Now showing items 1-20 of 97

    • A new spiral microelectrode assembly for electroporation and impedance measurements of adherent cell monolayers 

      García Sánchez, Tomás; Guitart, Maria; Rosell Ferrer, Francisco Javier; Gomez Foix, Anna Maria; Bragós Bardia, Ramon (2014-08-01)
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      In this study, a new microelectrode assembly based on spiral geometry applicable to in situ electroporation of adherent cell monolayers on standard multiwell plates is presented. Furthermore, the structure is specially ...
    • A novel dual-parameter proximity and touch sensor using SiO2 nanoparticles and NaCl with commercial acrylic-based encapsulation 

      Cedeño Mata, Kristel Michelle; Coloma Velez, Ana Gabriela; Bragós Bardia, Ramon; Domínguez Pumar, Manuel; Bermejo Broto, Sandra (Elsevier, 2024-06)
      Open Access
      This study shows the development and analysis of a novel capacity proximity sensor (CPS) based on a sensing layer made up of a mixture of silicon dioxide nanoparticles (SiO2) and sodium chloride (NaCl), and an encapsulation ...
    • A novel sensor-bridge-to-microcontroller interface 

      Custodio Ruiz, Ángel; Bragós Bardia, Ramon; Pallàs-Areny, Ramon (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2001-05)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      Sensor bridges are usually interfaced to microcontrollers by supplying the bridge with a voltage or current and digitizing the resulting voltage or current after being amplified and low-pass filtered. This paper proposes ...
    • A remote laboratory to promote the interaction between university and secondary education 

      Casany Guerrero, María José; Cabrera-Bean, Margarita; Bragós Bardia, Ramon; Pérez, Marimar; Sánchez Terrones, Benjamín; Guasch Petit, Antonio; Garófano, F.; Gomis Bellmunt, Oriol; Rius Casals, Juan Manuel (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), 2010)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      iLabRS is a remote laboratory developed in Telecom BCN, the Telecom and Electronics Engineering School of the UPC with the key participation of a Secondary Education Technology teacher. Students and teachers can access ...
    • A simplified implementation of the O.U.R. stationary liquid mass balance estimation method for on-line monitoring in animal cell production processes 

      Fontova i Sosa, Andreu Francesc; López Repullo, Jonatan; Lecina, Martí; Bragós Bardia, Ramon; Cairó, Jordi Joan (Springer, 2015)
      Conference lecture
      Open Access
    • A simplified implementation of the stationary liquid mass balance method for on-line OUR monitoring in animal cell cultures 

      Fontova i Sosa, Andreu Francesc; Lecina, Martí; López Repullo, Jonatan; Martínez Monge, Iván; Comas Sánchez, Pere; Bragós Bardia, Ramon; Cairó, Jordi Joan (2018-02-26)
      Open Access
      BACKGROUND: Compared with other methods, the stationary liquid mass balance method for oxygen uptake rate (OUR) determination offers advantages in terms of estimation accuracy and reduction of stress. However, the need for ...
    • Acció mobilitzadora per a la renovació de la metodologia docent en el primer curs dels nous graus a l'ETSETB 

      Bragós Bardia, Ramon (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Institut de Ciències de l'Educació, 2011-02-02)
      Conference lecture / Conference report
      Open Access
    • Automatic system for electroporation of adherent cells growing in standard multi-well plates 

      García Sánchez, Tomás; Guitart, Maria; Rosell Ferrer, Francisco Javier; Gomez Foix, Anna Maria; Bragós Bardia, Ramon (IEEE, 2012)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      In this study an automatic system is presented to perform electroporation, also known as electropermeabilization, on adherent cells. It is an intention of this system to apply electric field pulses directly to cells growing ...
    • Basics of broadband impedance spectroscopy measurements using periodic excitations 

      Sánchez Terrones, Benjamín; Vandersteen, Gerd; Bragós Bardia, Ramon; Schoukens, Johan (2012-08-21)
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      Measuring the impedance frequency response of systems by means of frequency sweep electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) takes time. An alternative based on broadband signals enables the user to acquire simultaneous ...
    • Bioimpedància: una eina per a l'estudi dels teixits biològics i la diagnosi mèdica 

      Bragós Bardia, Ramon (Societat Catalana de Tecnologia, 2008-10-30)
      Open Access
      La impedància elèctrica és la oposició que presenta un material al pas del corrent elèctric altern. La seva mesura dóna informació sobre aquelles propietats del material que es poden associar a la conducció elèctrica. ...
    • Boost I&E concept for urban mobility education 

      Sayrol Clols, Elisa; Roncoli, Claudio; Aba, Attila; Banfi, Miklos; Bloemer, Alexander; Bragós Bardia, Ramon; Estrada Romeu, Miguel Ángel; Macario, Rosario; Marques da Costa, Nuno; Minner, Stefan; Mohammadi, Roozbeh; Pinhas, Nathan; Shiftan, Yoram; Ribas Vila, Immaculada; Witlox, Frank (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2022-09)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      Modern higher education needs to provide skills needed in working life, such as entrepreneurship, besides the more traditional technological competence. The Boost I&E Project2 was developed in 2020 and 2021 with the aim ...
    • Cardiac tissue engineering by electrical stimulation with subcutaneous and cardiac adipose-tissue derived progenitor cells (ATDPCs) 

      Bayés-Genís, Antoni; Llucià-Valldeperas, Aida; Sánchez Terrones, Benjamín; Soler-Botija, C.; Roura, S.; Prat-Vidal, C.; Gálvez-Montón, C.; Rosell Ferrer, Francisco Javier; Bragós Bardia, Ramon (Fundació 'La Caixa', 2011)
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      A major challenge of cardiac tissue engineering is directing cells to establish the physiological structure and function of the myocardium being replaced. In native heart, pacing cells generate electrical stimuli that ...
    • Challenge based education: an approach to innovation through multidisciplinary teams of students using Design Thinking 

      Charosky Larrieu-Let, Guido; Leveratto, Luciana; Hassi, Lotta; Papageorgiou, K.; Ramos Castro, Juan José; Bragós Bardia, Ramon (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2018)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      This work aims to describe and discuss the benefits and learning outcomes detected along four iterations of a learning experience carried out by three institutions: ESADE Business School, IED Istituto Europeo di Design and ...
    • Circuits i dispositius electrònics : fonaments d'electrònica 

      Prat Viñas, Lluís; Bragós Bardia, Ramon; Chávez Domínguez, Juan Antonio; Fernández Chimeno, Mireya; Jiménez Serres, Vicente; Madrenas Boadas, Jordi; Navarro González, Eduardo; Salazar Soler, Jorge (Edicions UPC, 1998)
      Open Access
      L'obra ha estat concebuda de forma autocontinguda, de manera que la pugui seguir qualsevol lector que no tingui més coneixements previs que els que hagi adquirit durant l'etapa preuniversitària. La primera part del llibre ...
    • Contactless electrical bioimpedance system for monitoring ventilation. A biodevice for vehicle environment 

      Macías Macías, Raúl; García González, Miguel Ángel; Ramos Castro, Juan José; Bragós Bardia, Ramon; Fernández Chimeno, Mireya (SciTePress, 2013)
      Conference report
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      Nowadays, automotive companies are focused in improving road traffic safety. For that, not only the vehicle performance is improved but also the driver behavior is monitored. This could be done in many ways. One of them ...
    • Correlation study between the access mark and the performance in project-based and standard courses 

      Bragós Bardia, Ramon; Aoun, Louay; Charosky Larrieu-Let, Guido; Bermejo Broto, Sandra; Rey Micolau, Francesc; Pegueroles Vallés, Josep R. (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2022-09)
      Conference report
      Open Access
      The access mark to engineering studies is often used as an a priori success estimator. In our institution, we have observed that the correlation of the access mark with the grades obtained in project-based courses (R=0.52) ...
    • Correlation study between the performance in different engineering courses and project-based courses 

      Bermejo Broto, Sandra; Bragós Bardia, Ramon; Rey Micolau, Francesc; Pegueroles Vallés, Josep R. (NTNU SEED, 2023)
      Conference lecture
      Open Access
      In a previous study, already published (Bragós, 2022), we analyzed the correlation between the University access mark to the engineering studies with the grades obtained in projectbased courses and in non-project-based ...
    • De la teoría a la práctica: 1011 años después de la integración de la sostenibilidad en el Grado en Ingeniería Informática de la FIB 

      Climent Vilaró, Joan; Cabré Garcia, José M.; Sánchez Carracedo, Fermín; López Álvarez, David; Martín Escofet, Carme; Vidal López, Eva María; Bragós Bardia, Ramon (Asociación de Enseñantes Universitarios de la Informática (AENUI), 2020)
      Conference lecture
      Open Access
      En el año 2009, la Facultat d’Informàtica de Barcelona introdujo la sostenibilidad como una competen-cia transversal dentro de sus estudios de Grado en Ingeniería Informática. Han pasado once años desde entonces, y la forma ...
    • De la universidad a la empresa 

      Ferrone, Nanita; Ojan, Marina; Bragós Bardia, Ramon; Nordberg, Marcus (2023-02-06)
      Open Access
      De quina manera poden col·laborar les universitats i les empreses per resoldre els reptes actuals? Com es poden posar els enfocaments humanístics i tecnològics en relació per oferir solucions més sostenibles? Aquestes ...
    • Design and implementation of a microelectrode assembly for use on noncontact in situ electroporation of adherent cells 

      García Sánchez, Tomás; Sanchez Ortiz, Beatriz; Vila, Ingrid; Guitart, M.; Rosell Ferrer, Francisco Javier; Gomez Foix, Anna Maria; Bragós Bardia, Ramon (2012-10)
      Restricted access - publisher's policy
      In situ electroporation of adherent cells provides significant advantages with respect to electroporation systems for suspension cells, such as causing minimal stress to cultured cells and simplifying and saving several ...