Now showing items 1-20 of 57

    • A biased random-key genetic algorithm for the capacitated minimum spanning tree problem 

      Ruiz Ruiz, Hector Efrain; Albareda Sambola, Maria; Fernández Aréizaga, Elena; Resende, Mauricio G. C. (2015-05)
      Open Access
      This paper focuses on the capacitated minimum spanning tree(CMST)problem.Given a central processor and a set of remote terminals with specified demands for traffic that must flow between the central processor and terminals,the ...
    • A branch-and-cut algorithm for the multidepot rural postman problem 

      Fernández Aréizaga, Elena; Laporte, Gilbert; Rodríguez Pereira, Jessica (2018-03)
      Open Access
      This paper considers the Multidepot Rural Postman Problem, an extension of the classical Rural Postman Problem in which there are several depots instead of only one. The aim is to construct a minimum cost set of routes ...
    • A branch-and-price algorithm for the Aperiodic Multi-Period Service Scheduling Problem 

      Fernández Aréizaga, Elena; Kalcsics, Jörg; Núñez del Toro, Alma Cristina (Elsevier, 2017-12-16)
      Open Access
      This paper considers the multi-period service scheduling problem with an aperiodic service policy. In this problem, a set of customers who periodically require service over a finite time horizon is given. To satisfy the ...
    • A flow formulation for the optimum communication spanning tree 

      Fernández Aréizaga, Elena; Luna Mota, Carlos; Hildenbrandt, Achim; Reinelt, Gerard; Wiesberg, Stefan (Universidad de La Laguna, 2013)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      In this paper we address the Optimum Communication Spanning Tree Problem. We present a formulation that uses three index variables and we propose several families of inequalities, which can be used to reinforce the ...
    • A novel model for arc territory design: promoting Eulerian districts 

      Garcia Ayala, Gariela; González Velarde, José Luis; Rios Mercados, Roger; Fernández Aréizaga, Elena (2015-01-01)
      Open Access
      The problem of district design for the implementation of arc routing activities is addressed. The aim is to partition a road network into a given number of sectors to facilitate the organization of the operations to be ...
    • A two-phase solution algorithm for the Flexible Periodic Vehicle Routing Problem 

      Archetti, Claudia; Fernández Aréizaga, Elena; Huerta Muñoz, Diana Lucia (2018-11-01)
      Open Access
      The Flexible Periodic Vehicle Routing Problem is the problem of visiting a given set of customers considering a certain periodicity to attend their demands. It is a generalization of the Periodic Vehicle Routing Problem ...
    • An evaluation of urban consolidation centers through continuous analysis with non-equal market share companies 

      Roca Riu, Mireia; Estrada Romeu, Miguel Ángel; Fernández Aréizaga, Elena (2015)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      This paper analyzes the logistic cost savings caused by the implementation of Urban Consolidation Centers (UCC) in a dense area of a city. In these urban terminals, freight flows from interurban carriers are consolidated ...
    • Analysis of satellite constellations for the continuous coverage of ground regions 

      Dai, Guangming; Chen, Xiaoyu; Wang, Maocai; Fernández Aréizaga, Elena; Nguyen, Tuan Nam; Reinelt, Gerhard (2017-11-01)
      Open Access
      This paper studies the problem of analyzing multisatellite constellations with respect to their coverage capacity of areas on Earth’s surface. The geometric configuration of constellation projection points on Earth’s surface ...
    • Diseño de rutas de recogida de residuos sólidos urbanos en el área metropolitana de Barcelona 

      Bautista Valhondo, Joaquín; Pereira Gude, Jordi; Fernández Aréizaga, Elena (Universidad de La Laguna. Servicio de Publicaciones, 2006)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      Los problemas aso ciados a la recogida de residuos sólidos urbanos son muy variados. En este traba jo se presenta el problema de diseño de itinerarios de recogida y se muestran los resultados ofrecidos p or un pro cedimiento ...
    • Diseño y estudio computacional de algotimos híbridos para problemas de set partitioning 

      Fernández Aréizaga, Elena (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 1988-01-27)
      Doctoral thesis
      Open Access
    • Exact solution of hub network design problems with profits 

      Alibeyg, Armaghan; Contreras Aguilar, Iván; Fernández Aréizaga, Elena (Elsevier, 2018-04-01)
      Open Access
      This paper studies hub network design problems with profits. They consider a profit-oriented objective that measure the tradeoff between the revenue due to served commodities and the overall network design and transportation ...
    • Fix-and-relax-coordination for a multi-period location-allocation problem under uncertainty 

      Albareda Sambola, Maria; Alonso Ayuso, Antonio; Escudero Bueno, Laureano; Fernández Aréizaga, Elena; Pizarro Romero, Celeste (2013-12)
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      A multi-period discrete facility location problem is introduced for a risk neutral strategy with uncertainty in the costs and some of the requirements along the planning horizon. A compact 0–1 formulation for the Deterministic ...
    • Fixed-charge facility location problems in location science 

      Fernández Aréizaga, Elena; Landete, Mercedes (Springer, 2015-01-21)
      Part of book or chapter of book
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      Fixed-Charge Facility Location Problems are among core problems in Location Science. There is a finite set of users with demand of service and a finite set of potential locations for the facilities that will offer service ...
    • General network design : a unified view of combined location and network design problems 

      Contreras Aguilar, Iván; Fernández Aréizaga, Elena (Elsevier, 2011-06-16)
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      This paper presents a unified framework for the general network design problem which encompasses several classical problems involving combined location and network design decisions. In some of these problems the service ...
    • GEVA: geometric variability-based approaches for identifying patterns in data 

      Irigoien, I.; Arenas, Concepción; Fernández Aréizaga, Elena; Mestres, Francisco (2009-10-15)
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      This paper, arising from population studies, develops clustering algorithms for identifying patterns in data. Based on the concept of geometric variability, we have developed one polythetic-divisive and three agglomerative ...
    • Heuristic solucions to the facility location problem with general Bernoulli demands 

      Albareda Sambola, Maria; Fernández Aréizaga, Elena; Saldanha da Gama, Francisco (2017-09-28)
      Open Access
      In this paper, a heuristic procedure is proposed for the facility location problem with general Bernoulli demands. This is a discrete facility location problem with stochastic demands that can be formulated as a two-stage ...
    • Heurísticas, planos secantes y optimización subgradiente para set partitioning 

      Barceló Bugeda, Jaime; Fernández Aréizaga, Elena (Universitat Politècnica de Barcelona. Centre de Càlcul, 1988)
      Open Access
      En este artículo se estudian los problemas de Set Partitioning (SP) desde una perspectiva algorítmica. El diseño de un procedimiento heurístico permite no sólo disponer de soluciones posibles para los mismos, sino también ...
    • Hiperheurística para un problema de equilibrado de líneas de montaje usando Scatter Search 

      Bautista Valhondo, Joaquín; Fernández Aréizaga, Elena; González, JL; Laguna, Manuel (2005)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      El presente trabajo se centra en la aplicación de un procedimiento basado en Scatter Search (SS) para resolver un problema de equilibrado de líneas de montaje. Tras una intr oducción a los denominados Assembly Line ...
    • Hub network design problems with profits 

      Alibeyg, Armaghan; Contreras Aguilar, Iván; Fernández Aréizaga, Elena (2016-12-01)
      Open Access
      This paper presents a class of hub network design problems with profit-oriented objectives, which extend several families of classical hub location problems. Potential applications arise in the design of air and ground ...
    • INVESTIGACIÓ OPERATIVA (Examen 2n quadrim) 

      Fernández Aréizaga, Elena (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2007-07-06)
      Restricted access to the UPC academic community