imatges de satèl.lit de les propietats físiques del sòl requerides en models meteorològics 

      Pineda Rüegg, Nicolau (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2004-11-15)
      Doctoral thesis
      Open Access
      L'important increment de la capacitat de càlcul computacional que s'ha donat en els últims anys ha fet que els models numèrics meteorològics hagin pogut assolir resolucions de treball molt fines. Ara bé, aquest increment ...
    • Characteristics of lightning flashes generating dancing sprites above thunderstorms 

      Soula, Serge; Mlynarczyk, Janusz; Fullekrug, Martin; Georgis, Jean-Francois; Pineda Rüegg, Nicolau; Van der Velde, Oscar Arnoud; Montañá Puig, Juan; Fabró Tàpia, Ferran (2017)
      Conference lecture
      Open Access
      During the night of October 29-30, 2013, a low-light video camera at Pic du Midi (2877 m) in the French Pyrénées, recorded TLEs above a very active storm over the Mediterranean Sea. The minimum cloud top temperature reached ...
    • Characteristics of lightning related to wildfire ignitions in Catalonia 

      Pineda Rüegg, Nicolau; Montañá Puig, Juan; Van der Velde, Oscar Arnoud (2012-07-21)
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      What are the characteristics of lightning that influence the probability that an individual stroke will ignite a wildfire? It is generally accepted that long continuing current following some return strokes is the cause ...
    • Charge structure of two tropical thunderstorms in Colombia 

      López Trujillo, Jesús Alberto; Montañá Puig, Juan; Van der Velde, Oscar Arnoud; Pineda Rüegg, Nicolau; Salvador Yuste, Albert; Romero Durán, David; Aranguren Fino, Harby Daniel; Taborda, John (2019-04-23)
      Open Access
      Charge structure derived from lightning leader development of tropical thunderstorms comprising equatorial latitudes of < ±10° has not been investigated yet. In this work, using a Lightning Mapping Array (LMA) installed ...
    • Comparison between high-speed video recordings of lightning and the detections of the Catalan Lightning Location Network (XDDE) 

      Montañá Puig, Juan; Pineda Rüegg, Nicolau; Solà de las Fuentes, Glòria; Van der Velde, Oscar Arnoud; Romero Durán, David; Aranguren Fino, Daniel (2010)
      Conference lecture
      Open Access
      Lightning detections of the Catalan Lightning Location Network (XDDE) are compared with high speed video recordings carried out in Spain during summer 2009. At that time the XDDE was composed by four sensors: two SAFIR 3000 ...
    • Dancing sprites: detailed analysis of two case studies 

      Soula, Serge; Mlynarczyk, Janusz; Fullekrug, Martin; Pineda Rüegg, Nicolau; Georgis, Jean-Francois; Van der Velde, Oscar Arnoud; Montañá Puig, Juan; Fabró Tàpia, Ferran (2017-03-27)
      Open Access
      On 29–30 October 2013, a low-light video camera installed at Pic du Midi (2877¿m), recorded transient luminous events above a very active storm over the Mediterranean Sea. The minimum cloud top temperature reached -73°C, ...
    • El delta de l’Ebre: mirador privilegiat per a l’observació de llamps i d’altres fenòmens elèctrics 

      Pineda Rüegg, Nicolau; Montañá Puig, Juan; Van der Velde, Oscar Arnoud; Romero Durán, David (2012-06-27)
      Open Access
      El delta de l’Ebre presenta les característiques idònies per ser un gran laboratori a l’aire lliure per a l’observació de llamps i d’altres fenòmens elèctrics, que tenen lloc per sobre dels núvols de tempesta. Aquests ...
    • Estudi de l'episodi tornàdic nocturn amb precipitacions intenses del 2 de novembre de 2008 a Catalunya 

      Van der Velde, Oscar Arnoud; Bech, Joan; Pineda Rüegg, Nicolau; Rigo, Tomeu; Aran, Montserrat; Amaró, Jésica; Gayà, M; Arús, J; Montañá Puig, Juan (2010)
      Conference lecture
      Restricted access - author's decision
      Aquest estudi presenta una anàlisi d’un episodi de temps sever que va tenir lloc la matinada del 2 de novembre de 2008, quan la costa sud de Catalunya va estar afectada per una intensa depressió que va dur associada ...
    • High-speed observations of transient luminous events and lightning (The 2008/2009 Ebro Valley campaign) 

      Montañá Puig, Juan; Van der Velde, Oscar Arnoud; Soula, Serge; Romero Durán, David; Pineda Rüegg, Nicolau; Solà de las Fuentes, Glòria; March Nomen, Víctor (2010)
      Conference lecture
      Restricted access - author's decision
    • High-speed video of lightning and x-ray pulses during the 2009–2010 observation campaigns in northeastern Spain 

      Montañá Puig, Juan; Van der Velde, Oscar Arnoud; March Nomen, Víctor; Romero Durán, David; Solà de las Fuentes, Glòria; Pineda Rüegg, Nicolau (2012-11-01)
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      This paper summarizes results obtained by the 2009–2010 field campaigns conducted in northeastern Spain using a high speed camera, VHF interferometer, VLF lightning location system and scintillation detectors for energetic ...
    • High-speed video recordings of lightning, electric fields and high-energy detections during thunderstorms in Catalonia Spain 

      Montañá Puig, Juan; Van der Velde, Oscar Arnoud; Romero Durán, David; Pineda Rüegg, Nicolau; Betz, H.D.; March Nomen, Víctor; Solà de las Fuentes, Glòria (2010)
      Conference lecture
      Open Access
      High-speed video recordings of natural lightning flashes show amazing details of this phenomenon. The paper summarizes the results of the 2009 measurement campaign where the combination of electric fields, total ...
    • Lightning Mapping Array in Ebre’s Delta: campaign 2011 results. Comparison with other LLS 

      Montañá Puig, Juan; Van der Velde, Oscar Arnoud; Pineda Rüegg, Nicolau (2012)
      Restricted access - author's decision