Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • A programmable accelerator for streaming automatic speech recognition on edge devices 

      Pinto Rivero, Dennis; Arnau Montañés, José María; González Colás, Antonio María (2022)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) is quickly becoming a mainstream technology, mainly driven by the outstanding accuracy achieved by modern systems based on machine learning. However, these systems often require billions ...
    • Acceleration of automatic speech recognition for low-power devices 

      Pinto Rivero, Dennis (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2022-11-09)
      Doctoral thesis
      Open Access
      (English) In this thesis, we study the challenges preventing ASR deployment on edge devices and propose innovations to tackle them, hopefully moving the technology a step forward to the future. First, we characterize ...
    • Design and evaluation of an ultra low-power human-quality speech recognition system 

      Pinto Rivero, Dennis; Arnau Montañés, José María; González Colás, Antonio María (2020-11)
      Open Access
      Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) has experienced a dramatic evolution since pioneer development of Bell Lab’s single-digit recognizer more than 50 years ago. Current ASR systems have taken advantage of the tremendous ...