Now showing items 1-13 of 13

    • Differentiable monotonicity-preserving schemes for discontinuous Galerkin methods on arbitrary meshes 

      Badia, Santiago; Bonilla de Toro, Jesús; Hierro Fabregat, Alba (2017-06)
      Open Access
      This work is devoted to the design of interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin (dG) schemes that preserve maximum principles at the discrete level for the steady transport and convection–diffusion problems and the respective ...
    • ERM: Examen FQ: primavera 2019 

      Caicedo Silva, Manuel Alejandro; Bonilla de Toro, Jesús (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2019-06-05)
      Restricted access to the UPC academic community
    • ERM: Examen FQ: primavera 2019 

      Caicedo Silva, Manuel Alejandro; Bonilla de Toro, Jesús (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2019-06-05)
      Restricted access to the UPC academic community
    • ERM: Examen FQ: tardor 2018 

      Caicedo Silva, Manuel Alejandro; Bonilla de Toro, Jesús (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2019-01-11)
      Restricted access to the UPC academic community
    • ERM: Examen FQ: tardor 2018 

      Bonilla de Toro, Jesús; Caicedo Silva, Manuel Alejandro (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2019-01-11)
      Restricted access to the UPC academic community
    • ERM: Examen MQ: primavera 2019 

      Caicedo Silva, Manuel Alejandro; Bonilla de Toro, Jesús (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2019-03-27)
      Restricted access to the UPC academic community
    • ERM: Examen MQ: primavera 2019 

      Caicedo Silva, Manuel Alejandro; Bonilla de Toro, Jesús (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2019-03-27)
      Restricted access to the UPC academic community
    • ERM: Examen MQ: tardor 2018 

      Caicedo Silva, Manuel Alejandro; Bonilla de Toro, Jesús (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2018-11-06)
      Restricted access to the UPC academic community
    • ERM: Examen MQ: tardor 2018 

      Caicedo Silva, Manuel Alejandro; Bonilla de Toro, Jesús (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2018-11-06)
      Restricted access to the UPC academic community
    • Implementation of finite element solvers for the compressible navier-stokes equations 

      Bonilla de Toro, Jesús (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2015-07-03)
      Master thesis
      Open Access
    • Maximum-principle preserving space–time isogeometric analysis 

      Bonilla de Toro, Jesús; Badia, Santiago (2019-09)
      Open Access
      In this work we propose a nonlinear stabilization technique for convection–diffusion–reaction and pure transport problems discretized with space–time isogeometric analysis. The stabilization is based on a graph-theoretic ...
    • Monotonicity-preserving finite element methods for hyperbolic problems 

      Bonilla de Toro, Jesús (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2019-12-17)
      Doctoral thesis
      Open Access
      This thesis covers the development of monotonicity preserving finite element methods for hyperbolic problems. In particular, scalar convection-diffusion and Euler equations are used as model problems for the discussion in ...
    • Monotonicity-preserving finite element schemes based on differentiable nonlinear stabilization 

      Badia, Santiago; Bonilla de Toro, Jesús (2017-01)
      Open Access
      In this work, we propose a nonlinear stabilization technique for scalar conservation laws with implicit time stepping. The method relies on an artificial diffusion method, based on a graph-Laplacian operator. It is nonlinear, ...