Browsing by Author "Ahmad, Fayyaz"
Now showing items 1-15 of 15
A higher order frozen Jacobian iterative method for solving Hamilton-Jacobi equations
Alzahrani, Ebraheem O.; Alaidarous, Eman; Younas, Arshad M. M.; Ahmad, Fayyaz; Ahmad, Shamshad; Ahmad, Shahid (2016-01-01)
Restricted access - publisher's policyIt is well-known that the solution of Hamilton-Jacobi equation may have singularity i.e., the solution is non-smooth or nearly non-smooth. We construct a frozen Jacobian multi-step iterative method for solving Hamilton-Jacobi ... -
A Parameterized multi-step Newton method for solving systems of nonlinear equations
Ahmad, Fayyaz; Tohidi, Emran; Carrasco, Juan A. (2016-03-01)
Open AccessWe construct a novel multi-step iterative method for solving systems of nonlinear equations by introducing a parameter. to generalize the multi-step Newton method while keeping its order of convergence and computational ... -
A preconditioned iterative method for solving systems of nonlinear equations having unknown multiplicity
Ahmad, Fayyaz; Bhutta, Toseef Akhter ; Sohaib, Umar; Ullah, Malik Zaka; Alshomrani, Ali Saleh; Ahmad, Shamshad; Ahmad, Shahid (2017-01-18)
Open AccessA modification to an existing iterative method for computing zeros with unknown multiplicities of nonlinear equations or a system of nonlinear equations is presented. We introduce preconditioners to nonlinear equations or ... -
An efficient iterative method for computing deflections of Bernoulli–Euler–von Karman beams on a nonlinear elastic foundation
Ahmad, Fayyaz; Jang, Taek Soo; Carrasco, Juan A.; Shafiq Ur, Rehman; Ali, Zulfiqar; Ali, Nukhaze (2018-10-01)
Open AccessAn efficient iterative method is developed for the static analysis of large deflections of an infinite beam with variable cross-section resting on a nonlinear foundation. A pseudo spring constant is added and explicit ... -
An efficient method for the static deflection analysis of an infinite beam on a nonlinear elastic foundation of one-way spring model
Ahmad, Fayyaz; Ullah, Malik Zaka; Jang, Taek Soo; Alaidarous, Eman (2017-10-03)
Open AccessAn efficient numerical iterative method is constructed for the static deflection of an infinite beam on a nonlinear elastic foundation. The proposed iterative scheme consists of quasilinear method (QLM) and Green’s function ... -
Comment on: "On the Kung-Traub Conjecture for iterative methods for solving quadratic equations" Algorithms 2016, 9, 1
Ahmad, Fayyaz (2016-06)
Open AccessKung-Traub conjecture states that an iterative method without memory for finding the simple zero of a scalar equation could achieve convergence order 2(d-1), and d is the total number of function evaluations. In an article ... -
Constructing frozen Jacobian iterative methods for solving systems of nonlinear equations, associated with ODEs and PDEs using the homotopy
Qasim, Uswah; Ali, Zulifgar; Ahmad, Fayyaz; Serra Capizzano, Stefano; Ullah, Malik Zaka; Asma, Mir (2016-03-01)
Open AccessA homotopy method is presented for the construction of frozen Jacobian iterative methods. The frozen Jacobian iterative methods are attractive because the inversion of the Jacobian is performed in terms of LUfactorization ... -
Frozen Jacobian iterative method for solving systems of nonlinear equations: application to nonlinear IVPs and BVPs
Ullah, Malik Zaka; Ahmad, Fayyaz; Alshomrani, Ali Saleh; Alzahrani, A. K.; Alghamdi, Metib Said; Ahmad, Shamshad; Ahmad, Shahid (2016-12-01)
Restricted access - publisher's policyFrozen Jacobian iterative methods are of practical interest to solve the system of nonlinear equations. A frozen Jacobian multi-step iterative method is presented. We divide the multi-step iterative method into two parts ... -
Frozen Jacobian multistep iterative method for solving nonlinear IVPs and BVPs
Ahmad, Fayyaz; Shafiq Ur, Rehman; Ullah, Malik Zaka; Aljahdali, Hani Moaiteq; Alshomrani, Ali Saleh; Carrasco, Juan A.; Ahmad, Shamshad (2017-01-01)
Open AccessIn this paper, we present and illustrate a frozen Jacobian multistep iterative method to solve systems of nonlinear equations associated with initial value problems (IVPs) and boundary value problems (BVPs). We have used ... -
Higher order multi-step iterative method for computing the numerical solution of systems of nonlinear equations: Application to nonlinear PDEs and ODEs
Ullah, Malik Zaka; Serra Capizzano, Stefano; Ahmad, Fayyaz; Alaidarous, Eman (2015-10-15)
Restricted access - publisher's policyIn the present study, we consider multi-step iterative method to solve systems of nonlinear equations. Since the Jacobian evaluation and its inversion are expensive, in order to achieve a better computational efficiency, ... -
Higher order multi-step Jarratt-like method for solving systems of nonlinear equations: application to PDEs and ODEs
Ahmad, Fayyaz; Tohidi, Emran; Ullah, Malik Zaka; Carrasco, Juan A. (2015-08-01)
Open AccessThis paper proposes a multi-step iterative method for solving systems of nonlinear equations with a local convergence order of 3m - 4, where in (>= 2) is the number of steps. The multi-step iterative method includes two ... -
Higher order Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
Ahmad, Fayyaz (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2013-09-05)
Master thesis
Restricted access - author's decisionThe smoothing kernel is the back bone of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH), a modern technique to integrate the equations of motion of a fluid. Actually, both the properties of the smoothing kernel and its smoothing ... -
Multi-step derivative-free preconditioned Newton method for solving systems of nonlinear equations
Ahmad, Fayyaz (2017-02-16)
Open AccessPreconditioning of systems of nonlinear equations modifies the associated Jacobian and provides rapid convergence. The preconditioners are introduced in a way that they do not affect the convergence order of parent iterative ... -
Multi-step frozen Jacobian iterative scheme for solving IVPs and BVPs based on higher order Fréchet derivatives
Ilyas, Iqra; Ali, Zulqar; Ahmad, Fayyaz; Ullah, Malik Zaka; Alshomrani, Ali Saleh (Punjab University, 2017-01-23)
Restricted access - publisher's policyA multi-step frozen Jacobian iterative scheme for solving system of nonlinear equations associated with IVPs (initial value problems) and BVPs (boundary value problems) is constructed. The multi-step iterative ... -
Simultaneous detection of the nonlinear restoring and excitation of a forced nonlinear oscillation: an integral approach
Ahmad, Fayyaz; Jang, Taek Soo; Park, Jinsoo; Sung, Hong Gun (2016-06-01)
Open AccessWe address in this article, how to calculate the restoring characteristic and the excitation of a nonlinear forced oscillating system. Under the assumption that the forced nonlinear oscillator has a periodic solution with ...