Browsing by Author "Bladé i Castellet, Ernest"
Now showing items 1-20 of 116
A CUDA Fortran GPU-parallelised hydrodynamic tool for high-resolution and long-term eco-hydraulic modelling
Sanz Ramos, Marcos; López Gómez, David; Bladé i Castellet, Ernest; Dehghansouraki, Danial (Elsevier, 2023-03)
Open AccessEco-hydraulic models are wide extended tools to assess physical habitat suitability on aquatic environments. Currently, the application of these tools is limited to short river stretches and steady flow simulations. However, ... -
A machine learning-based surrogate model for the identification of risk zones due to off-stream reservoir failure
Silva Cancino, Nathalia; Salazar González, Fernando; Sanz Ramos, Marcos; Bladé i Castellet, Ernest (2022-08)
Open AccessApproximately 70,000 Spanish off-stream reservoirs, many of them irrigation ponds, need to be evaluated in terms of their potential hazard to comply with the new national Regulation of the Hydraulic Public Domain. This ... -
A machine learning-based surrogate model for the identification of risk zones due to off-stream reservoir failure
Silva Cancino, Nathalia; Salazar González, Fernando; Sanz Ramos, Marcos; Bladé i Castellet, Ernest (International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR), 2022)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyWith the modification of the Regulations of the Hydraulic Public Domain of Spain in 2008, approximately 70.000 owners of off-stream reservoirs are obligated to present a classification assessment on the potential risk due ... -
A probabilistic approach for off-stream reservoir failure flood hazard assessment
Sanz Ramos, Marcos; Bladé i Castellet, Ernest; Silva Cancino, Nathalia; Salazar, Fernando; López Gómez, David; Martínez Gomariz, Eduardo (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2023-06-12)
Open AccessOff-stream reservoirs are hydraulic structures that might cause severe flood damages in case of failure or improper operation. Their safety regulations usually require hydraulic studies for flood hazard and inundation zone ... -
A simple and efficient unstructured finite volume scheme for solving the shallow water equations in overland flow applications
Cea Gómez, Luis; Bladé i Castellet, Ernest (2015-07)
Open AccessThis paper presents the Decoupled Hydrological Discretisation (DHD) scheme for solving the shallow water equations in hydrological applications involving surface runoff in rural and urban basins. The name of the scheme is ... -
ACROPOLIS: a graphical user interface for classification of risk for off-stream reservoirs using machine learning
Silva Cancino, Nathalia; Salazar González, Fernando; Bladé i Castellet, Ernest (2024-05)
Open AccessPotential risk identification due to off-stream reservoir failure typically requires the use of two-dimensional hydraulic models, which demands considerable effort in terms of expertise, time and financial resources. ... -
Administración de recursos hídricos: protocolo para seguimiento de la gobernanza del agua en cuencas rurales
Caro Camargo, Carlos Andrés; Bladé i Castellet, Ernest (2019)
Research report
Open AccessUno de los mayores problemas y retos para la ingeniería y gestión de los recursos hídricos y ambientales es la correcta distribución y aprovechamiento del agua y el medio ambiente, de una manera sostenible. Parte del ... -
Administración del recurso hídrico: gobernanza del agua en cuencas rurales. Índice GWI
Caro Camargo, Carlos Andrés; Bladé i Castellet, Ernest; Gerónimo Soler, David (Editorial Académica Española, 2020)
Restricted access - publisher's policyUno de los mayores problemas y retos para la ingeniería y gestión de los recursos hídricos y ambientales es la correcta distribución y aprovechamiento del agua y el medio ambiente, de una manera sostenible. Parte del ... -
Ajuste del transporte de sedimentos de fondo en modelo físico y calibración del modelo numérico Iber
González, Alba; López, Daniel; Berga, Mª Isabel; Corestein Poupeau, Georgina; Bladé i Castellet, Ernest; Martín Ventura, Juan Antonio (2011)
Conference lecture
Open AccessEn esta comunicación se presentan los trabajos que se están realizando para la calibración sedimentológica del tramo seleccionado tanto en modelo físico a escala reducida, como en modelo matemático. Con este fin se han ... -
Análisis numérico 3D de las características del flujo en un canal curvo
Sánchez Cordero, Esteban; Gómez Valentín, Manuel; Bladé i Castellet, Ernest (2020-07)
Open AccessEl presente trabajo muestra un análisis numérico 3D del comportamiento del flujo de agua en un canal curvo influenciado por la presencia de un vertedero y una compuerta. La simulación numérica se realizó utilizando el ... -
Análisis numérico 3D de una rotura de presa utilizando el método VOF y el modelo de turbulencia LES
Sánchez Cordero, Esteban; Boix, Júlia; Gómez Valentín, Manuel; Bladé i Castellet, Ernest (2018-07)
Open AccessEl presente trabajo muestra un análisis numérico 3D del comportamiento del flujo de agua en una rotura de presa a escala de laboratorio. La simulación se realizó utilizando el software de dinámica de fluidos computacional ... -
Aplicabilidad de CE-QUAL-W2 para la simulación 2D (longitudinal y vertical) de la evolución de la temperatura en embalses. Casos de Sau (río Ter) y Ribarroja (río Ebro)
Arbat Bofill, Marina; Sánchez Juny, Martí; Bladé i Castellet, Ernest; Dolz Ripollès, Josep (2011)
Conference report
Open AccessEn esta comunicación se presenta el modelo bidimensional CE-QUAL-W2 (Cole & Wells, 2008) desarrollado por los profesores Tom Cole y Scott Wells del Water Research Group de la Portland State University (, ... -
Aplicación de la nueva herramienta HEC-RAS 5.0 para cálculos bidimensionales del flujo de agua en ríos
Lluén Chero, Willy Eduardo; Bladé i Castellet, Ernest (Universidad de Córdoba, 2015)
Conference lecture
Open Access -
Application of Iber hydraulic simulation model for assessing physical habitat suitability (WUA) for fish
Sanz Ramos, Marcos; Bladé i Castellet, Ernest; Alcázar, Javier; Palau, Antonio (2018)
Conference lecture
Restricted access - publisher's policyIber is a two-dimensional numerical model for simulating unsteady flows and environmental processes in river hydraulics. A new module on physical habitat suitability has been incorporated to the Iber model. This study shows ... -
Avances en el análisis del material leñoso en ríos: incorporación, transporte e influencia en el riesgo por inundaciones
Ruiz-Villanueva, Virginia; Díez-Herrero, A.; Bodoque, Jose María; Bladé i Castellet, Ernest (2015)
Open AccessEl transporte y depósito de restos de vegetación en los ríos (troncos o árboles completos, ramas y raíces, material leñoso en general) puede agravar las consecuencias de los eventos de avenida e inundación e incrementar ... -
Avances en Iber para la clasificación de balsas: proyecto ACROPOLIS
Sanz Ramos, Marcos; Bladé i Castellet, Ernest; Silva Cancino, Nathalia; Salazar, Fernando (2024-01-31)
Open AccessSe estima que en España hay alrededor de 70000 balsas. Según la legislación vigente, usuarios y administraciones tienen la obligación de clasificarlas en función del riesgo potencial frente una eventual rotura si tienen ... -
Benchmarking of the Iber capabilities for 2D free surface flow modelling
Cea Gómez, Luis; Bladé i Castellet, Ernest; Sanz Ramos, Marcos; Fraga, Ignacio; Sañudo Costoya, Esteban; García-Leal, Orlando; Gómez-Gesteira, Moncho; González-Cao, José (2020)
Open AccessIber is a software for simulating turbulent free surface unsteady flow and transport processes in shallow water flows. The hydrodynamic module of Iber solves the depth averaged two-dimensional shallow water equations (2D ... -
Changes in the hydrodynamics of a mountain river induced by dam reservoir backwater
Liro, Maciej; Ruiz Villanueva, Virginia; Mikus, Pawel; Wyzga, Bartlomiej; Bladé i Castellet, Ernest (Elsevier, 2020-11)
Open AccessUpstream from a dam reservoir, river hydrodynamics may be directly changed by temporary inundation driven by the reservoir. This triggers morphological river changes which may additionally modify the initial hydrodynamics, ... -
Characterization of wood-laden flows in rivers
Ruíz-Villanueva, Virginia; Mazzorana, Bruno; Bladé i Castellet, Ernest; Sanz Ramos, Marcos (2019-07)
Open AccessInorganic sediment is not the only solid-fraction component of river flows; flows may also carry significant amounts of large organic material (i.e., large wood), but the characteristics of these wood-laden flows (WLF) are ... -
Combining synthetic and observed data to enhance machine learning model performance for streamflow prediction
López Chacón, Sergio Ricardo; Salazar González, Fernando; Bladé i Castellet, Ernest (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2023-06)
Open AccessMachine learning (ML) models have been shown to be valuable tools employed for streamflow prediction, reporting considerable accuracy and demonstrating their potential to be part of early warning systems to mitigate flood ...