Ara es mostren els items 1-16 de 16

    • Campus BARCELONA. Paraninfo de Arquitectura - Debat constituent 

      Klymchuk, Tetiana (2019-07-14)
      Accés obert
      Presentació i discussió oberta de les activitats, agents, sistema de govern i de gestió de recursos previstos en el "Paranimf d'Arquitectura" [Música:]
    • Differentiable families of traceless matrix triples 

      García Planas, María Isabel; Klymchuk, Tetiana (springer-Verlag, 2019-12-06)
      Accés obert
      Analysis of spectra of families of sets of matrices verifying certain properties is not simple because phenomena as singularities and bifurcations appear. An excellent tool for the analysis can be making use of versal ...
    • Esferas públicas 

      Klymchuk, Tetiana (2018-11-27)
      Accés obert
      Vasa Perovic and Matija Bevk are key to an understanding of the process of the hybridisation of Western models and ties to local culture. Dealing mainly with non-profit or low-cost apartment blocks, Bevk Perovic arhitekti ...
    • Foro de Universidad, Arquitectura, Industria, Ingeniería y Sociedad. 

      Klymchuk, Tetiana (2019-04-01)
      Accés obert
      Presentació del Foro de Universidad, Arquitectura, Industria, Ingeniería y Sociedad. Presentació del projecte guanyador del Concurs d'Innovació per part dels seus autors Esteban Gallo i David Masip Conferència ...
    • Generalization of Roth's solvability criteria to systems of matrix equations 

      Dmytryshyn, Andrii; Futorny, Vyacheslav; Klymchuk, Tetiana; Sergeichuk, Vladimir V. (Elsevier, 2017-08-15)
      Accés obert
      W.E. Roth (1952) proved that the matrix equation AX-XB=C has a solution if and only if the matrices View the MathML source and View the MathML source are similar. A. Dmytryshyn and B. Kågström (2015) extended Roth's criterion ...
    • Intel·ligència artificial: on som, on anem i on podríem arribar (Contextualització de les Matemàtiques a les carreres tecnològiques de la UPC) 

      Klymchuk, Tetiana (2021-11-17)
      Accés obert
      És ben conegut que per aconseguir una major motivació i aprofitament de l’estudiantat, convé contextualitzar les ciències (matemàtiques, física,...) mitjançant aplicacions immediates a les disciplines de la carrera. En una ...
    • Lliçó inaugural curs 2018-2019 - Reconeixements i entrega de diplomes 

      Klymchuk, Tetiana (2021-07-14)
      Accés obert
      Lliçó inaugural de benvinguda als nous alumnes de l'ETSAB del curs 2018-2019. Lliurament de reconeixements i diplomes a persones vinculades a l'ETSAB premiades, personal jubilat i estudiants titulats durant el curs 2017-2018
    • Perturbation analysis of a matrix differential equation ¿x=ABx 

      García Planas, María Isabel; Klymchuk, Tetiana (UP4, Institute of Sciences, S.L., 2018)
      Accés restringit per política de l'editorial
      Two complex matrix pairs (A,B) and (A',B') are contragrediently equivalent if there are nonsingular S and R such that (A',B')=(S-1AR,R-1BS). M.I. García-Planas and V.V. Sergeichuk (1999) constructed a miniversal deformation ...
    • Regularizing algorithm for mixed matrix pencils 

      Klymchuk, Tetiana (UP4, Institute of Sciences, S.L., 2017-04-18)
      Accés obert
      P. Van Dooren (1979) constructed an algorithm for computing all singular summands of Kronecker’s canonical form of a matrix pencil. His algorithm uses only unitary transformations, which improves its numerical stability. ...
    • Roth’s solvability criteria for the matrix equations AX - XB^ = C and X - AXB^ = C over the skew field of quaternions with aninvolutive automorphism q ¿ qˆ 

      Futorny, Vyacheslav; Klymchuk, Tetiana; Sergeichuk, Vladimir V. (Elsevier, 2016-12-01)
      Accés obert
      The matrix equation AX-XB = C has a solution if and only if the matrices A C 0 B and A 0 0 B are similar. This criterion was proved over a field by W.E. Roth (1952) and over the skew field of quaternions by Huang ...
    • Stratification theory of matrix pairs under equivalence and contragredient equivalence 

      Klymchuk, Tetiana (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2019-06-21)
      Accés obert
      We develop the theory of perturbations of matrix pencils basing on their miniversal deformations. Several applications of this theory are given. All possible Kronecker pencils that are canonical forms of pencils in an ...
    • Structural stability of matrix pencils and matrix pairs under contragredient equivalence 

      García Planas, María Isabel; Klymchuk, Tetiana (2019-01-01)
      Accés obert
      A complex matrix pencil A-¿B is called structurally stable if there exists its neighborhood in which all pencils are strictly equivalent to this pencil. We describe all complex matrix pencils that are structurally stable. ...
    • Structural stability of pairs of matrices under contragredient equivalence 

      García Planas, María Isabel; Klymchuk, Tetiana (2019)
      Accés obert
      A complex matrix pencil A-¿B is called structurally stable if there exists its neighborhood in which all pencils are strictly equivalent to this pencil. We describe all complex matrix pencils that are structurally stable. ...
    • Tame systems of linear and semilinear mappings and representation-tame biquivers 

      Klymchuk, Tetiana (2016-02-26)
      Accés obert
      We study systems of linear and semilinear mappings considering them as representations of a directed graph G with full and dashed arrows: a representation of G is given by assigning to each vertex a complex vector space, ...
    • Versal deformations of matrix products 

      García Planas, María Isabel; Klymchuk, Tetiana (springer-Verlag, 2019)
      Accés restringit per política de l'editorial
      For each pair (A, B) of m×n and n×m complex matrices, García-Planas and Sergeichuk (Linear Algebra Appl 302(303):45–61, 1999) constructed a family of pairs (Ags,Bgs) of a simple form to which all matrix pairs (A',B') close ...
    • Wildness of the problems of classifying two-dimensional spaces of commuting linear operators and certain Lie algebras 

      Futorny, Vyacheslav; Klymchuk, Tetiana; Petravchukc, Anatolii P.; Sergeichuk, Vladimir V. (Elsevier, 2018-01-01)
      Accés obert
      For each two-dimensional vector space V of commuting n×n matrices over a field F with at least 3 elements, we denote by V˜ the vector space of all (n+1)×(n+1) matrices of the form [A¿00] with A¿V. We prove the wildness of ...