Browsing by Author "Bairán García, Jesús Miguel"
Now showing items 1-20 of 112
1D and 3D analysis of anchorage in naturally corroded specimens
Fernández Pérez, Ignacio; Tahershamsi, Mohamed; Marí Bernat, Antonio Ricardo; Bairán García, Jesús Miguel; Lundgren, Karin; Hanjari, Kamyab Zandi; Plos, Mario (Université Laval, 2014)
Conference report
Open AccessCorrosion of reinforcement causes cracking and spalling of concrete cover which affects the bond; this is a crucial factor in deterioration of concrete structures. Earlier, tests have been carried out on specimens with ... -
3D FEM model development from 3D optical measurement technique applied to corroded steel bars
Fernández Pérez, Ignasi; Bairán García, Jesús Miguel; Marí Bernat, Antonio Ricardo (2016-10-15)
Open AccessUnderstanding the mechanical effects of the corrosion pits on the steel surface requires an accurate definition of their geometry and distribution along the rebar. 3D optical measurement technique is used to obtain the ... -
A direct performance based seismic design method for irregular structures
Montoya Coronado, Luis Alberto; Bairán García, Jesús Miguel (2017)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyThe problem of designing structures to achieve a specified performance limit state has gain interest in seismic design practice. Currently, some methodologies have been proposed in order to take into account for inelastic ... -
A discussion on the reliability of prEN1992-1-1:2021 shear strength provisions for fibre reinforced concrete members without shear reinforcement
Tošić, Nikola; Bairán García, Jesús Miguel; Fernández Ruíz, Miguel; Fuente Antequera, Albert de la (Springer, 2023)
Part of book or chapter of book
Restricted access - publisher's policyThe Eurocode 2 for the design of concrete structures (EN1992-1-1:2004) is undergoing a revision that will lead to the publication of the second generation of this code to be used across all CEN member countries. Therefore, ... -
A frame element model for the analysis of reinforced concrete structures under shear and bending
Mohr, Stefen; Bairán García, Jesús Miguel; Marí Bernat, Antonio Ricardo (2010-10-01)
Restricted access - publisher's policyModeling the response of reinforced concrete structures under combined shear and normal forces involves handling the anisotropic behavior that takes place in the post-cracked and ultimate ranges. Current 2D (plane-stress ... -
A new concrete plastic-damage model with an evolutive dilatancy parameter
Poliotti, Mauro; Bairán García, Jesús Miguel (Elsevier, 2019-04-04)
Open AccessTypical plastic-damage models for concrete use a constant dilatancy parameter. On problems sensitive to confinement and shear softening, this parameter needs ad hoc calibration to fit experimental observations. This makes ... -
A new punching shear mechanical model for reinforced concrete slabs with and without punching reinforcement
Marí Bernat, Antonio Ricardo; Cladera Bohigas, Antoni; Ribas González, Carlos Rodrigo; Bairán García, Jesús Miguel; Oller Ibars, Eva (2017)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyA punching shear strength mechanical model for RC slabs with and w/o punching reinforcement, based on a previous shear model developed by the authors, is presented. The identified differences between shear and punching ... -
A non-linear coupled model for the analysis of reinforced concrete sections under bending, shear, torsion and axial forces
Bairán García, Jesús Miguel (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2005-12-15)
Doctoral thesis
Open AccessLa mayoría de las estructuras de hormigón armado se someten a solicitaciones combinadas de esfuerzos axiles, flexión, cortante y torsión. La fisuración del hormigón, plastificación de las armaduras y otros efectos no-lineales ... -
A punching shear mechanical model for reinforced concrete flat slabs with and without shear reinforcement
Marí Bernat, Antonio Ricardo; Cladera Bohigas, Antoni; Oller Ibars, Eva; Bairán García, Jesús Miguel (2018-07)
Open AccessA punching shear strength mechanical model for RC flat slabs with and without shear reinforcement, based on a beam shear model previously developed by the authors, is presented. The differences in resisting actions between ... -
A variable order framework for 3D nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete frames under general loading
Poliotti, Mauro; Bairán García, Jesús Miguel; Moller, O. (Elsevier, 2021-09)
Open AccessA framework for the analysis of three-dimensional reinforced concrete frame structures, capable of reproducing general failure modes, is presented. A force-based model which guarantees the equilibrium between nodal and ... -
Agile analysis of life-cycle damage cost of concrete frame structures under earthquake
Bairán García, Jesús Miguel; García, Mario (Taylor & Francis Group, 2023)
Part of book or chapter of book
Open AccessSeismic events can produce damage and collapse of constructions, impacting the expected life-cycle cost and out-of-service time. Past seismic events showed that socioeconomic consequences at community scale are dramatic, ... -
Analysis of FRP shear strengthening solutions for reinforced concrete beams considering debonding failure
Santos Ferreira, Denise Carina; Oller Ibars, Eva; Marí Bernat, Antonio Ricardo; Bairán García, Jesús Miguel (2016-10)
Open AccessIn this paper, a fiber beam model previously developed by the authors for the nonlinear analysis of strengthened elements, including the effects of shear, is used to predict the response of reinforced concrete (RC) beams ... -
Analysis of reinforced concrete elements strengthened by prestressed FRP laminates through non-linear and evolutive models
Oller Ibars, Eva; Marí Bernat, Antonio Ricardo; Bairán García, Jesús Miguel (2011)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyIn this paper a non-linear and time dependent evolutive analysis model, previously developed by the authors, is applied to the prediction of the response of reinforced concrete structures strengthened in flexure by FRP ... -
Analysis of shear resisting actions by means of optimization of strut and tie models taking into account crack patterns
Bairán García, Jesús Miguel; Marí Bernat, Antonio Ricardo; Cladera Bohigas, Antoni (2018-09)
Open AccessThe shear resisting actions in reinforced concrete elements without transverse reinforcement is analyzed by means of optimized strut-and-tie models with concrete ties. Biaxial failure criteria are used for uncracked and ... -
Analytical modeling of reinforced concrete columns subjected to bidirectional shear
Osorio Bustamante, Edison; Bairán García, Jesús Miguel; Marí Bernat, Antonio Ricardo (2017-05-01)
Open AccessUnder general seismic loading, reinforced concrete columns may be subjected to lateral loads in more than one direction. Available experimental data on columns subjected to bidirectional forces indicate that higher levels ... -
Análisis de prestaciones en base a variables de impacto de un puente carretero bajo acciones sísmicas considerando incertidumbres
Möller, Oscar; Poliotti, Mauro; Ascheric, Juan P.; Valentini, Guido; Grossman, Sergio; Bairán García, Jesús Miguel (2022)
Conference report
Open AccessLos puentes son sistemas de conexión de gran importancia socio-económica. Se presenta la evaluación del desempeño de un puente de vigas de hormigón pretensado existente ubicado en zona de alta sismicidad, donde los objetivos ... -
Análisis de un caso de inestabilidad lateral de un viga de hormigón pretensado de gran luz en fase de izado
Fuente Antequera, Albert de la; Pialarissi Cavalaro, Sergio Henrique; Bairán García, Jesús Miguel (2017)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyLas mejoras tecnológicas de la prefabricación con hormigón han hecho competitivo el uso de vigas prefabricadas de luces cada vez mayores en comparación con otras alternativas. Sin embargo, el peso de las vigas es limitante ... -
Análisis de un caso de inestabilidad lateral de un viga de hormigón pretensado de gran luz en fase de izado
Fuente Antequera, Albert de la; Pialarissi Cavalaro, Sergio Henrique; Bairán García, Jesús Miguel (2018-09)
Open AccessLas mejoras tecnológicas de la prefabricación con hormigón han hecho competitivo el uso de vigas prefabricadas de luces cada vez mayores en comparación con otras alternativas. Sin embargo, el peso de las vigas es limitante ... -
Análisis del comportamiento sísmico de los edificios de obra de fábrica, típicos del distrito Eixample de Barcelona
Moreno González, Rosángel; Bairán García, Jesús Miguel (2011-12-15)
Open AccessEn este trabajo se realiza un estudio para evaluar la vulnerabilidad y el riesgo sísmico de los edificios de obra de fábrica de ladrillo ampliamente existentes en el distrito Eixample de Barcelona, España. Los edificios ... -
Análisis no lineal simplificado de vigas de hormigón armado sometidas a cortante: modelo numérico y validación experimental
Ferreira, Denise; Bairán García, Jesús Miguel; Marí Bernat, Antonio Ricardo (2011)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyLa presencia de fuertes esfuerzos cortantes en estructuras de hormigón armado da lugar a un comportamiento anisótropo y una cinemática alejada de la hipótesis de Navier Bernouilli, que requiere una modelización compleja. ...